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Thie face of Dr. A. K. Hale andthat of the genial Ralph McAllaster are beaming with pleasure these days. ?va kicking' because t-hjere is "no1 torce eb." ThO Daily: Times otojects to what it is pleased to term "big words." It'y editor desires no rob or inspissated liquld wlth his roasts. Every one to their own idiosyncrasies, The "Womans' Fcweiign Missionary Society af the 5f. E. church, %vill hold 5ts monthly meeting next Friday, at 3 o'clock p. m., afc thie residemcel of Mrs. g. Hendrickson, 72 S. State Kt. A Valedictory address will be given in the M. E. church next Sunday evening on "The Larning of The Ancients." The Childrens' Day annivereary will le obserTed in fhe morning. Shertffs and their deputies are mot totihered any inoTe in looking tor stolen honeee. The animáis are toe clieap. To' find the man "who etole the Wcycle bo'thers them considerably afc times, hcra-over. Just a change of base, tihat's all. There are Sust as many th,ieves in the country. Here is an item from the Freedom correspandence of the Manchester Enterprise that does not speak very -vvell 'for some onef rom this city : "It is a fco our townsliip to have Aun Ai-lor people come here Sundays and have picnics and isell beer. Other towns would not allow it, -vliy fehould FreedO'm ?" It is quite useless to state tlhat this item is clipped from tlie Monroe Democrat : "The estáte of the late "'Julius Caesar" pays into the woman's gymnasium fund $177 and iuto the oratorical fund $87. An investigation ot' the character of thoee ■wlio stabbed him proves them to have been 'all honorable men.' " Here ie a receipe for breaking boys of the cigarette habit : 'Try bribery, persuasión or sliutting off his allowance. If he remaiins o'bdurate use raw hkle on raw hide - welt him until !he is ready to hold u-p hands and promtee to smoke no more o' the deati ; dealers. If that does not stop h m, Irown Wim, as a drowned lKy ïi better tham one who smokes cigarettiB." The People's Party of Washtenaw eounty will hold a mass convention at'the ccwrt house on Saturday, STune 20, a( 2 o'clock p. m., to elect four Jelegates to the congressional conA-ention to be held at Vnn Arbor July 'L, 1896, also to elect delegates to T!he state nonninating conevntion, the date of which will be announced later, and for tthe transaction of Buch other busineas os may properly come before the tonvention. A. B. Hoiighiton, formerly chotr master at St. Amdrew's church in thi? city, 4a no'W iieiforming like duties for Bethesda parisJi, Saratoga, N. Y, ThO Daily Saratogian says of a recent serivce : "lh music was without exceptioin the finest ever rendered in BeWicsda church. The organist, A. S. Houghton, won golden praitp yesterday for iiis skill in the training of the choir. From ürst to last, both morning and evcning, the music was -aplifting and insiiring." Graduation exercises at School of Music, next Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock. A división oT the Loyal Guard vas organized last nlght in the hall over Beal's Shiöe store. Forty candidates have been initiated into Otteinemgo Lodge I. O. O. F. during the past year. OomsideraWe fruit has been destroyed by the heavy winds this spring, and yet there is more left than the trees can well mature. The choral service at St. Andrew's ehurch last Sunday Orening was as íme as has ever been given at. a religious service in tlils city. The Amn Arbor R'y Co. take pleasure in anmoimeing that hereafter cycles will be checked between all stations ohi it3 line without charge. If you haev nny clothing that your generoBity will allow you to give to the cyclone sufferers, send the saine tö 0. M. Martin's, on S. Fourth ave. A regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held Thursday, June llth, at 3:00 o'clock, ia the Y. W., G. A. rooms in tfhe P. O. block. At the meeting cv' the State Medica! Society at M.t. Clememis last week IDrs. Gec-rge Dock, W. F. Breakey, G. C. Huber, J. N. "Martin, F. G. Novy and A. S. Wiarthin all of this city, each delivered an addreas. There will be a special meeting oí tíhe Bastero Star Chapter at Masonic Temple, next Wednesday evening, June 17th, for initiation. This will pro'bably be tibe last meeting ïor initiatory work untll nest September. Saturday, Juine 13, at 3 o'clock, the Loyal Temperamce Legión will meet in the hall over Calkhis' drug store. At that time a.rrangements will be made for thie work during the eummer months, a,nd aleo for a picnic. Geoi-ge Haller, Jr., has accepted a pasition with the Headlight Co. of Balttle Creek. The glow of thaö Ann Arbor Headlight has been bo Kmg reaching it.s destinación tliat the oil has gót exceeding low in the lamp. As thie date for the second reunión af thie older Ann Arbor High School Alumni AseaciatioTi is fast approachin{r_thie 22d inst.- all who are eligitúe are invited to meet ttt th home of N. "W. Chieever, 42 Madisou st., Fri'day evaning. June 12th, to practico sinigtag old school songs. Any are eliigible who attemded the High School bet ween thie years '56 and '76. It was a very wfese move to keep thie Art Exhfbitioin, which is lield in i liO Masonic Block, open another week, Thiere are many people who have not yet vlsited the display, who will now le able to do bo. The large and reaUy 'beautiful collecticnn of color woirk is mdvr placed on sale and a little ready money at this time wiü pi'ovide for Christmas or birthday or wedding, a most pleasing gift. Ií a ílower study or fruit Btudy, either kn dils or water colora or pastel,, is no't deslred, decorated china can (be rdiered eo that all tastes can, be sattefied. Tliere will be two proposed changes voted on at the great camp meeting oí Maccabees thie year, having ior thelr öbjett a reductiou in the number oí delegates to the great camp. One plan propases to cut the membership down to 100 delegates, the divisiou of the state into 100 diistricts, with a membership as near equal as practicable, and the holding of bienniaj instead of annual sessions. Another plan proposes the división of the state lato 12 diistricts, and the allotment of delegates to each district in proportion to membenship, with a total oj 129 delegates ; alsö providing Eor Wennial sessions. "If I should "be callad to ifc on .1 jury to try a person íor whooting any onO who was stealing his flowers or anythtag in his yard or garden, I would nevar vote to convict such a pereon," said a ci'tizen to a bcribe recently, "I look at it in thisi way. It takee a great deal of üardi work to raise flowers and -wlien they are stolen and the plant or busli is destroyed, as lt uisually Ís, they caá not be replaced, and not only tha labor has been lost, bufe ofteii tho fine appearance of the yard destroyed ns well. ín my opinión flover stealing is th -wo'ret kvnd of ttoeft. I should rather have my money stolen."


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