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WiCHiGflj? Central "The Sumara Fallt Route." TIME TABLE IN EFFEC T MAKCH 1, 18Í6. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME S já s ; w ;a : i t ]d 't-l ir Jammin ir. o :oO t- ö á ss : aá m as , i ; ás Á da : oíd &ci : :'.( = 8Si?8?Í :&3S38 g 8S8L :S i j :LL& , á s s h gá se 3 i Ü iH iK í & ë í 1 .-ÓdÖ"-oïÖöoÖo - o á s ; i i jas g es ; ; ; j i s a á ! ! ■ c.cö tí ei ' ': c "I 8SS ! :S8 JSS 88 ÍS 8 j ;KSS 1 üMiiiiÜ; é s ;;; ;;; e' 3 :::::::::: 3 ::: '■'■'■ ■ i i : : : i : : i . 88 : : :S : : :YSS :::::::::: ü .:... .sa-. S Bá i; ; jes f es; ; ; j i a' d '■'■'■ : n " : : : i a 2 32S i : :SS :SS Sg .S :S ; : SR . ooi-íí - : 'iáw 'W ■ ■ ocow ss " ■ ü a " . s g es . se e a gsssssgssss S 8%asffi?.ss8Sfg g 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ni nrïïTiïMï" S ; : : : ; H r t i Ri r ! ! i h I Mi I s IJiMU i ; : ; i : : : i ; i ;:;;;;;;;;: g :: ii:i:: g i ii ! ! i i i I : i S :g : : : :g " : = 5 iSjigiüig; illlHU ifllíillill oMSooPfta ea3!Qaa-alo O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P & T. Agt., Chicago ARt. Aun Arbo' . TOLEDO n AníarboK u AND "D.-. 3 NORTH MICHIGAN) T RAILWAY. L-1 - uJ oV0"0" 11 pil HowardC 3k #BAYCITYÍÍ MUSKEGON St ík"7f SftG'NAW W TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT Sünday, May 17t'i. NORTH. SOUTH. t7:35A.M. +7:10 A, M. 9:15 A. 51. }ll:30 A. m. J4:24 p. M. S:11 p. m, +9:55 p. M. J9:0O p. M. Sunday only, betweeu Toledo and Hamburg Jnnction. ■+ Daily sleeper between Toledo and Frankfort X Daily except Suuday. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. W. H. Bknnktt, G. P. A. R. S, tíBKBNwoon ff Cineinnati, Jackson k MacMnaw Ry. Time Table in effect Jan. 20, 1896. Of Trains Passing Jackson, Mich. CENTRAL TIME. SOUTH BOUND. No. S, Jackson & Cineinnati Mail- 10:25 a.m. No. 23, Jackson & Toledo Express 4:12 p.m. No. 19, Passenger, Sunday only 8:00 a.m. NORTH BOUND. No. 2, Clnbinnati & Jackson Malí. ..5:48 p.m. No. 22, Toledo & Jackson Express..._12:03 p.m. No. 18, Passenger, Sunday ouly 5:50 p.m. No. 20, Passenger, Sunday ouly 11:01) a.m. F. B. Drake, General Manager. T. C. M. Schindlek, G. P. A., Toledo, O. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC - - Í-- í-TAKE THE-4-+- TO MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The üreatest Perfection yet attalned Ín Boat Construction - Luxurlous Equipment, Artistic Purnishing, Decoration and Efficiënt Service, insuring the highest degree of CONFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Four Trips per Week Between Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO," MARQUETTE. AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac and Return, including Heals and Berths. Prom Cleveland, $18; from Toledo, $15; from Detroit, $13.50. EVERY EVENINQ Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Earliest Trains for all points Bast, South and Southwest and at Detroit for all points North and Northwest. Sunday Trips June, July, Mugutt and September Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay $ Toledo Send for Illustrated Paiuphlet. Address A. A. SCHANTZ.a. w. .. DBTBOIT, MICH. Tíie Deíroií & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. Nerve Vfc. Blood Êr idwSh 9KémJÊSijp descriptivo ö i.r s.5O.Q Schenectadv. N.Y, WANTED Men to work for us who desire to mafee money thls faü and winter during slack times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, out of work, or looking for a paylng business write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHESTER N. Y. Onlike the Dutch Process tNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which ia absolutely pure and soluble. It has inore than íhree times the stsengrth of Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Í3 far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and iabilt DIGESTBD. Sold by Grocers everywherc. