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The Comers And Goers

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W. J. Knapp, of Chelsea, was tl) the city Mtmday on business. C. C. Warner left Monday tor tlie northern part oF the state on a business trip. Prof. G. P. üoler went to Chicago ■fchis morning to attend an educationü meeting. 51rs. Harry Hawley and son, oí Chicago, are again quests of Mr. am] Mrs. C. Mack. GeoVge Remick, of Detroit, np-ent Saturday and Sunday witn his fiienii John F. Lawrence. Miss McCrfbb wae the g-uost of Prof. and Mrs. W. P. Lombard during her Btny in Aun Aiixír. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Beteer have beea entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zwergel during the week. A. F. amd Fred Freem&n, of Maneihest'eír, were at the county capita] Eaturday, on busóie-. Wm, Oooper, of Caro, is the guesí f Mr. and Mrs. James S. Giüespie, Oí S. Ingalls t., íov a time. Mrs. Flora Morton the pianist for tbe University orehestra, has beeu o the sick list íor a few days. Mr. a:nd Mrs. George W. Weeks Tent tö Detroit Saturday to attjend the ftmeral of fheir nephew R. Kerfoot. Wade Doty was up from Detroit ver Sunday to visit hLs parents Mr. aad Mrs. A. M. Doty, of E. Ann st The maoy friends of Cashier Röbert Plhillipe, of the Btate Savings Bank, are glad tosee Qiim a-bout once more. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clement have lepn ontertaining Miss Julia Gaylord end Miss Fannie Carrier, of Detroit. Chas. E. Staebler and wife have rettrrned from Omaha, Neb., where they were called by the death of Mrs .S'á fatber. Hon. Tlieodore Rosevelt, of New York, was a guest oít he Delta Kappa Epsiloin fratemity while in the city last week. State Land 0ommi6sioner AYm. A. Fremcüi, of Ivanshig, Monror, Presque Isle, etc, was in the city Saturday. Wm. A. Smith. '92 law, of Detroit, attpnded the Eastern Star party last TFednesday, and has been visiting old Iriends here the past week. Dr. Boy S.opeland will be accompaniod by Mrs. Copeland while attending the general conference of the TÜ. E. church at Cleveland. Mr. amd Mrs. George H. Frasier iave returned to their home at Adams N. Y., after a visit with their párente, Dr. and Mrs. A. K. Hale Dr. V. C. Vaughan left yesterday lor Washlngtoln, D. C, to attend a meeting of tfhe American Assoclatioa of Ptiysicians, beiore which !ie is to read a paper or twot S. S. Cory, of tlhe Michigan Central anditoT'e office, Detroit, and G. P. Oory, soliciting agent for the M. C. B. R., Ohicago, spent Sunday with their párente, at 24 E. William et. Mrs. Eliza Smith of Washtenaw av. 4as exchanged her property for Adrlan property and will leave with her son Channing and daughter Marión, tor that city in about a week or so. Harry W. Hawley lias accepted the aaanagement of the Ban Francisco ChTonicle, Senator Hearst's paper, fcotti in business and editorial manage■ïent, and has gone there to com■ïence hie duties. Wm. F. Hubbard, oí New York City, Ut. "90, was in the city the ilrst of the week. He ís now with the National Gramophone Co., 874 Broadiiray, N. T. Ht. Hubbard, when secretary of the Student 's Lecture Assoeiation, brought more Ufe and success into Uhe organization than it had experlenced for years. He appears to earry the feame wort oí vim toto business, and is making a success of life. "Which his many ïriends here will be pleased to leam. ■ The Washtenaw County Mutual Fire 3ns. Co. had four losses by lightuing on the llth inst. Eev. J. M. Gelston wiil have for his text next Sunday evening, at the Presbyterian Church, "How to Choose One's Ealling." The Detroit Journal is now handled here by George W. Goodell, and he has an office on N. Main st., just north of She Daily Times office. When papa walks the Hoor at night With gentle ooo and chirrnp. To calm his crying baby's fright Then he's a soothing sir up. An Old Folkn' Concert is to Ue giviMi at the A. M. E. churcn May ö. Tliere will be i Hobart Guild reception at Harris Hall Friday eveuing. The Political Equality Club nieets at No. 30 S. ïhayer streel, Monday, at b o'clock. All interested are invited. The womaa'8 edition of tlie Inlander luis proven Buen a successful sdler t-bat a second editiau had to be printed. The High School nine got done up by the 'OS deuts on the fair grounda Friday afternoon ly a score of 10 to 12. Tlie magazine readers, almost with one accord, will rejoice when the XRay pictures of skeletou hands, feet, etc, cease to be reproduced. Bieyclers as well as pedestrians and teams hould alwaya cling tenaciously to the mie "always turn to the rlght." in passing people. A birthday party on a large scale, and one that will be the very cutest of the season, will be given by the Woman's Auxiliary of tlie Y. W. C. A., May llth. Mother's meetings at the Y. W. C. A. rooms Tuesday arternoons at 4:00 o'clock. Topics of interest. Leader, Mirs. Gamer. Bring the little' ones if necessary. The Millennium" will 1e discussed lu the lecture next Friday eveninjf at 7:30, in the Adventiat ehurch, corner of E. tiberty and S. División bt. Thie public is invited The republican convention for the 2d congressional district, to elect two delegates and two alternates to the uational convention at St. Louis on June 16, will be held in this city tomorrow. The Y. "W". C. A. would like a list of low priced rooms and boarding places, not fax ïrom down town. Bring such addresses to their rooms any afternoon between '2 and 7. The followmg gentlemen have gone to Detjroit to attend tie democratie state convention : M. J. Cavanaugh, ArPhur Biwvn, M. J. Lehman, Judge Harriman, A. Kearney, T. D. Kearney, J. D. tRyan and Edward Duify. Cozy houT Thursday afternoon irom 2 to 6, at the Y. W. C. A. rooms Instruction in sewing and repairing, use of senving machine, Some one will read a Vjtory "while others are sewing, if so desired. Little irla invited from 4rto 6 o'clock. TJhe ehoir of the Cnitarian churcU will give a soing service Sunday evening, assisted by Miss Josephine Gaf;ney. Especial efforts have been made by tihe choir tto make this service one of gTeat interest bo the puiblic. This will be the last éervice of the kind this season. i The gra-mmar grades of our public schools will have a Patriotic lay at the High School chapel, on Friday, May 29. The ïiddress of the day will be delivered 'by State Sup't H. R. PattengiU. The G. A. R will be invited to attend in a body. This is the 2d anniversiaxy of the day. The barn of Wm. Allison of Pittefield, was sfcruck yy lightning during the storm Sunday night or Monday moTning and burned to the g round, togeöier with a horse and a lot of personal property. The barn was insured for $325 and tihe personal property for $600 ïn the Washtenaw Mutual Fire In. Co. The Ann Arbor Electric Co. are extendlng their Unes, tetting new poles and flxlng up tíieir wires quite extensively all over the city. This oompany is up to date on all their machinery and appliances as well, and keep tihetnselves in positlon to supply cuBtomers with the best of everytfliing in electric lighting. Alfred Davenport, supervisor of York, is a candidato for register of deeds o nthe democratie ticket. Alf. is on the -rong Bide but is an awful nice man just the 'same. If he will only come over to the right side of the political fence, perhaps he can have his ambition satisned.


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Ann Arbor Courier