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Half Rates to Milwaukee. On account of the International Convention of the B. Y. P. U., the NbrfchAVestern Line wlU, iroim July 15 to 18, 189G, inclusive, sell excursión tickets to Milwau&ee and return at one fare for the rouind trip. The Chicago & iN'artbhWea bern R'y la the "Lato Shore" Bout between Chicago and Milwaukee, and makes the (run between the two cities In less than two hours. For full infonnation apply to ticket agenta óf conaectinji Unes ov address W. H. Guerin, G7 AVoodward ave., Detroit, Hich. 3W Dmggistd say "We eell more ol Gessler's Magie Headacne Waiers than all otber headache remedies cornbined.'" Th.L9 needs no esplanatlon, If you -n-omder why, Just thiak lt over Merlt wins every time. A. B. Mummry 6ays, 1 guaraatee Gessler's and offer to return the money lf they do not cure. I have sold them for jears. They cure headaches and neuralgia, nothlng elae, but that In a ery few minutes; that'a Baylng a good deal. Prlce 25 ceints. Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Balve In the world lor Cute, Brutee, Sores. Ulcere, Balt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllblalne, Coma, and all kin Eruptlons, and poBitlvely cure Pile OT no pay required. It Is guaranteed to glTie perfect satisfactlon or money refunded. Prlce 25 cents per box. For sale by The Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co., and Geo. J. Heaousler, Mancheater. Your Slimmer Vacation. If you are planning your summer vacation, you can be greatly aided if you will send for a copy of the seventh annual Hecreation Nuraber of The Outlook, containing nearly one hundred pages of summer suggestious and a most complete list of summer resorts and routes. The price is 10 cents, but a copy will be sent to anyone who mentions this paper and endoses two 2-cent stampa. Address The Outlook Co., 13 Astor Place, New York. Are You Önë Of those unliappy people wlio are suffering- with weak nerves, starting at Overy slight sound, unable to endure any unusual dfeturbance, finding Ifc impoissible to sleep ? Avoid opiate 'and nerve ccwnpounds. Feed the nerves upon blood made pure and aiourishing toy the great blood puriïier and true nerve toaiie, Hood's Sarsaparilla. , ■ Personal - Free - 64-page medical reference book to any person afflicted with any special, chronic or delicate disease peculiar to their sex. Address the leading physicians and surgeons of the United States, Dr. Hathaway & Co., 70 Dearborn street, Chicogo. Kngilah Spavin Untment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Luuipd and IileinLslww (rom horses, Blood 8pavtn, CurtM, Spllut %}, tttntrBane, Stille, Spralns, all Bwollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by ue ol ome bottle. Warpanted the most wondertul ülenilsh CupO ever kaown. Sold by H. J. Brown, drugKtet, Aam Arbor, Mloh. jMONECAJTj At the expense of little 3Ê i monty and his spare MmFÈSi, i time obtain afair W0fk-Kvv5k 5 I'sTJUDYAf HÓMEt THROUCH THC I SPRAGUE UNIVERSiTY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTBUCTIONj j. Comprising the leading correspondente schools in theworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. i I Jfttlf The School of Law prepares pupils foradmission j IQ WW to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f' a over i,6oo students in every part of the country. W inilDllftl ICM This scho1 teaches journalistic i { JUUnN ALIolYI literary wrk from tiic 1 Í D Í1 ft 1 ISCCDIMP This schocI is condur ted by i. JBUÜKrKttPir'ïj í 'C11DDT Ukkin ilisschooltcachesshortliandby 5 { aHUK I -HAHU ;%g TSrJtt Í nnrrl . - J I ■, U This school Ksclics i jGREEKandLA N j- -g-ffg J ti on to the most advanced wt : in the classics. The Bbove schools t a - by the J J ence method ouly, and. coguize no rlvals Iv t ! their respective nelds. M Address. stating in J fHSíÍN yfiv LÍ DETROIT, MICH. ■j.nd t.arned ., ooly '. 1 _L .- '■ ,n vv rdward and fefifcrson aves DETROIT, MICH. juc has beentlioroughly rencvacr. .... .j iu tlic heart of the citr, conreuieot to bM car line-;. dep"ts and boat Landingx, t iVr iay. l.5O. H. H. JAWK8. I


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