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California, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The Southern Pacific Company aud lta Connectioiis Opérate the LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO aud Intermedíate Poluta. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING GARS leave Chicago, throughout the Fall, Spring and Winter every Wednesday night, and Cincinnati, O. every Monday and Thursday evenings, and are run THROÜGH TQ CIUFORHU without change and on fast mail traius. Passengers holding second-class tickets eau secure accommodations in the tourist sleepiug cara, the first rates belng f rom Chicago to California poiuts, $6; from Cinciunati to Caliiornia polnts, $6.50; from New Orleans to California points, 85, per doublé berth. From New Orleans daily through Pullman service is operntpd. o, leu. Lo west Rates, Best Route MEXICO, all points in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California. Tor maps, time tables, and f urther information pertaining to route and or service, regarding California, apply to W. G. NEIMYER. Gen'l Western Agent, 230 Clark.St., Chicago. 111. W. H. CONNOR, Commercial Agent, So Pac. Co. Cineinnati, O. S. F. B. MORSE, G. P. & T. A., So. Pac. Co., New Orleans, La. Apr. 1 to Oct. 1. Mexican International Railroad. Eagle Pass Route STANDARD GUAGE STEEL RAILS. THESHORT aid DIRECT LINE FBOM Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St, Louis and all NORTHERN POIXTS to all Points in the Interior of the MEXICAN REPUBLIC, and to the CITY OF MEXICO and Offers More Attractions to the Sightseer, Tourist, or Traveller than any other Route. Traverslng a country unrivaled in Scenery- ripe with Ancient History- to the land of the Montezumas and Aztecs. EQDIPMENT UNSURPASSED. . Pullman Palace Buffet Sleepers San Antonio to MEXICO CITY. Direct connections at San Antonio with all lines from the North and East. For Information concerning Mexico, Tickets, Time Tables and Parttculars, and the journey to Mexico or intermedíate points, cali upon or address, W. G. NEIMYER, Gen. Western Agent, Mex. Int. R. R. 230 Clark Street, Chicago. C. K. DUNLAP, G. P. & T. A., Mex. Int. R. R. Eagle Pass, Texas. Oct.l. Absolutely Free! Now is the tlm-i to get a good WATCH FREE! FREE! This Splendld 1896 YANKEEWATCH Mede on honor. Qvaranteed a good timekeeper. Mention this paper and we will send you 5 sample copies of the DETROIT JOURNAL, SEMI-WEEKLY, containing full instructions how to get this ■watch. Act quick. Addreil, DETROIT J0DKHAL CO., Detroit. Mich. Nerve w Blood Tonic JBftfBuilder mr jKr, StWjífcbVftF Sond ftj Ws BrmEWmJ& descriptivo . XrCWlEVfl Br pumpUlet. a t-.r sv.zojp Schenectadv.NX TANTED Men to work for us who deslre to make money this fall and winter during slack times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, out of work, or looking for a paylng business write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHBSTER N. Y. llnlike the Dutch Procesa ÍNo Alkaliea Ottor Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker & Cos Breakfast Gocoa, which ia dbsolutely pur and soluble. It has more than three times the ttrength of Cocoa mideel with Starch, ArrowTOot or Sugar, and 13 f ar more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and iaSilï DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhero W. Baker & Co.. Dorciiester, Mass, EÁSTÜA? SCKSFFIW ANN'S Asthma Cure Kever fails to give instant relief in the worst oases, and eífeets corea where others fuil Trial Packaye FIÍKE or Drnggittts of by noli. Afldrewi DR. R. SCHIFFMANN, St. Fan!, atan. ' CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to MIJJsN &CO.t who have bad nearlyflftyyears1' experience in the patent business. Communications strictly confldential. A Hamlbook of Information conceming Patents and how to obtain them sent f ree. AIso a catalogue Of mechan ical and set entino books sent free. Patenta taken through Munn & Co. receive Bpecial noticein the Scientïfic Amerionn, ant tbus are broutrht widely beiorethe public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper,, tssued weekly, elepantly illustrated, has by far thelarpest circulatioa of any scientiflc work in theworld. $3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Building Edition.monthly, 2.50 a year. öinglO copies, í5 cents. Every number contains beautirul plates, in colors, and photographs Of new houses, with plans, enabllng builders to show the latest designs and secure contracta. Address MÜNN & CO New Yokk, 361 BkoadwAT. HBÜL DIEFFENBACH'S rTv PROTAGON CAPSULES, AV-"vifiV. Sure Cure for Weat Men, as aS _M ía Pfoved by reportsof leading phyWB-S wsiciaiis. State age in ordering. ffOfl ?iPrice.$l. Catalogue Free. iS Bn l Xem &'■ ffh O Ê% A safe and speed; 1 ikÉII h A h cure for Gleet, MM % Mirlcture and all ■-■.-;- mtm unnatural discharges. Price$L. w p.reekspecific '„;....:: ■-W' wand Skin Ilseanes, Scrot" nloas Sores andSyphllltSc Aflectlons with. out mercury. Price, ÖiSÏ. Order f rom THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. $5. 18 WisoonBin Street, MILWAÜKEE, WIS. At the expense of little SoöT S I money and his spare Jjffirj i time obtain a fair B" HMt IstÜdyathomeI THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, Í Comprisingtheleadingconespondenceschoolsintheworld. 0 SUBJECTS TAUGHT. i I AUf The School of Law prepares pupils for admission J IQ WW to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f J url f ' over i,fioo students ín every part of the country, f t inlinilll IPM This school teaches journalistic I ' .II UnNALIolVi and literary work torn the , """"V"' dation up. I tnnnU 1rrniUO This school s conducted by Í. i nUUK-IVttrIr'l o0 of the ablest teachers of { J UUUI 11. M II book-keeping in America. J SClinriT lift UK hisstlmol teaches short-handby S SHllK I -rlAnU = ' system.and fromthebe. ! i tfimill liW'M ( lning the t „p„, work, J Í nfrrl# AHt] I l"l 'il This school teaches i t uKttK 3tin I Al N ", composition and i i UIILt-1' allt l-fl1 '1 history, from the { Jtion tothe most advanced wi in üie classics. I The abOTe schools te h by the corresponda J ence method only, snd. ecognize uo rhals in j 5 their respective nelds. jm Address, stating in ? Relief in Six Hours. Distresalng Kldney and Bladder dUeasee relieved In alz lioura by the "New Great South. American Kldney Cune." TUi new remedy is a great Burprlfio on account of lt exceedlng proinptnees In relleving pain In tnO bladder, kldneys, back and erery part of the urlnary paseag-es in male or female. It relieves the retention of water aaid pain In passing it almoat tamedlately. If you waat qulck relief and cure thia Is your remedy. Sold by H. J. Brown, druggtet, Ann Axbor, Midi.


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Ann Arbor Courier