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A Mother Knows

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"Just wliy it is thut ohililren at the breakfast table will bes; for a little coffee day alter day, I am 'jnable to say, except that they have a deeply rooted desire to liave wh&t their parents do in the way of food and drink, then I believe they naturally like sometiiing hot to 6lp witlh a Bpoon ; at any rate. the demamd is tfhere and I'm biest if it i'sn't hard to get over, wlien one lias three or tour in the family, but -vve eam't give oiir young folks coffee to drink ; everyone knows lts effect on cíiildiren and it seems almost criminnl to eet before the innocents somettiing we laiow wiU harm them" So speaks a thoughtful mother and to such the graln coffee, Poetum comes as a Messing to solve the vexed questtan. Dr. H. W. Piereon, "Medical Advance." 6351 Stewart ave., Chicago, says, "'Wekinow of your Postum and are very much ïleased -wlth it. Decidedly opposed to the use of both tea and cöffee." Postum wlll pass for coffee witlj nine oiit of ten people if they are not tvnarned in advance. It has the deep seal bröwm of old Java and changes tn the rip.h crolden brown of thick Miöciha -whem cream te added. It is made ivholly and entirely of pure gratas oï ttiO field, -wiieat. etc, such aa are Int-emded by the Creatof for mflm's use in tihie latltude. Postum tfhe health cöffee cam be drank as freely as -water -without any of the ill effects of cofüee. a.nd in a -n-eek or ten's time, the old coffee user will not-e a marked ehange in hls feelings and flesh. It makes red blood In the natural way and agrees -vrith bables oT gro-wn people. Made by the Postum Cereal Co., Iim., of Battle Oeek, MSch.


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Ann Arbor Courier