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Women Who aro uervous, weak, worn ut witli looal troublos litid pura Moixl, Derve Btrength, ui portee) liealth in llood's S&i'snpfti'Illu. We do nol iuj the above t ralse ímIsc iuiic. li has been the expertence of manj . ven man,v women in thou Intensely tryiny perloda whlob demand and ooiuume o muofa Nervous foroe - thosa speoiai pliysical tríala we delloately Indioate iy meroly asing tinwordi - Mni.l, Mother, Matrou. i.ikc a oonfldential triend woauggeat tha tue of Hood'i Bariaparillai reli :ilK' blOOd i'inilicr nul tonioj it. lias helped many othen and in help u. "I wih in pooi iiriiiiii tu-o yriiiM, biobtn down lnttrngth, tnd tppttlt n pmr. l.ocul truuliIt'H h-hI othor wiMiknosscH inU'iiailU-il BOJ niÍNcry. Norvons ni-k Headaches dizzliiOHR, lirartl)iirn Rnd pktni ín .V btOk iimdc mu tlilnk 1 Hlionhl novor 1)8 ril iijrnin. a trlcnd prvvUd apon mo totlj UihhI'h Siirsiiiiii-illn. 1 lOOn tMgU tO iinpiMvi' mui in tX ïiiinilhs tt ri'Mlurc-il mo tO ln'ltrr IhiiIIIi llmn [01 yi'iirrt. 1 Iwivr tOUnd HooiI'h Snrsapnrilhi i i;r:uul nir.iiriiH' tor nü troublei pMullai ii IVIy Sex 1 urn nou itrong tnd hMltb; mul ('un dO ■ good day'i work, i Himui iy iioihí'h Siirsiipnrillii, (or it CUMd DM uflrr OthM medlotnei talled." Mas. Lum Dibb, Oui.uviiir, Ullnoli. TliiH nnil many Niinilnr i-uroa provo tliat Hood's Sarsaparilla Istlip Ono Tr Rlnoil Purlflor. Allilruuiilsts. $1 rri-:iri'iliuly liy l'. 1. Hood (Co., LnwiMI. Musí '-, , , nlll uro purely v(totlilo, citr nood s Hi lis fuiiy ffftfi, m cm. TO FARMERS. The Yisilnnti Knlx' :inl TansiOg ( Ip.i feeling oertain thal they om iniiUi' it :ui object t" you, ln Ite you lo rjill al 26 BOUtfa Union SI., Ypsi I i 11 1 i , and examine samples of ooiln of our make. ur business is t Tan Imus un. I Elides and manufacturo toordar Robes, Oonls, (':ipcs, (lovcs umi Miiii'ns, er e win pay Cash for Hides. CUSTOM WORK. c win .in ('usiniii Worki taaning hldos for ow ucis ai rsasonabls flg" Farmers can thus secure Bral dass Robes ni Domina] prlces. We make :i gecialty "i MOTH PROOF ROBES froui hldea of cattle, whlob id be apprectated raust i"' s.een. l'nll mul ser iis. YPSiLAKTI ROBE &TANNIHG Co. 25 South Huron St., YPSILANTI. - MICHIGAN. TRÜGKandSTORiGE Storage of [íousebold Goods Pianos Books, Stoves, etc.( In rooms or Bpace, l'l N( S AD HOUSEHOLD GOODS! CA liKliTI.I.V M . Y K 1) .Ml kinds of haavj and llgbi Di aj Ing, FHEIGHT WORK. PARGEUDELIVERY. C E. GODFREY, Pilono SL'. Oltieo -Is N. Fourtb Ave. HAVE IT 1 I11R HOME. We are pleased t announce to our readers thai we have purchased [roos the publishers, 50 SUBSC RIPTtONS to American Homes Monthly Magazine tnd ti.;ii we int ga iiimiiv of oor sub icribers as possible to take advantai lila Grent Opportunity which ia linlted Lu aumbera and [or r shoi t time Hilv. American Homes s the liandsomesl and tnosi beautlfully HuBtrated tnonthly in this countn il li tlled wii h Designs and Plans for Homes l :ill kin. Is ; A 11:1 1 u;ci m-iil oí ( trOUnds ; Decorations; [deas and Receipts; i-'milture ; Draper] Planta and Flowers, itc., , i.y r. .min. in sense pb u n. i riters. In making thls offer, "■ Itnow thal wc are givlng our readers one of the nosl fwceptable presenta e could make. This is the way FtO i'.'t thlS iii:l:Mll[i.('lll prcsclll vu.son ri:i.v FEEE. ü) Aiiv.ini' win. iiKiy i.c ainong the Brst 5() to pay usan annual Cj subscription to THE COURIER, Eshall have one annual pald up Bubsorlption i" AMERICAN HOMES FREE. 190 DOLLARS BV PER MONTH In Your Own Locality Hindi' i:silvancl li(iiior:ilily, wil lioul cnpitult during your spare bours. áAjinu, womu,boy, orglrlcando the workhand lly, without oxprlence. Talklng uo ueceasary. Nothlng Uke it for moneymtiktiiK cvt-r ofl'r-l Ix'fori-. Our worki-rs learning the builnen. Wc teaclt you in a nlht lunv to .siiccci'd f rom the Srtt liour. You -in ïnaki' :i trial without, cxJH'iisc lo yoursclf. Vi start you, ftirnlsh evorything