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California, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The Southern Pacific Company and its Cormectious Opérate the LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO and Intermedíate Polnts. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING CARS leave Chicago, throughout the Fall, Spring and Winter every Wednesday night, and Cinclnnati, O. every Monday and Thursday evenings, and are run THROUGH TO CALIFORNIA without change and onfast mail trains. PasBengers holding second-class tickets can secure accommodations in the tourist sleeping cars, the first rates being from Chicago to California points, $6; from Cincinnati to California points, $6.50; from New Orleans to California points, 85, per doublé berth. From New Orleans daily through Pullman service is operated. Lowest Rates, Best Route MEXICO, all poiuts in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California. For maps, time tables, and further information pertaining to route and or service, regarding California, apply to V. G. NEIMYER. Gen'l Western Agent, 230 Clark St., Chicago. 111. W. H. CONNOE, Commercial Agent, So Pac. Co. Cincinnati, O. S.F.B. MORSE, G. P. & T. A., So. Pac. Co., New Orleans, La. Apr. 1 to Oct. 1. Mexican International Railroad. Eaglc Pass Route STANDARD GÜAGE STEEL BAII.S. THESHORT and DIRECT LI FBOM Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St, Louis and all NORTHERN POINTS to all Points in the Iuterior of the MEXICAN REPUBLIC, and to the CITY OF MEXICO and Offers More Attractlons to the Sightseer, Tourist, or Traveller than any other Route. Traverstng a country uurivaled in Bcenery- ripe with Ancient History- to the land of the Montezumas and Aztecs. EQUIPMEXT ÜNSURPASSED. Pullman Palace Buffet Sleepers San Antonio to MEXICO CITY. Direct counections at San Antonio with all lines from the North and East. For information concerning Mexico, Tickets, Time Tables and Particulars, and the journey to Mexico or intermedíate points, cali upon or address, W. G. NEIMYER, Gen. Western Agent, Mex. Int. R. R. 230 Clark Street, Chicago. c. k. Dunlap, u. r. ö: t. A.t Mex. int. K. K. Eagle Pass, Texas. Oct. 1. Absolutely Free! Now is the tiniM to get a good WATCH FREE! FREE! Thla Splendld 1896 YANKEEWATCH Made on hcnor. Quaranteed a good timekeeper. Mentlon this paper and we wills end you o sample copies of the DETROIT JOURNAL, SEMI-WEEKLY, containing full instructions how to get this watch. Act quick. AddreM, DETROIT JOD RKAL CO., Detroit. Mich. Cure for Headaehe. As a remedy íor all forms ol Headaehe, Electric Bttters has proved to be the very best. It effeets a permanent curo and the most dreaded habitual eick headaehes yleld to lts influence. We urge all who are affllcted to procure a bottle, and give thls remedy a fair trial. In cases ol habitual constlpation Electric Bit ters cures by givlng the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long reslst tho use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 50 cents at Tke Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co's Drug store, and Geo. T.


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