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All Had A Good Time

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The 120th anniversary df the AmerIfoajn Intfependence was properly obisterved by most of t!he peo)ple oL Ann Airfoor ajnd vicinity. But iln order ■fio observe it properly mast of ttiera wignlt niway fïom (home, 'scatteritig in all directiajns. By far the greater numler, faclwever, went to the varlouS lakes of tere on tlie Ann Arbor Railway. There was car load .ifter car laad po-ured lm to "Whitmore IaUe, - !not literally- amd several car ioads went oh tot lie va-rious labes at Hami arg Jvmefeion, knowa as Zukey, Island, Stër&wberry,' Baes, and ottuer eta oí waru? Ln that vicinity. It was perieetly astojuishJiig to the ordloary persom to see how many people the cottages albomt these placee aci i'iuinoda;t'i And : ieve were move tbn.n A1111 Arbor people, too, for iiK.h.v fainiliet. from Toledo Tiav e .'ouuO oul beaut'es ofttils famoufi chain of lakes, ajui a,re tn crazy over '.l:o locality as are those [rom our owi) city. At Wjiitmot e lake two companies of state troojjs were encamped, i:onJ siistlnig of tlie coini)a,iiy 'froni Aun Arbo'r amd t(he oaie from Adrián. A pretty damp. s?ood joke was played om t3ie boys '!y 'the weather clerk and thie qaartei-master% clerk combined. Wliien the latter jgentleinan went to laacte the camp for the, soldiens, lie found a mice little liollorw in wliich he pitched the tenté. The weather clerk, iseeing aai opportmiity íor a bit of humor, sent down a flood p! rain juist af ter ,tho boy.s had got Eii;e]y tócated, aud -w lien it wap {tfturough, íully a íoot oí u-ater stood fn 'maslt Of tlie ïents, and the! loys bood iln the water Tiolding up every Igarmenlt potwjble, in order ,to ,keep them diry. Thiat quartermaeter would baTO been promp'tly .drowned had hle niojt ñed ia the flood. Several mihape, and many water ■soaied people were reported at "ftTiitmolre, but notliing more serious resultOd than thie dropping of one young Jady in t5w late 'by h.r Bweet-heart whiö attempted to carry her froiq, ■öhie boat to thiesdiore, without counting antius unstaible and gilding ohavaoter of a boat in tt'foe (water.. It reulted in a wet duck, t.hat's all. At Hamburg Junetion four workmey ■w'hio were im the employ oT the Ann Arbor Railway, took refuge from .one 'of t'lie stonns, uinder a round hou6e Jor water tank purposes, which is betog cons-Structed there. Lightniug truck thO structure, killed ome man, .a carpenter by tlie name oif AlatterHQn, rendei-LMl anoïiier by the name oí Zebb, totally deaf, and the other two were uincortsclous for some time, but reoovered all right. Saturday niglit at these lakes there was a gloriouts sight. Xearly every cottage liad a Bupply of iirework--, amd for milels and miles arouud t-he 'shores the Hlumlmatlon from rockets, ïrïomain candiles, red light, mines, etc, reflocted iback from the calni and glasBy surfajce of tlio lakes, 'was 'brilliant 'and beautiful to a degree almost impoissiblio ifor a pan, an ordlnary one at least, to describe. The eye must see Ifor the mind to appreclate a scène like that. Thare were mamy jolly parties of families amd friendo at I he innumerable cottages. The greatest number af course was at Zukey Lake, where the shoire is hecomtng like a Tillage street, so thickly lined is it getting tö be with cottages ; flhe olO plolneers, tto eOak Grove and the Keystotoe club hiouses, being almost lost ' now iru the many new onefi that are KprLngiiiSg up on all sides. Pertiaps as joilly a family party ae was to be fbund on tlhe of any ,ol ttnese bodiefc of water vati ;iV the Oamellian Club's cottage, at Lsland' Lake. Tbey had a fish dinner, fol'lowed by toasts, roasts, etc., witb a ftw of wit and mirth tliat wade the day a memorable oae for all pres'ent. Since fiaishing their new track from Hamburg to Hamburg Junctlon, by tune Ajhi Artor K'y, the people who lorigiaally started these summer cottages aad camps, t!htose of Oak Grove tlhs Keysbome, the Oornelian, etc., are mucli discommoded by the movlng of töhO etatïan a lomg distance south. There .are tío many of them, constantly gioing and coming, that it would eem tfcat it would be a good policy íor tih'e raad to glve these people; a flag stattonj at the 'Ashley ice houses, .ar wliat is known 'as Bergen's crossiiiig. It certainly would not discommode tbe roiad, whlle it vould be a wonderful accommoctation to the pairóme af the road 'along the north stoOTes of thse lajses. As ao. iastance öf the number of people wbo go to these lates, a few days since, a gentleman whio is filled with curlosity, toak a note of tliose who giob off anjd ttoose wha remained on ie train, and OTindtlie former ïnuch tih'e greaber, and fully bne-half of tibem were baiirtd for cottages on tlie öortfh Bide of the lakes. i If the atteutloln of the authorities of the roaö ■vere properly called to these affairs t'iiere would no doubt "be something (ïoite For the relief tof the northsiders and Isla,nd Laters. Facts About St. Andrew's Parish- The following is the report of St. Andrew's church made by the rector and vestry to the convention of the diocese of Michigan held in Detroit, recently. The period covered by the report is the year from April 1895, to April 1896: Baptisms-, 23 Persons conflrmed 33 (.ommnnicants last reported 845 Added by coufirmatlon 33 Keeeived from other Parishes 105 Total received 138 Lost by death 7 Lost bv removal 124 Total lost - - .-- 129 Present number 854 Marriages 6 Burláis - M Public services 314 Celebration of Holy Comraunion 102 Number of families 395 Xumberof souls 1500 The financial statement for the year showed the following figures : KECEIPTS. BALANCE OX HAND EASTER, 1895. In Parish treasury, various amounts $ 174 59 In treasuries of various orgaulzations 98 83 273 42 Pledges for Parish support-J3253 76 Interest for Parish support. 120 00 Interest of special funds 90 00 Offertory in church 712 77 Bequest for endowment 1000 00 Pledges for misslons 413 62 OO'ertory of Sunday 93 59 Ladies Aid Society - 495 93 Woman's Auxiliary 250 01 Junior Auxiliary 31 30 Ministering Childreu's League 7 85 $6,468 83 $6,742 25 DISBURSEMENTS. PAROCHIAL OBJECTS. Current expenses 84004 77 Maintaining Sunday School 149 8!) Commuuion alms 104 69 VVheeler fuud for poor of Parish 30 00 Parish eudowment K00 00 Ladies Aid Society 554 24 $5,843 50 OBJECTS OUTSIDE OF PARISH. Diocesan assessment and missions $ 517 16 Doraestlu and foreign missions 256 31 $ 773 50 BALANCE ON HAND EASTER, 1896. In Parish treasury, various accounts 69 36 In treasury of various organizations 55 S8 5 125 25 $6,742 25 The Parish is entirely free from debt of any kind. The year covered by this report is the flrst year of the system of free seats, and the facts and figures of the report make a most gratifying and encouraging showing.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier