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There Was No Mistaking The

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ment of the district convention held at the court house here Thursday. It was 'SIcKinley to the core. No ether name aroused a partiële of entluisiasm. Mr. McKinley would have ■been flattered could be have been present. It is said t.hat the thrifty, practical nd thoroughly civilized Japanese authorities have purchased 18,000 watches at $2.50 each, in Switzerland to present to the soldiere who distingulshed themselves in the iate war witli Cïhina. The Japs are bound o have good time. Ohio has passed a law to the efiect that bicycles shall go f ree as baggage upon all railroads. New York tas a similar law. The theory advanced is that the journeying wheelnan seldom has anything else to be earried, and fche railroads can aftord to earry tihe wheel if it can, a srunk. In the financial embarrassment of Jas. Ii. Hudson wí Detroit, there is ecarcely a business man in Michigan ■vho knovs liim that believes that It will betaiore than temporary. He Is a great "worker and has a master inind in the handling of largo business ventures. He lias the confidenee of the business men bf the state t,o help tide him over the adverse shoals Ue has run upon, and sometimes that goes a long way to help a person. In some stetes fthe proposition is being made to elect a county printer, the same a.s luiy other oáicer is electd, and so Becure a uniformity in all Manks and papers -used in the various eounty offices. It would also do a"way with much of the unprofessionaj throat cutting in prices. This propsitkm also carries :with it the pubEShiing of all the legal notices emanating f rom the various county offices, and secures to estates and others interested a uniformity of rates, Tv-hich will be üxed by law, in that event. The tinne is coming when the "county printer" will be an officer to be TOted ïor every four years. The republicans of New York state liave reduced taxation nearly three per cent. for the ome year they have been in power in tliat state. Senator Wolcott, of Nevada, is not prepared to politically cut his own throat even if his particular ideas about the white metal are not coneurred in by a mnjority of the republicans of tlüs nation. Some of the othev Kon:tors -from so-called silver states will do well- for themselves - to drink wisdom from the same cup that Senator Woloott luis qnatted trom. "When Win. McKlnley received a maJorlty of 329 out oí a vote oí 1,335 In tho Illinois State Convention, liis noDiination was practicaUy ettled. There will le but one ballot at St. L.OUÍS, and it is iliniMíul 11 more.than ano name is presented to the eonventioai. The poople want McKinley, and ilie people ave asserting tliemselvos la a way that makes the political bcwsee stand agliast. Had Mayor Tinree remained at home, attended strictly to business, and let liis guboraatorial boom alone, he would be anucli nearer tlie desired goal than he is ta-day. It takes an awíul smart man to go about making speeeties and not put liis foot in it. Tliis is not the first time when the itch for office has so scabbed the itches that the people have turned away from him in disgust. The assassination of the Shah ol Tersia is but a verificatiom of tlie Biblical injusction ''that tie who takes to the sword shall perish by the sword." This Shah has been a merciless butcher in ais day and lias but reaped tihe reward of a murderer of human beings. The Sultan of Turkey will do well tó heed the w&rning, for a similar event will eurely happen at Oonstantinople. It is only a question of time. The victory oí the U. of M. atwChicago last Friday veoing, in the annual contest oí the Northern Orar torical Ieague, ia -a victory which rejoioes the heart oï every lover of the yellow and blue the -world over. To win five out of sis annual contests is a thing to foe proud of, with such strong colleges to contest against, and it not otnly peaks well for the material in Michigan's great school, but ateo far the ability of the one vcho traina this material and brings out its powers. Mr. Reed can thank- Ií lie choose? todo so - some of liis own lieutenant.5 for much of the success of his rival. Major McKinley. When Benaio Chandler commenced using democratie campaign "argunients," that is using slander to 'bolster up Mr. lleed's cause, from that minute Mr. Iteeil commenced to lose and Major McKinley to gaim (support in tlie doubtful staten Tlie republican party belieVe-i in fair play, 'and does not believe in one o&ndidate slandering anotlier in the hope of thus aidlng himself. Of course Mr. Reed did not do it, but lus lieu'tenants did it without his public protest. Last week the various ambltions of Ex-CJongressman Gorman, oí Chelsea, were recited. They are being cai-ried out "vith a few extras thrown in. For instance, he was made chairmaa of the democratie etate convention at Detroit, last week, an honor not on tiis program, but the gold bug demócrata wanted a man that would carry tfhings their way, at any oost, and of course lie was their man, alfchough representing a Iree zilver ccmstituence. He proved to be the mam that liis reputation represented him to 'be, tund the convention was eo manipulated that althouga the free silverite3 ïiad at least twotliirds of the delegates, they were defeated ty their opponents, and had their hands tied and their jaws gagged into thO bargaln by a unit rule resolution. Then again Mr. Oorman was made hairman of the democratie state central committee, which was on hls program. Now for the rest.


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Ann Arbor Courier