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California, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The Southern Pacific Company and its Counections Opérate the LOS ANG-ELES, SAN FRANCISCO and Intermedíate Points. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING GARS leave Chicago, tbroughout the Fall, Spring and Winter every Wednesday nfght, and Ciucinnati, O. every Mouday and Thursday evenings, and are ruu THROUGH TO UUFORHU without change and on fast mail trains. Passengers holding second-class tickets can secure accommodations in the tourist sleeping cars, the flrst rates being from Chicago to California points, $G; from Cinciunati to California lolnts, $6.50; from New Orleans to California points, ÍS, per donble berth. From New Orleans daily through Pullman service is operated. Lowest Rates, Best Route TO MEXICO, all poiuts in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California. Formaps, time tables, ar;d further information pertaining to route and or service, regarding California, apply to Wi G. NEIMYER. Gen'l Western Agent, 230 Clark St., Chicago. 111. W. H. CONNOR, Commercial Agent, So Pac. Co. Cincinuati, O. S. F. B. MORSE, G. P. & T. A., So. Pac. Co., New Orleans, La. Apr. 1 to Oct. 1. Mexiean International Railroad. Eaglc Pass Route STANDARD GÜAGE STEEL RAILS. THESHORT and DIRECT LINE PROM Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St, Louis and all NORTHERN POINTS to all Points in the Interior of the MEXICAN REPUBLIC, aud to the CITY OF MEXICO and Offers More Attractions to the Sighteeer, Tourist, or Traveller than any other Route. Traversing a country unrivaled In Scenery- ripe with Aucient History- to the land of the Montezumas and Aztecs. EQÜIPMEST UNSURFASSED. Pullman Palace Buffet Sleepers San Antonio to MEXICO CITY. Direct ccnnections at San Antonio with all Unes from the North and East. For Information concernlng Mexico, Tickets Time Tables and Particulars, and the journey to Mexico or intermedíate points, cali upon or address, & JïEIMYER, Gen. Western Agent, Mex. Int. B. R. 230 Clark Street, Chicago. C. K. DUNLAP, G. P. Se T. A., Mex. Int. R. R. Eagle Pass, Texas. Oct. 1. Absolutely Free! Now is the timo to get a good WATCH FREE! FREE! Thl Splendtd 896 YANKEEWATCH Made on honor. Ovaranteed a good tlmekeeper. Mention thia paper and we will send you 6 sample copies of the DETROIT JOURNAL, SEMI-WEEKLY, containing full in8tructions how to get this ■watch. Act quick. A44ren, DETROIT JOU K5 AL CO., Detroit. MlcH.


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