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Ten different denominations are represented lm tftte 'membership of the Y. W. C. A. A Yale key was pifckeU. up on the ivalk Jlcnulay, that anyone can havo by cali ing at thfe oíice. . IXisB Emma E. Eower, of this city, vras re-elected, far toe third time, as Great Record Keeper for the Great Hive O fthe Lady Maccabees at Kaginaw last week. This is a jnerited compliment to an efficiënt official. Childreln's Iay at the PreBbyteriap church last Suinday was a very fine affair - good musi,c, flowers ia prosucicra and excellent speeches. Some 25 little Qhildren received each a. beautiful potted plant iii full bloom. ín epitO oí President Angell's treaty n-jth the Chinese, the "blasted golians" continue tïieii' eneroachments opon Americans. One of the slanteyed soos of S'hem has just got into the Jacksoti penitentiary. - Monroe Democrat. Xotice is hereby given that Ana Arbor proposes to have a regular old hun-ali boys, brass band, greased pig, gioger cake and lemonade celebratkra on July 4th, 1897, and nlready extènds an invitation to all witMn hearing come and help enjoy the day. The New York Daily Tribune of June llth, has taken a portrait of a noted crook f rom the Rogue's Gallery and labeled it "Professor Yictor C. Vaughan." Talk abooit poison and tyrotoxicccn, and all those things ! Thia dose the Tribune givss our famoiis Dr. is way past, above andi beyond tlhem all. A Vealtihy Ann Arbor letter carrier was called up the other night, by a etrauger Hio said there was an important messaige at the telegraph office for him. He suspeeted that he Waal to be i'obbed amd a couple of students went oiit when the Tellow xrok. to bis heels. The higlnvayman had heard how the freshman t-oa tmaster was served. - Monroe Democrat. Taomas B. Bronson, lit '81, master 5n the Lawrenceville, N. J. School is coming to be quite a -rolumdnoift "Titer oit text books in foreign tongues. His latest is a handsome IJttle -violume "On Itend L'Argent," an adaption of Francols Coppee, daintily illuistrated wlth half tones. Few of Michigan's sons are establishing a sülid reputation for scholarship %o tast as Prof. Bronson. Fred C. Schrin, Ohio's champion eycle rider wlll represent tihat state at the national circuit races it Battlo Creek July 13 and 14. Riders from every state in the 'Union will be Miere tö ride. If two quad teams can be secured to do 'pace -vvork. Percy Patersan, tdie long dista nee champion will try to brea.k tir.; iivei inile fwoTld record. A mew !pest hos appoared as a tn-euace to clierry trees in Michigan. It is a small red 1ug, and at the present time may be seen in large -quanti'ties devouring the iollage of thO trees. The eggs are deposited In and around the basO of thO tree undemeath the rough bark. The 'insect seems also to have a liking for currant and gooseberry bushes. H. H. Walker, of this city a graduato from the literary department, class oí '00, lia sbeen declared tlie winner oí tfae Winkley proiessorship ia the Ajndover Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass. The winning of this gives Mr. Walker $600 a year with au opportunity to pursue advanced st udies either here or iu Europe. ÁS the airaril is given íor excellence in scholarship, and aptitude for original wx'k, it is a great compliment to Mr. Walker and to his alma mater as vrell. The Aun Arlor Couiier says that pr. Pliil Quick, medie '95, has located at Olivet and has lost lut ö out of 500 cases. If tihis is bö fwill the Oourler please explain Avhy the authorities oí that place since the iïoc's a-rrival, luaTe enlarged their graveyard twice, and on learning thiat he ivas determined to stick, at once negotiated {or 13 acres more? No useiof a paper getting rockless because cyclones are. - Graiss Lake News. The News overlooked the Dr's name. Although he is a physician there is no analogy in tfhis instance bet ween the Quick aind tlhe dead, Oards are out announcing the marriflge of Miss Bertha J. Kose, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Kose, of this city, to Cassius E. Waiefield, oí Moreoci, Midi., at high noon, on the 25t hday of Jume, in Golden, Col., at the residence of Mrs. Hills, sister of the bride. Miss Rose was for two ye&rs "svith the clase of '96. Mr. ■Wakeïïeld graduated -with the class of '95. Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield will take au extended trip throngh the mountains, Tisiting Pikes' Peak and other points oí interest, accompainied by Prof. and Hrs. HUI, MiSBl A"btoie Wakefield, eister ol the groom, and Mr. Mahanney of this city. They wfll be at Jioine to their friendo ia Miorenci, Mich., aft er Sept. lst. .j


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