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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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200.000 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. V&CURES GUARANTEED OR AO PAY ! inr Vfl 1 1 0 Nervous and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mornings; noamflnr f bition- lifeless; memorypoor; easily fatigued; excitable and irritable: """" ■ " ■ 6yeg 8Qn]ceni re(j an(j blurred; pimples on face; dreams and night loases; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bone pains; hair loose; ulcers; sore throat; varicocele; deposit in nrine and drains at stool; distrustful; want of confidence; lack of energy and strength - WE CAN CURE YOU I RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWEK8. BEFORE TREATMENT. AFTEB THKATMENT. BEFÜRE TREATHENT. AÏ'TU TfiBAXMJIiüC. NO ÑAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WP.ITTEN CONSENT. . John A. Manlin ays:- "I -was one of the conntless vicARICOCEI_E tima of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of age. I í- "rCiMiíí" ' tried seven medical firms and spent $900 without avaü. CMISSIUNS AND Igave np in despair. The drains on my systnn were - ■■- weakeningmy intellect as well as my sexual and physical IMrl) I EIMCjY lif' My brother advised me as a last resort to consult " '-SÍ. ' w ' Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. I commenced their New Method CM f ED Treatment and in a few weeks was a new man, with new [ life and ambition. This was four years ago, and now 1 am married and happy, l recommond these reliable specialiste to all my.afllicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO CONFIDENTAL. "The Tices of early boyhood laid the foundation of my T "77; Z - . '. rnin. Later on a "gay life" and exposure to blood diUnhlllC rrti CC flIlC eeases completad the wreek. Ihadalltho symptoms of OJplllllO, LMIIOOlUHo Nervous Debility - eunkeneyes, emi?sionfi, (rain in urine, ii ■ n J nervouRnees, weak back, etc. Sjphüis cünspd my hair to VflFI ICR1R , I] TRÍl fall out, bone pains, nlcers in mouth -.nel on tongoe, HlllUUUCIC, UUICU. blotches on body, etc. I thank God I tri d Dn. KenDedy & Kergan. They restored me to health, Tigor and happiness." CHAS. POWEBS. fi IVe treat and cure Varicoctle, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. RT&nrRI AreyonavicUm? Have yon lost hope? Are yon contemplatinK marriLMULn, riage? Has yonr Blood been diseased? Have yon any wealtneps? Onr New Method Treatment will cure yon. What it has done for others it will do for ou. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated yon, write for an honest opinión Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE - "The Golden Monitor" (illnstrated), on Diseanes of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. B"NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicina 8'nt C. O. D. No ñames on boxes or envelopes. Everythlng confldentlal. Questlon list and cost of Treatment, FREE. rj No. l48SHELBYSr. DETROIT, MICH.


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