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The Plnckney kidi win im be rung in after this ai i o'clocli n the ourfew plan. A large nti! iiin nsidence is bc nu built iiv Imc.i Niehaus, on hls property in l.ima. A party oi Plnokney bicyclists are contiMiipliitin ii trip i" Niágara Fallí on tlieir Inris mmo tini tlns suininer. The (.iass lak,' Neus iiiun will havo to get in beforo 9 o.'clock p. m., after this, ir the rinï.'w will iin.'; is chcstii ut bel] mi liini. 'l'his is the time of yi'iir that o of horses shnuld bIiow iheir huinanity, and provide thelr beasts with Qy neta and in't rein their heiids np too liij;)i. - ESnterprlse, Miss Rosañna Geragnty, 61 Dexter, died vcrv suddenly at the home o! Mr. Miillhi'w Himkerd.of l.vndon, Kalurday, .luiy ii, isüi;. Tin remains were taken to irtci for burial. The ariny worm has made lts appear anee in Klisslield tOWDlhip, deStTOVing the wheal, onls an.l eom erop. The roada and Üelds throuílout that oction are eovered w itli the pi'sts. There la to be an Epworth i . . loe oream social m Pridaj e Ihc resiileiiee ol M . F. ( 'lements, boro, to hloh all the Leaguers In the OOUnty are espeeiallv im iteil. Thomaa MoMahon, fl brol ber of Wrs, Win. Mason, of thia ■ i t - , diel on Thur8 ilav last, al hls home in N'urt hliel.l. Funeral ser lees w ere held on Saturáaj il. in., [rODQ Sti l'atrifk's ehmeh, N'mlli field. ( n to morrow, Thursday evening, a reception will be given i.'e . Fr, Doman ho recent i sucoeeded Fr, K snne rector of St. Joh u's Catholic church at Ypsilanti. All denominationa iii particípate. The commlttee appointed by the Des Ier COUnCÜ tO aseerlain the QOSt Of pul ting in and running an electric plant. report tliat the plant woukl cost $8,000, thal ii w.mhl take f2,800 r year to máintatn it, and that the vlllage coud reali.e $1.100 after fiirnisliillK Ihe villa-e with IS streel ure lijrlits ftei'. The Whirligig Of lime has gol us arOUnd tO the cucilDlbcr seas.m aeain. They are said to be a standing menaoe to all whci are constructed on the origininnl plan. 't ma uoi be ort hodos to siin.ircst to the Oreator any improvement in iiíh most wonderful work, imi the dootors claim there is s chance. Chel sen llerahl. it is related that ■ hen in Ogden made bei nest In the forks of a wlllow tree, aboul 13 feet from the ground, and "carrled her lay," to the deposit of 1 1 test iinontnis. making it ii iy great effort, to avoid the unlucky L8. Then she hatched LS ohicks, go1 them down Safelj and Caokled tO her farmer ov lier : "Get-get-get, get yer hair ut , ,t yer halr ent '" The ftimual school meeting for the fractional schooldistrict Including Ohelsea was held last w.'ek Monda v aml showed that $0,872 29 had heen received during the year and i tíat $0,752.52 liad been expended, lea in" a hianee on hand of il 10.77. The district voted to ralee f4,376 by direct tax, whloh is ahout $i ,000 lesa than last year. Dr, K. S. Armstionu; and 11. S. Holmes were elei'ted trustees for three ) and Wm. l'.aeon lor 1 o vears. The Bral annual picnic, of St. Mary's Sunday Sohool of Chelsea was a grand success. The day was s tlelltthtful one, and a vcrv large nuuiKet ol' chililrcn accompanied hy tlieir parcnls, wc-nt lo Kavanaugh Lakeiast VVednesday, Julj Ld 1898, and had a most enjovahle time. Tiii'oiiili the courlesy ol ( i eori;e 1'. Glasier, E)iq., the school had Ihc use of his cottage, boats and pleasant grounds, lor whieh lhe are cr ivratcliil. lee cieam, h-inouade and cake were provid e,l, the ehildreu lv the pastor, and all voted the picnic an unqualifled success. ( 'helsea lleralil. oun drek'b concert r h imbi ro, A concert w ill be :'.nen al Ihe il. 10. church, Hamburg, Friday evenlng July 3] . 1800, by a chorus of m w [orty children, under the diiectiou of M [gg .luliii l'.nll. Afi-oinpiuii.sts ! Organ, Mik. E. .1. Sheridan vlolln, E. V Ball cornet, W M. Vi-ceinm!. Admission 10o. Prognun cDininciiccs ut S n'cloi'k. Wlth the exception of Nos, i. S and 6j all wil! be i" costume ; Noj. 3 and 6 ara motion songs. Kollowinu is tlw proUram i riiuT Ohoroii 9 II. .1! ,li i M llll.loitlrlM. :i. Clp, i ii i . Hurniii! Oboru. I. Mat lier (Iimimu imkIhIx of her rmiitly. . i 'iiiiiiMiiiiui Drill kirIh glrli and tlgbt boyi (!. TIn1 'l'rci's Chorus. mi lirill Scv.-ii kv'.. s. ■ Wmccs ui Nnluri', hoIoh t) Ilitwcis, tilrcis ilutl fnK 'it'll t-: 1 r I s nlld Heven boys. !. KlMtini ll! 'l'tl NiittntiH - 'l'wcnty-slx IctrlH mul hoy niui'scniliiK twiilvu iiiillims. 10 Qood Muiit Drill- KiKiit iitdt' KiriM.


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