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The Comers And Goers

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Mrs. James L. Baboock has returned home from Waukeuha, Wis. Mayor Walker carne tato town yesterday froon a stay at Zukey Laico. J. J. Goodyear went to Columbus Ohio, yesterday on a business trip. Saturday Alfred Paul returned from a two week's stay a Wfoitmore Lake. Mrs. 8. A. Moran and children have retumed trom their winter stay lo Florida. Mr. and Mre. Gregory B. Dibble are guetss of friends in Fllnt íor a íew days. Mre. Louise Hildner, of Detroit, has ■been visiting Aun Arbor íricuds during the week. Mrs. Dr. J.iW. Morton has been vi& ïting her father's home at Concord íor severa 1 days. Mrs. Harry W. Hawley and son lefí Monday far her tature home in San Francisco, Cal. A young lady (lias taken up her permanent abode with Mr. and llrs John Walz, Jr. Mrs. "W. B. Pliillips has gome to Carthage. N. Y., -to visit her parents for a íew weetas. City Attorney Kline has been ilJ for several days duiring the week, tut is around once more. Prof. Moses Coit Tylér, oí Ithaca, N. Y., was the guest of Prof. Harry B. Hutchins wjiile iii the city. Miss Hattie Keith was callea to Dexter Monday by the illness of her brother's wiïe. Mrs. Jay Keith. Christian Seeley returned home to Saline Saturday after a visit witli lis sister Mrs. Henry Richards. Dr. Kart C. Worden, of Ishpemlhg, ias been visiting Lis mother and other old frieuds Lere during the weel;. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Hunt, of Utica, N, T„ have been in the city during the Treek. The Dr. is a D. of M. alumnus, Mrs. Mac C. leBeau of Detroit, has "been visiting lier parents, Mr. and Hts. R. B.-Wicks during the past few laye. Mr. and Mrs. Cone Sperry, of Pit-tslield, are rejoicing over the advent of a son at tlieir home. He came last SuBday. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Wade of JonesTille, have been guests of nis parents Secretary and Mrs. ff. H. Wade, during the week. Ed G. 'Mingay f Toronto, Ont., eame to the city Saturday for a day two's stay with nis brother T. W. Mingay of the Argus. Mrs. Theda Y. Beardsley returned to her home In Howell Monday after a stay of several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Keith. H. H. Kohlsaat of Chicago, the great newspaper millionaire oí that city, and proprietor of the Times-Herald, Post. etc.. called upoo Christian Mack Monday. Dr. Roibert Wenley, the iamous Scotch proleesor of philosophy, who is to occupy that chair in the U. oí M. next year, arrived in town lasi Friday, foc a fitay oí a couple of vreeks. City Marshal Peterson, Deputy Postmaster W"atts, and Money Order Clerk Howlett, all went to Detroit yesterday as witnesees in the case of the ■two young men who opened a regfctered letter mot belonging to them. Prof. J. H. Kaye, lit.' 93, has been clected superintendent of the Cadillac schools for next year. 1 "The Strange Young Man, Traveling from Jerusalem to Mexico, in Order to Advertise his Book," was in the city last rhursday. His name is E. D. Killen, and he is an odd geniuts. Evart H. Scott's 'original pronuneiation of the mame "Lenawee" in the cönvention this afternoon proroked a glad umile among the delegates, but Evart blushed.- Daily Times. The pronunciation given X-naw'-wee, with the accent on the gnaw, is not original with Evart, but with the ministerial looking gentleman kaown to nearly all republicans of Michigan, as the genial "Doe" Smith, of Adrián. The Manon Seed Co. of Chicago, have been giving away prizes, and there is evidence of there being a great many "neighborhood prizes," given la this city and vicinity, of which they advertise to give Ibut three in eacli rlcinity. Postmaster Beakes would Ste to hear how many prizes havo 'ieen given here. IThe company has &ecn denied the vse of the mails by fty the P. 0. department at Washington, D. C. Chas. Woodrufí who lives on the rïver raad ast of Vh. ecity, came near teing seriously injured y reasön of lis horse getting scared at the noise f the Salvation Army drums, etc, last Friday evening. H ewas thrown out but