oeeded to oêxtj on butU ncss MKcfssfiilly, nud KuarRnteo you asalnit (kllun f you ïmt follow our sliuple, piain iistniciioiis. Reader, f you are in need t readj tnoney, ana want to know all about the DMt paylnu; bulneta beton the public, iend us you addrest, aml wo wlll malí you a documcnl K'viiiK you all t lic particular!. TRUEáCO., Box 400. Augusta, Maino. MJkM TRAD! MARKI, fiQfEi OISIQM PATIHTf, COPYRIGHT, t OFor Inforinntlon and frrt Hmltx)k wrlt to Ml'NN A ( .'Hit llnoáDwiT, NW XOBJL (Utlrnt liurrau for wruriiiff mi-ntJi Ín Amorlca. Ktfr.T rntrnt tnki-n out hr u li roufrlit ln-fi.r ihr pttuUO t'j im tico glvrn freo f rlmrgo la Ui IjnjpRt ctrx-iilfttïon of any Bi'ïrntlflp ïwpir !n thw Worlil. Nlll.'ll.illllV llllli'lritlnl. NO hil.'lllK'Mll niu MioiiM ba lili, mi. it. WorkiT, i.ihia ÍMTI tlM l imuillia. AiMiwm, H1INN A CO. 'tTiu.MiiKiM.aMi inuiwr,KSVyorkdtr( THE AWrñcan HOUSE Cor. WnnhlKKlon ni Anhlry Af. Kollttod mul i'.iili.r.l wIUihII mixlorn Ira. provinni'iitii. Kiitsr I'i.amk Taiiik. RATES, 2.OO TO 83. OO. lyr. (1 M, 8TAEBLER, Prop. MEN WAN.TED l'oliikc muIits. 1 list nii-1 on m nl nu 1 fit fr(o :ihir.v or oommlialoD as preferred. Spleadid obftncs for rtllAble men. ICxporlonot not iittrosNiiry, Wrlte for lerma mul ruil parttou The R. u. ril SECOMPANY, Nmsrl.viium. Oi-ni'V, N. V, mc ii iun uiniuru ? "l:"iln nlw mrN ANII n fflrN ■"" nii1 i"'"tHi,u, lllL.ll HllU IIUIIIL11 n.iil, liy ud.ii Ittl th i'om trv il l UFO. CO., HÁMVIUI. B 1 , uifv;VM. ui Niirimiinllr PluibMi Noilil U OftXktl for Miiliitlcs, tut ii-uliu'H, ntiil Hei-nro HKrnoy. Usntlos thii paper. Hutzel's Water Back! A very important invention whicli will be hailed with delight by every body using a stovo or range for Hot watei circulation, Aiter ycars of ex o riciu e wc have succeedcd in pro ducing a simple ;ind perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting linie and other sodiments vhich accumulate Ia water , often making tliL-m useless and in great niany instances becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dolían is reduced to dimes. No household usingarai . ju alTord to be without it. No more trouble by using rity vater tor hot water circulation. t 'lu be used in any stove. Ask oi,r stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Bark. Mason fit Davis do's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvenient. Everybody cali and examine this useful inyention. HUTZEL & CO.. Plumhtrè and SUamfUttr. ANN AHHOK. . - M1CB. W. F. MOORE, ! DENTIST. Work ttiiiu' In uil furins of miulcrn tli-nt!slr; rronü uli.l blidgQ wofk ti siirrhlUy Qndukte ol th i'. í m. Offloe, tfl Ualn li Aim MlOh, 1 v 'ÊÊÊk tf - CINCINNarS W IINDIANAPOIIS fo ,0N „o -'M I ( # k- CHlCV' TOPDETROÍT I' Í The Only Direct Route ? MICHIGAN AND CANADA TO! Modern Sleeping Cars IIUI A r on Nlflht Tralni. LllflHl ' f PARLOR CARS riklfll h V ' f on b. Train,. rlNULAT, f OAYTONj ! iamiiTiui5::: iiiouurous. loirsls'il . l'or rnlcs nuil full Inforitintlon, mlilrrsi i. ii. tkacy, Northern Pau, akl, jni.i' w tvt Woodwtrd dve., Dttrolt, Hlch. ( John HAST.Mii.i:. Dlitrlct Pttnngvr Aft., i 5 Bridg Bt., Toledo, Ohlo. i V I). C. i:i)WAKl)S, Crurrill l-iinnniK'rl ArciiI, , w Cnicw HtiiltlitiK', eitu-iiinatl, tílilo. I Xt Oorti Coldt, Coufha. Sera Thrt, Orao, Influnu, Whoopinf Couf h, BronehitiB nd Aithm. A. ortin rum (or Oomumpilan la flrat tff. and aura raliof in adTafid itf rm. üia at onoo. Y ou will aa lh flKllitnt fft ftar Imkinf thfl fint doaa. Sold by ilralrra aTery wbera. Lnf KottlaaSOa-Uanáftl.OO. QS&L DIEFFENBACH S PR0TAG0N CAPSULES, Suri Curo fc.r Wrk Mm. M pnivod by raportaof loatlliiK l'tlï " I'rUl'.HI. liiUlonir firr. li Ar li '""' 'r '-' ■ IA VI Nlrleturr mul nll unnnturnldlnelmtHoi. rrlrnS. ftREEKSPECIFIC„',".;.:li WniKlHkln llani-i. N.iofnlou. Norrs ,t ITrrtloua, Olt Out morcury. 1'rU-o. Mtt. OrdOT ffon THE PERU DRU6& CHEMICAL GO. J& 18V Wuooniin Klro.t, M1LWAPKI. WUL


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