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It Might Be A Proper Suggestion To

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the Ixmisiana sugar growers that ■t&ey should devoto a lange portiou of the boimty -vvhich they -vill receive wnder tiho recent iloíi.sion oí the Supreme Court to the work of putting their state in the way of being govnted acoordtng to the wiB of the people. Scientists note witíi interest the iact tliat the recent tornadoes were aecompanied throug'hout the country y a mag-netic storm. It is all Tery i"ell to ivateh the auroras under iavorable eircumstances, but uuless ecieiiee can turn its oTiserrations to account, the study of cyclone caves Is far more important. Great preparations are being made in Cantón, Olaio, to conimeniorate the xpected news of McICinley's nomination. That enterprising daily The Eepository lias had -special telegraph -wires built from the St. Ivouis conventiom hall to lts office Hvhere the news will be lieralded tiy a bis fire gong, "the Tjooniing of cannon and the forming of a procession to the residence of their belOTed townsnian, Major Mclvinley. It AVill le non-partisan and a splendid tribute to .the c&minp president. These arrangements have Teen perfected by Geo. Frease. ditor o.' tho Keposltory and one of the most wljdie awake reputvlicoJUi in Oliio. In speaking of the Kentucky democratie co'nventioii the Louisville Couöer-Journal says : ïhe Kentucky democrats have repudiated the onJy l)resident the democratie party has elected and seated for 50 years. Xhey have repudiated the most distinguished of Kentucky's living sons and the greatest democratie intellect in tlie United States. They have spit upcm the fathers of the party whose names and orgnnization they claim ; have proclaimed Jefferson an ignoramu?, Jacksan a confspiratoi-, Benton a kna-ve, and Cleveland a traitor. Satnrday's work makes Kentucky republican for years. The one chance now for Kentucky democracy is that the Chicago ccmvention shall not ratify its stupendous blunder, and that chance seems all too remote. The enemy of süver is the enemy o hls coumtry, and besWehlm, Teff Davis is a patriot.- Adrián Press. The is give:i as a specimen of the ' argument" oí the Press, fchat's all. Tiic highest type al patrtottem is to furnish work for all, and to pay good w&gee. Pree cotuage of .silver means plenty oí money.- Adrián Press. Thb is the same sort of hurrah loy reaso'ning that the Press used to cou-vince the people that free trade ineant the same thing. Those who iistened be!ore will beware tliis time. If furnislúng work íor all is the bigbeet type o! patriötism the democratie party muist be pretty low down, for there has toeen little bat idleness sinoe i: otwne iinto power with its free trade, free silver, free idecis. Detroit is going to celébrate Evneuation day, and h-aa aent an 'mloss'ed invitation to Grover Cleveland to honor tliO occasion witli his pres■ence. Whon it is known that Hon. Dickinsott is chainnan oí the invitatioai committee, fuere ivill be no Hurpriso over the iuvitation, and it Ís peeuliarly appropriate that the lo of the democratie party siioald have un embas-íed invitation. It will be aliso specially appropriate for him to be perseur. at an evaeuation ceie■bratiou. that he may become familiar with sucli entertainment . He will be promúieut in another evacuation movement about MarcH -lili, next. iaad telio-uild arraaige to take his wounded witih him. His dead are no munierous that it is better they toe Iraried wüuere they feil.-


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Ann Arbor Courier