nothing of a serlous nature resulted, although it looked dubious for a time. This occurred on E. "Washington st., at í,he conier of 4th ave. 8ome flve oc six years ago Mr. "Woodrufï was so badly injured by being the victim of a runaway horse that he did toot recover íor several weeks. Next Momday eveming a large number of our cltizeos are invited to attcnil the burthday party given by the Woman'e Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. at tlie rooms of the ossociation. An enjoyable time is anticipa ted. Commencing on the ncw apprentice in the Oourier bffice, the Washtenaw Times "expects to tsee the day when lie will occupy the editorial chair- some day when &Ir. Ileal is governor of Michigan and Bro. Pond hls chiefof-staff." This is a rosy augury for the editorial taff, but a depressing- outlook for the "devil."- Monroe Democrat. Th-aaks, brothei We owo you one on that. A on the Ann Arbor iiailway was rendered unco nsc ons by an accident a few daya ago, and died after being taken to the ooamty house. No ono knew his name even, 'and he never reeovered sufficient to teil it, He was burled in the Totter's field and his grave marked "unknown." Here is a fcheane for a poet, or an incident tor some novelist to weave into a romance. On Wednesday last Hon. Win. X. Stevens, who resides with his son, Hon. Win. C. Btevaos, of X. Ingalls st. celebrated his 63d birthday wliieh was obsei-ved by a family reunión, attended by a large number of relatives from various places in the county and state. Mr. Stevens is a ivonderfully well preserved nian, and can give a g-ood ïnany of the younger men pointers on a "orisk walk or in catehing fish, either one. "Sitoe" "tt'alker -as ferought before Justice Pond tliis (hiorning fOr assauli and battery on ttiis wife, and was sentenced to 90 days in the House of Correctiom. In toeing taken back to The jail "Shine'Mjroke away from Oificer Wood, and an. "Wood shot at him and Bent a ball into the hip pocket of the prisoner, where it was stopped by same papters and books therein. He was eoon re-captured hoiwever, in a barn where he liad hid umder me hay. The regular term of the circuit courfc conrened Monday. As most of the lawyers and jury and court have a severe attack of spring fever, and fcliere is little interest being manifested, it is altogefher probable that it will be a short term. lave Wixom, the fellow who carne so near digging out of jail, was brought before the court au a charge of larceny and on a plea of guilty, was sent to stat prison for four years. He was taken to his new liome last night. No douibt some of the University boys will be intereste 1 in this from the Plymouth Mail : '-The Golondrina Mandolín Club, of the Michigan University, gave our people a rousing entertainment Friday evening, anJ won for tfaemselves -th tverdict of its being the best musical treat of the season. The only objection possible was that thore was too mucli ])rogram. It would be hard to iick a specialty fi-om t.uch a line array but we give special Tavor to the ilute solo, iwhlch was indeed fine. Tlie eompany is composed of gentlemen which alone insures people against fraud. "We would suggest, however, that it would be better if Vhe manager would add some vocal piece or an elocutionist to the list. It would break the moaotony of a lengtny program." Catharine street, from N. División etreet, through to N State street, should be opened up. It would pay tihe cilty inside of two years by the increase of property on the assessment roU. To 5e sure it would' help our old and highly respected fellow-townsman John "W. Maynard a Drifle but Ihe 'deserves it. Aside from Wiat it would 'help the city more than any individual.f oc aside from adding agreat deal to he assessment roll it would accommodate a large number of people 'in the eastern part of the city ïiave to go around a long block now, "because the early plattere of the city made a mistake in being too stingy with thëir land. Mr. Maynard stands ready to give this entire street, all but eight rods at the east end.


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Ann Arbor Courier