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The editor of the Grass X.ake News should cliange his "billows" to iight "ripples." 0 Now ttat Northville's air gun factory bas burned up, the Record does noit eeein to pop away at its conemporaries Avitli as much forcé a onnerly. " """" The difference between a loco-motive ind lts enginioer is eaid to be : One 'dhoos" to go alhea4, the other chew 'terb ccer." - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Vintage of 1792 Dr. Root, of Willis, is going to plant himself in Wliltteker.- Adrián Press. Thon hie muist be going into partnerhip with an undertaker. - Ypsilantiaai. This is a grave jok-e-- Inter-Lake items. Interred in ttie coaumns of the Monroe Democrat. 0 The Howell Herald endorses a fcentiment recently expressed, In regard to1 Spain executiing American citizens, and adds : "Shake, Mr. Edltors, and ïf tlie buil fighters doo't know Uncle Sam wen enough by this time to recognize these gfacts, let 'em take their medicine." O ' The Ann Arbor Courier is the only paper in tthe co'unty to accept an advertisement in ivhich the contract i? made payable in whisky.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. How wi-se ! Basing an assertion on like premisos tïie Sentinel is the only paper in tlie county that accept an advertisement for which the tract is made payable in Indian Pile Ointnient. 0 An Eaton Rapids barber was shavIng a corpse, when he suddenly stopped, and leaning over the dead man, softly inquired : "Does the razor iiurt you, Bir ?" Then he gave it an extra flippytiflip on the leather strap and 6aid sometiiing about the weather, and said sonietliing about McKiinley, before he happened to thinï he was shaving a Pingree inan.- Adrián Press. O Because a farmer can't raise -wooj at a profit, it is no Bign ha is ruined for he eould devote the pasture í'or Mie sheep and the expense of tlieir care a.nd keeping to produeing something else. equally as proiitable. - Adrian Press. Because t!he graisshoppers caine and ate up all the growing crops' in Kansas was no sign tihat the Kansas farmers were ruined. The land was left them. They could use it for Komething else. Ee'errlng to the suicide of "a beautiful. re.ined and wealthy young lady" at Toledo, the Washtenaw Timeí stte toat she had more money than ■ he kuew wliat to do with." I( was ,i sail case truly. Alas ! 5iow Boon otberá o: hj- maj' ba driven to Wie same caurge. - Monroe Deniocrat. Tlie last sentence is simply a oase of temporary aberration of mind. He will recover f rom it as soon as he puts his hands in lus pockets. O It will be a matter oí great satiBfaction to thOíTe "heavily inclined" to know that ia awarding dam ages against a railroad corporation a western judge declared that fat women with bundies "have a right to more time to get on and off a train than might be requlred for a foot racer or a greyhound."- St. John? News. i Now, just out of curiodty, we shou:7 like to see a photograph of that Judge's wife. . 0 The meamest man on earth has lieeo found at BeldLng. He makes iun ƒ his wife's lovie for houseplants nn] often grumbles over the extra care and expense of keeping them ïrom freezing over winter. The otlier Üay he surprised his wife by bringing home and presenting her witli what he called a Chinese cactuis. It -.v)is In reallty a, dead rat wliich the man h,ad planted he&d dowaiward in a flower pot. Tlie tail of the rat alone appeared above the grcnund and vas careíully trained to a wooden support. The man's wife ■was delighted at the rare plant. Slie placed it ia a suomy no'Ok and carefully watered it. But nai-y a bud appeared. The denouncement came when the lady undertook to transplant the "cactus" to a larger pot. O The Sfcockbridge Sun man has a vivid imagination that pictures wild and fantastic scènes sometimes. Here is one : "If Jira Gorman, oí Chelsea, ever gets the nomination ior governor on the democratie ticket, the soil oí ILyndon 'short hills' will advance !n prlce like all git out ; and the 'summit' where Jim first beheld the rising eun, will no doubt in the future become a Mecca ior the demos, üad Jim Dnly passed the post of sheriff, who inows but he would toe president after havlng 'been gOTernor of Michigan. History is constantly repeating itseli on this mundane sphere."


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Ann Arbor Courier