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There was a king of Wall street once- He started with a dime; He always meant to write a book, But didn't have the time. The man who interviewed this king- The ways of íate are funny- Had always meant to speeulate, But didn't have the money. - Washington Capítol. Tiio street cominittee of the joinmou eouncil were utbout town npylng out necded improvements on i-Yiday last. öapt. E. P. Alien gave a very Lood tajík at the Y. M". XX A. roomrlB,it Standay afterndon before tihe G. A. E. A picnic far ttoO memberS of tJie Loyal Ttempeji-amce Le(giion will be held Tuesday July 13, att he iiome of Proí. S'teere o,n the Ypsllanti roatl. "EaUy Diay" tot be M. E. church ïiext Sunday morning. No speciaj coíllection, but special decoí-aiojiis, special music and special sermón. Brdf. B. A. Hiinsdale was elected president oí tihb Natloïml Educational AssociaticMi at Buffalo yesterday. A great cottiplimeoit to the U. of M.TihO ,W(iaa's Auxiliary of the Y. M. O. A. -svill hold. tíhelir regular momtMy Tjusineiss meeting, Monday July 13'tih, at 3 oi'clock in tihe associatiom rooms. A Sunday School social In the M. E. church next Thursdajr eveniiig', to i cultívate ociab)ility am-OTig the Mietfhokïitsrts. AdmlaeUon ten cents, ice cream and cake ttiroVn in. On Saturday last, Mr. and MrB'. John Bisele, oí N. Fourtli ave., buried their 11 momtliLS oíd daughter. 'Ihey hare the sympa.thy of many friendo in their a,fflictioin. - Chris Domnelly bajs the barn on his Catíhartae st., lot, all completed, and his oev hwuse is enclosed. He will haTO a. meat and oo-nvenient lvorae ■Vhien K is oompleted. The poople who are out at the lakes camping, como 'in t öwii onca in a "wdi'Ue juist tío í.lumv whlat ia browa as a iberry and healthy freckled coniplexiom thoy aro acquiring. The 4tli oif July has bo emgrossed tíhe attent i lía oif tlue 'entire forcé of the Une paetHveeik that it liag been bapiOBtiibte to give our columns the usual pynotwhnic flavor tlWis time. One morning !n the Karden bei, The oiiiou and the carrot sa' A Cuto the parsley eroüp: 'Oh, when slmll we tbree meet agaiu, In thunder, liiihtninK, bal] or lain'.'" "Alas,'' replied, in tours of pain, The pjirsley : ''In the soup.'' - Druke's Magazine A very enjoyable birthday party wa given by Irene Steffy on Monday last t a nuinber of lier friends, at the hume o lier parents on N. Ashley t. 'Pito joHy a.nd yr.niiil S;nu Langsdor vnxü up to i-vpcnd tho Fouitli witli hls bachelor and o'thor friends n Aaiii Afbor, wlio are always glad to nee him. Chas. E. Hiscock has purjha.dci tftie W. D. Adaans prope4-ty at the cor ner of Si IWvisioai and B. Lüxa-ty; sts. Mr. Adama hais purchased the prop erty of Olías. A. Ward, ?sOv 38 S. Thayer at. At Hudson, on the 4th, Paul 0 Meyer of this city won a bicycle race, taking flrst place in the 14-mile road race against many competitors. Tlie prize was a bicycle, which rrakes the fourtb one he has captured. Martin J. Cavaiiauig'h oí this city, was o.t ttoe front im. Chicago, battlinig fortlue white metal, bu was on tfaie wrong fide tcy succeed in Ketting tbe place he coveted, - assistant secrebary- receiiving oiüy 7 votes to 17 for hfe gold bug opponent. The city tax this yöar wxü be $2.26 on a $1000 aeseesmemt lower tltoan laet year. Tihls will be goed ncws ïo(r ttoe tax-pa1er. , Assessor O'Heaiii Vëüs us tthiajt it results an increaeed roU and decrease io cwtaia itemis df city.expense. On Filday eveni'ng nest, July 10, Itiere wil lbe a special meeting oï Fratfi-nity Liodge No.. 2G2, F. & A. M., at tfre temple, íior the purpose of conferring- tihe M. M. degree upjon Fellowcrait Rev. Dr. Camden M. Coibern. Visiting brefchren will be cordially welcomed. At a meeting of tbe populist convention ior tlhis 2d congreseional district, Satuirday, inthls city, Jolui O. Zabel, oí Petemburg, was made the nominee ior comress. Mr. Zabel and M. J. Loenaiecker were cfooisen delegates to tihe niatiotaal convention at St. Ijouíb, and B. G. Bröwn and Chas. Littler alternates. Ann Arbor received very little of tïie heavy stoirm that carne to the ■various lates t the north o f here dn Sautrdlay and Sunday last. And yefc the rain that Cell would have acedmpliislhed more good here than ttoere, for the latos ore irfolm 12 -to 18 inclhes higher nnw than tfliey have been tav several years. , .' The newspaper women oí Michigan will hald tlieir anmiunl meeting under Hhe auspicesof the Michigan Wotnan's Press Asísociíation in Traverse City. July 29, 30 and 31. Miss Emma, E. Bcnver wiai respond to the speech of the president, and Miss Gertrude Buck will read a paper on "The Possibillties oí the Newspaper in Promoting Sloctological Ettids." A feil ow by tfcename of Jack Mansfield, -n-ho was left in charge of Tucker'e bicycle repair sihop on 4th ave., laist weak, leit the city -very suddenly Saturday nig'ht, and at the same time abcrat $150 af 3iis employer'q money and a gold wateh disappeare4, and a girl named ICate Staebler, who had been in the employ of Martin Vogel. ÜSTobhing has been heard of their whereaboiuts so far. - The Daughters o'f the American Bev■ Cutto'n met with 'Mrs. James B. Angelí oh Friday afternoon of July 3d, naad oirgianized under tlhe charter name ii: Amn Airbor Ohepter. Tlie char(T immberhip clcAied with 15 meato. The foilowingi offioers were elected : President - Mrs. J. B. Angelí ; secretary - Mrs. H. L. Kiohards; registrar - Miss Bmma E. Bower ; treasurer - Miss Elizabefch Dean. It has just leaked ooit rthat when called east as an expert ome ïnomths ago, Dr. V. C. VaughanVas tendered a chair in the New York 'Medical college at a salary of $10,000" a . year, and with an opportunity to doublé the salary by private practice. lt ras certainly a very tempting offer, Tuit the Dr. promptly cast it ;iside, preferring to remain here with iiis friencls, 'aaid give his best efforts and genius toward building up the already great TJ. of M. The attemd'ance at the Fourth of July picnic at WHiitmore Lalce la ! Baturday, in ciiarge of Fr. Gotöric) , 5i St. Plati-lck's church, Northfield, was tliO largest ome ever given. Tlie rain carne up very suddenly 'luowevöi just as all the gtoi'od people were partaking oí their dinner, and sadly interforod wttlh that ijarticular and Jmpojrtant ■braach of tlie proceedings. It carne up sol-suddenlylthat tnaor oT bhe protvilsions were destroyed, tlie p-eoiple .not being able to feet tbem under shelter. The fine program that liad been prepared for the occasion ■wals oif a necessity dispensed wlth except a sojng or twft from t(ha innnita'ble James E. Harklas, who ncver oaai be lat off .wlieo hei' once gctfe on a ppolgram.


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