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The Comers And Goers

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" Han. A. J. .Snwyer and familv leave feo-day (üor CViYanaugii Lake for ího Wnnaaer. Mr. and Mre. J. O. St. Clair leiff. Bfooáay for Marquette to remaiii for 1Sia Btnnmer. I-.íiss XíOis Bacfli is in tílie city for tiie Btunmer, the g'uest oí her father Jaa. R. Bach. i Kev. Jota Xeumaim went to dyde 3aet Batunlay to assist in dedicatinga 5aew oliurch there. Mns. 0. E. Joaes and Miss Editb A"tkins, oí Iajising, spent commencezaent iveek In the bity. Mrs. George Seott has leen enterisaiming aer sl3tr Mrs. F. E. Martin, oí Setroit, during t'.ic veek Miss Xry BuslineJl arrired licre Ssrsm Hesperia ytcrday. t.lie gnee f her sister -Mrs. George H. Pond. Mrs. Xellio L. Gleascm, :' Port land, i3Io., is TÍsltAng lier íatlier and niothor Mr. and Mrs. "W. K. CihMds, for ashort me. ■ Mrs. J. F. Xich.s, 'oí N. Ingalls st, ihias beeu emtertaining her daughter JSírs. Wood and husland, of Pittsburg, a., during the -n-cek. Mrs. tW. W. Wihítlark Df Montreal, 'fs iu tflue city Cor the nummer, the (g.nest oí Mr. and Mrs. Gebrge H. Sítodes, of the Xorthside. ' Fred Dodsley, law '96, left Saturdya, -nith his brother, f'or Fargo, N. Oatota, -niiere he has 'secured a pofcition -with a leading law íirm. Miss Emma. Spobr amd Miss Grace íWrigbt, oí Detroit, were feuests Hur'ing the post week, bf Mr. and Mtb. Henry C. Dodsley, of Detroit Bt. ilrviDg IC. Pond. of Chicago was the guest otf hiis parents during tlie weet past. He met a large number of has oíd classmaites, lit '79 duriing commeiioement. Aimong I he visitors to our city last week was JoJun Pound, the veteran mercfliant oi Pontiac, accompanied ;by il i's. Bo'iiiid, son Keginald and daugh"ter Mabel. They ctiane to see Iheir daughter Mtees Mlaud, gi-aduate. i ïlr. and Mi-s. A. H. Dodsley, "who !Bave been vfetting their parents Mr. und Mm. Heary B. Itodsley, lelt Satrarday íor Detroit where they taike Uhe 'boot for Duluth. luid froni thence o thelr home a,t Fargo, K. Iakota. Mrs. iGeorge Blowers .and daughter, of Ealamazoo, Mns. Lowe and daugliter, a,nd Mrs. AVm. Blowers, oí Bueihanan, 'Mich., are wlth Mis sSterrett Hor ,a few duys, haviing stopped on 'Sheir Avay tooone from Ma.nsfield, D. Oliarles J. Kintner of Xew Yorlc City, has been in the city duringi the fweek past. Mr. Kintner 1 a memraer of a corapany hviva iis to briny ont a telephone that is automatic, oud -Avill do awaywïtia'a central ofifüee. It -svill te feo cheap, $10 a year ifhjat every one can íiave one. Alaang tlie many alumni Vlio came back commencement time toisee their ;ahna mater once more, Kvas Tred IW. Jo'b, of ClLicaigo, who Svas accompaaiied iby the future Mrs. Jol). iFred bears Iiis honors as he does his years -itihout the least preceptible effect upan. him. He is the same Fred as pi yorO Avilen tu college diays he gladündtlie hearts oïthose he met wilila Iiis joyous ways and kindly words.


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