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EUzabeih SI nart Phelps will publish in McClure's Magazine ior July her recollections, wliicli are very Intímate and interesting, of Longfellow, W'hittler and Holmes. Harper's Weekly of to-day will be the republican eonvenïtion number. It will contain a double-pago drawing of the convention, sketches of thie convention life, and a front-page portrait of the repuMican candidate. Kudyard Kipling, as he ho-wed himself to hls intímate friends Jast foeíore be became öiown to all IKhe world, wül be the subject of a paper in McClure's Magazine ior July. It is written by the man witJi whom Mr. Kipling was associated in the edir torship of a 'newspaper In India, and it will be illustrated' with portrails and other pictures from photog-raphs furntehed by Mr. Kipling's family. A new scheme for arctic etploration will be described in Appletons' Popular Science Monlhly for July, hy Botert Stein, of the United States Geológica 1 Survey. ïhe ehief features of the plan, which has leen ioni-' mendcd by many experienced explorers, are that the work shall 'be comütaiious, .-md that it shall have a base o' suppl:es reaohed every year by 'the whalcis. Mr. Stein aceomp&nies hls statement w:th an interesting map o: the regióos, Bhowing what das be id in by receni expeditions, and i.M-A much remains unexplored. Ii is pnopose l to üiitinte the new uudertalvittg in 18'jT. The Nem Ousade - 0 The July numfber of this excellent ltttle nian-a-iznc maintairos the usual high standard. It contains an able and scientiic article on "Herediiy" by Louise C. Purington, M. i).. mul another of Mrs. J. 'H. 'Keilos's practical and helpful papers, "Teaching Children 6elf-0antrol." The AVhite Cross a-ud AVhite Shield Departments are given up to an extract ïrom a very ïorcible sermón by the Kev. Jenkin Lloyd Jone-s on "No Sex in Crime." This partial enumeration is suïüolent to indícate the valuable character of thte little magazine. I should 1)e, in the Quands of every parent iand teacher, every young man and young waman. It deals with questions discmased byno otherperiodical and does so in the most delicate scient i ie practical manner. 50 ets. per year. The Wood-Allen Puibltehing Co., Ann Arbor, Miich. No ono man can take the honor lor nommating JIcKinley. The people raolmiinated him. Mr. Hanna wite Smialrlt etooiugh to see the trend of public opinión, and feil in line, that's all. The people nominated McKinley against the toosses, and the people will eee ttoat McKAnley i clected.


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Ann Arbor Courier