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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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1200,000 WEAK'MEN CURED'.I STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. S&CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY I inr V n 1 1 O Nervons and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mpmingsjno amflnr I f bition- Ufeless; memorypoor; easilyfatigned; excitable and irritable; ""■ I uu eye9 annken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and night loases; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bone pains; hair loose; ulcerii; eore throat: varicocele: deposit in nrine and drains at stool; distrustful; want of confidence; lack of nergy and strength - WE CAN CURE YOU I RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWEKS. BBFORE TEIATÏLENT. AFTEE TEÏATMEXT. BEFORJS TKKATMKNT. tTO-U THKAliii-ST. NO ÑAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ' John A. Manlin says:- "I was one of the cotmtJess viciARIOOflFI F tims of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of age. I VMIIIUVI-LL., tred seTen medicaj firm8 and spent $900 without avail. PMIQQIOIVIQ ANti I aave np in deepair. The drains on my systtm were CIYIIOOIUINO ü" wiakening my inteUect as well as my seiual and physical IVIPOTFNOV life. My brother advised me as a last resort to conenlt Illirv I tllVI Drs. Kennedy &Kergan. 1 commenced their New Method I OIJDCP) Treatment and in aiew weeks was a new man, with new S V V ' ifcai i ijfe and ambition. This was four years ago, and now 1 I am married and happy. 1 recommend these reliabla I specialist8 to all my afflicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO CONFIDENTAL. "The vices of early boyhood laid the fotmdation of my "T . ... Z ; ; min. Lator on a "gay life" and expomire to hlood diXUnhllK t IT1 11011 I seases completed the wreek. I had all the symptams of OyjIIIIIIO, I.III Iddl U 110 R Nervous Dehility-sunken eyes, eminsior a, dram in urine, WnonOQlo PlIKod nervonsness, weakbacK, Cc. ■ ransed my hair to 3riuUCBIB. uUlbUi 1 fall out, bone pains, nleers in month ind on tongue, ! . I blotches on body, etc. I thank God 1 . . ed Drs. KenDedy „„„„„„ & Kergan. They restored me to hec.i h, yigor and happmess." GHAS. POWEKS. $5$lVe treat and cure Varicoc-le, Emïssions, Nervous Debility, Seminal ■ Weakness, Gleet, Stricturc, Sypkilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, 1 Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. t' QCAnirQI Are yon a victim? Have yoa lost hope? Are yon contpmplatins marS iltrLC.riI riage? Has yonr Blood been diseased? Have you any wpaknpsp? Our m New Method Treatment will cure jon. What it has done for others it will do for ou. B CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who hu treutpd you, write for an honeot opinión Fres K of Charge, ('harges reasonable. BOOKS FREE - "The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on B Diseasps of Men. Inclose postase, 2 cents. Sealed. W-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRII VATE. No medicine 3' nt C. O. U No ñames on boxes or envelE opes. Everythlng confldenttal. Questlon list and cost of Trea + - I ment, FREE. No. !48SHELCYS!. M DETROIT, MfCH.


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