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Resolutions Of Respect

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The followlng preamble ajidr esolutions were adopted unanimously at a recent meeting of tlic öongrégatiomal society oí Salean : Wherea, in the providente oí Almlghty God, our greatly loved sister, Mi's. Mary A. HH.-innon, who departed thiis lifefltfarcli Oth bas been alled away, removing from us a beautUu] Ohriistian lii'e, whose kind words and lovhxg deeds will long Ik; remembercd. And wifrh a 'broten heart and a broken liome, our pastor, Iíev. "W. II. .Sliannon, who ha.s-o fai:h ully preaclied to us for nearly sevon years, desires to be released at an early date from furttoer service as pastor, therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members oí ttie Second Congregational church and society of Salem, Michigan, hereby extend to our pastor and his iamily oar sincere sympathy in thelr great affliction. Kesolved, That we exprese to our high estlmatioa of the character of hls departed companion and of the work 6he so humbly and so nobly wrought among us. Resolved, That having accepted his resignation, we commend him, whereever lie may Igio to resume his ministerial work, as an able expositor o divine truth ; as a kind and faithful pastor and as an earnest and faithful worker. Resolved, That these resolutions be entered on the eociety's records, and that a copy of themi bo 6ent to our retiring pastor. JAMES H. MUBBAT, CHHAELES E. RIDER Committee. The Christian Endeavor Union of Washtenaw coumty meets at Saline on the 15 th. A Saline man received ten cents a bushei for a car load of potatoes shipped to Toledo last week. The wheel craze has not struck the Ohelsea ladies with as great force as it bas 'their sisters in-other towns. The entire upper floor of the Babcock block has been rented by the Foresters and Knights of Pythias, of Ohelsea, and is being fitted up for their uise. Fout fisfeermen were caught by Deputy Game Warden Rose of Manchester, using spears, on Bouth Lake recently, and they ■were assessed $5 by Justice TurnBull, of Oelsea, ior their law breaking fun. This is witliout doubt the most advanced spring vre have known 'n many years. Most of the fruit trees are in blossom. Foliage is well advanced. Gardens are planted and up. Flower Leda are beautiïul to look upon and we are y et in the mo-nth of April.- Saline- Observer. Yes, and the martins and chimney swallows, and Baltimore Orioles, and otfliera of the feathered tribe are here, so that vegetation is not alone in ïte prematureness. It May be all rlght.


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