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The Comers And Goers

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3Irs. Ralph McAJlaster has gono to "Webster for the summer, Mr. and Mns. WÏU IT. Dorrance, of Barlerton, 0., are visitlng hts paren ts. Miss Kil tic Amsdeu, who has been TLiting in Monroe, has returned home. I. B. Jj&e, of Plint has teen alioui the city for a few tians, greetiog old friends. Miss Aü:i EvOgera is entertaining her friend Jliss Xeilie Milner of Stock■bridje. Trof. and Mi-s. O. C. Johnson are to Bpemd .summer at Cottage Gity, M;iss Jliss Laura Wbodruf, of Battie Oreek. is visitlng Ahm Arbotr friends this iveek. Mrs Dudley .T. Inoinis is ontertaining: Jliss Aliee Williams, o; W ■ port, X. Y. Mfes Familie Louise G-winner, of Grinncll. lowa, i.- at her home for tho summer. Dr. Julia Huimos Smith and Helen Page Stnith of Chicago, aro gueats of Mns. Christia.11 Mack. Mr. and Mts. Blackmore, of New Haven. Coim.., are visiting their daughter Mrs. Jolio Foster. Emanuel Baumann, of the Staats Zeittmg. Lansnig, has been vlslting friends lieve during the -week. Miss Clara A. Doty of Mmneapolis, Minn., lias returned home to see lier Bister Miss Nina M. Doty gradúate. Fra.nk Leöuer, oí Toledo, Ohio, was tlie guest over Sunday of his cousin MLss Ntoa M. Davison, oí X. Main, st. John I. Bannister of the firm of Bannister Bros., drugglsts, Suginaw, e. p., has been in tlie city during the ■sveek. Mrs. (Emma Ilicketts nee Baniield Of St. Paul, Minn. has been visiting relatiTes -and iriends in the city lor & time. Clarenre XuMe and AVarren Connor have g-ome to Europe where they ox.pect to do tiie continent on their TCheels. ' Mne. Mat Muir tund childrem of Grand JtapicU, are g'uests of lier parenti. Mr .and Mrs. II. Kittredge of K. Main st. Mattie Sheefaan of Detroit and Miss Margaret Öheelian of Xiles, are gustti of tlvcir aunt Mrs. Slater, of Tliompson Bt. H. C. Iïj-an, of St. Louis, Sla., llie former editor, and one of the üriginal starters of the AVrinkle, is in. th eity thte week. Mrs. E. L. Gexlney and her sister Miss Milleir, of 'Wl'nnebag'O, Minn., are visitlng tlicir mother Mrs. .Miller fora. siliort timet Mis Susan C. Storms gave a reception to a number of friends Saturday evening, in honor of her sister Mrs. Jacobs, of Chicago. Julius V. Seyler oï Detroit, was íq tlie city over Sunday, the gueet of ihis mot her. He leaves in a few days fora trip to Europe. Mrs. Cathnrine Georg of "Waterloo, Out., and Miss Lydia Georg, oí Detroit, are gueste oï Br. and Mrs; Georg, on S. Main st-. A_ C. Scih,umacliör left Saturday for a meeting of tli-e State Board of Pharinacy at Ster Islamd. He will Ibe absent about a week. Wirt and Wade Doty, oí Detroit, are spending some time tihis week wiüh thcir parents Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doty, of E. Aan "et. Mrs. Mary Paine, wbo has lieen with her daughter Mrs. C. G. Daxltng for a time, left Boturday for Kansas to remain diiring the summer. ( Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Miller and and cllldrgn of "Willard, N, Y., are are guosbs for a tme of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Marous Miller, of Geddes avenue. 'Mr. and Mrs. Olías. H. Woír.deía lave returned frolm a viKit -viih their sons in Kan Francisco. Whilo absent they went to Los Angeles, and to many poiints of interest in the Btate, and sa w many former Ann Arbor people. If a person wants a real iuteresting account of the Golden state he should get into il cliat witti Mi'. "Worden, It is certainly ■worth one's wliile.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier