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The Comers And Goers

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The veneraJble ex-Gov. Alphens Felch iB quite ill, at hls home oa SP. Statu street. Mre. Jvellie Maltin, of E. Huron ut.. is enten aining Mis sMaud Ward, of Onrson City. Judge Kinne started in wlth the June term of the circuit court at Monoe, Monday. ühas. -Wild, a former resident of this city, hais boen visiting here uring the week. Mrs. James B. Angelí is to givei a reception to the Woman's League Baturday, from 4 tx""5"p7 m. Mrs. Marcia Eockwell of Aan Arbor, is visiting Mrs. Lydia Merriman and other friends.- Plymouth Mail. The oommeincement address at the Iowa College. Grtnell, will be delivered by Dr. Henry C. Adame, to-morIrow. Eev. R. M. Beacli officiated at Christ's ehurch, Stockbridge, last Sunda, eelebrating the holy communion iu the even ing. Rev. J. W. Bradshaw read a paper betere the oharity conference at Grand Rapids M'andny, o'n the treatnient of tranips in small cities. The University Of the City of Nfew York conferred the honorary degee of U-a D. upon Prof. Israel C. Rvaeel] ot" flie U. öf M.. 6. few dayssince. Dr. B,oy S. Copelamd read a paper betore t)he Detroit M. E. ministers meeting Monday, giving liis impressions of ttoe la.te s;eneral conference at Clevelaind. O.. Mi-s. O. B. Ñaacrede, Mrs. George S, Morris, amd several other Episcopal ladiies are in Detroit, attending the meeting df the Woman'8 Auxiliary at Emanuel Church, Detroit, vhich conveined yesterday. Dr. Mary "Wöod-AUea, Mrs. Jennie VoorheJs, Miss Bmma Bower and Mrs. Grïtcbette, öf thiis city, ivill attend Vh 22d tonnual convention of the Michigan W. C. T. U. to le heldin XJarquette June 12-17. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Coürad, of this city, left Monday for New "York city, accompaniied by Miss Flora Foster, of Alblon. They will visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Coinrad's som E. B.. Tvho live tihere, a couple of weeks. Miss Emma E. Bonver left Monday for Saginaw, to remain during the week, accoinpanied by her mother, Mts. Murgaret Bo-wer. Miss Bower is in attendance upon the Inennial sessiian of tilue Iady Maccabees of the World. Mis. Eraest Perry and son, oí Bay City. ave guests of Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry, of E. Washington fet. "E:n:e' 'will l'ollow in a week or so, and w'. 1 take the degree of Mechanical Emgineer at the coming commencement. The cvening service at St. Viidrews chuvcli will coinmence ar (i:30 o'clock after this. dwing the summer season. Tlic 'young people who .vent to Whitmotfe ;Lake Saturday aiternoon, enjoyed a fine rain storm. They might have enjoyed it better nad it not rained. Regent Rarbooir is to accept the gift of the senior law class to the üniversity, of Prof. J. C. Knowlton's picture, in behalf of the board of which he is a member. Kext Sunday wliat is known as Children's Day will be observed by various churches in this city. Altíhjoujíh the children coïne awful near having a day every day in the year. Jared F. Sykes, of 20 E. MadUoii st., died very suddenly of heart trouble, on Sunday. May 31st, at the home of 'his son in Bellevue, where he liad been visiting. He leaves a wife and family. who have been residente oí this city about four years. The commencement exercises at the state Normal School at Ypsilanti, commence on Sunday, June 21st, with a Baccalaureate address by Eev. Wm. Gardam. of St. Luke's parish, in that city, and continúes to and including June 24, closing with an address by Prof. Arnold Tompkins. It ie generally conceded at Ann Arbor that the May Festival would have been a greater success had it teen advertised In The News. "We accept Prof. Stanley's courteous apolotgy f or the oversight. - Grass Lake News. There was no desire have the crush of the year before repeated. Twig ? This may be of interest to :somei of out' r eaders : "The supreme r.hief rainger lias issiied an order to Foresters in Michigan and elsewhere to the effect that members must pay tlneir monthly dues in advance, on or before the last day of the preceding mowtli, or stand suspended ipso facto. They cannot regain standing oxcept by applicaüom to the suprerae court and the payraent of all arrearages."


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Ann Arbor Courier