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester.Mass. SCHIFFW] ANN'S Asthma Cure Never fails to gÍ7e instaat relief in the worst caeos, and effeetp áurea whtero others faii. Trial Paektig" FHEE af DrflggMn or by Mail. AddresH DR. R SOfflPFMAKI?, St. Papl, Mina. CAIV I OBTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an taonest opinión, write to ML SN &CO., who have had nearïyflftyyears' expericnce in the patent business. Communications Btrictly confldential. A llamlbook of Information concerninf? Patent and how to obtain them sent free. AIso a catalogue of mechanical and scientiflc books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelve special noticeinthe Scientific American, and thua are broueht widely before the public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elenantly illustrated, has by fax the largest circulation of any scientiflc work in the world. í83 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Bnilding Edition.monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, ia 5 cents. Every number contains beautiful plates, in colors, and photopraphs of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to show thO latest desifms anü eecure contracts. Address MÜKN & CO., Nuw YoitK, 301 BnOADWAT. tomh DIEFFEiBACH'S ïönï. PROTAGON CAPSULESfim TW Sure Cure fop Weak Ufen, as aS _W Pfovedby reporta of leadingphyQ&ftR'SZJA vósicians. State age in ordering. KH&fl Jll'riee, 1. Catalogue Free. f iw l'tfï O db ■ sae ancl speedy WMitííWmti ín WS In Cliri r Gleet, JÊa IBIHBlL W W Wfl Strlcture and all ögj bB& unnntural discharges. Prieel. ÊÈÈW nREEKSPECIFICT8 -■3 Wand Skin Dlseases, Scrofi nlonfl (Sores andSyphflltlc AflTectlons witü out mercury. Price, Sa. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. LK. 189 Wisooiisin Btreet, MILWAPKBE, WIS. jlRroiirciirSatfl ' At the expense of little S fj0T i mo.ib and his spare jrajl5BBliP-ri Í i time obtain a fair w''-jw''VjBH( I ing education. p . ISTUDYATHOMEl THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVEBS1TY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, Comprisingtheleadingcorrespondenceschoolsintheworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. il A Ui The School of Law prepares pupils for admission j i LAW to the bar, by an extended, thorouph course. Has f 5 over 1,600 students in every part of the country, f ' inlIDIIII IOM TIn, school tt;i( lies journalistic i ' JUUnN ALIüifi aml literary "o '""" tne foun' i i wwWMiinwwm dation up. f ínnníl 1rCniUO TIus school is conducid by i Í nUIIKnrrr IP'l one of the ablest teacliers of f J UUUII IM.1.1 II 4 boolt-keeping in America. J 'PlinOT UAUn hisschool teaclïeishort-handby S 'Arilml'IIUllll e l-ï.l vy-trni. :n 1 hnm 4 J dUUIII IIHIl 1Iling the expert wort_ j t flflCCII mm#I I i"l 'il Tltis school teaches i liKrrlV Hill lul ft lation, composition and i Ulll-L ailU LHI 11 h.5tory frelJ the founda. j 5 tion to the most advanced wi in the classics. The above schools te h by the c J 5 ence method only, and. cuguize uo rivals iu f '4 their respective nelds. Arldress, stating in J Relief in Six Hours. Diatresalng Kidney and Bladder dlaeases relieved la lx kours by th "New Great South. American Kidney Cure." Thl new remedy Is a great surprise on account ot lta exceedlng promptnesa lm rellevlng pain In the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urlmary passage In male or female. It relieves the retentlon ot water and palm In passing It almost lmmedlately. H you want qulck rellet and cure thls Is your remedy. Sold by H. J. Brown, druggist, Ann Arbor, Mlch.


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