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Aun Arbor li. R, Kxcursion Rates. Ti i State óyele meet, Toledo, July 28rd. One fare for round trip. Tickets good returning on July 2Srd only. ('niiip tiiiK ni íin.icii Park ni C. & G. T. Ry. neai Lansing oue and one thlrd for round trlp, Tlcketa sold July 30 and ■"■! and every Thursday durlng the rOOntl) of Auusl, good rt'tlirning lo September i. Oamp meeting al Mand Lake neai Brigbton " D. L. & N. Ry. Tickets ■oíd on Tuesdays, Thuradaya nul Saturdays good returning till September ■). Kpwortli l.r:i'j;uc training iiHSOinlily :il Ludiurfon, Michigan, one (are fot round liip. TU'kotH sol,! to Jnlv LT), good returning to A.ugusl L8, í'cst aaiembly groundi, LudIngton, Mich.i one fare tor round trip. Tickets sold &ugus1 L-8, Ghod returning nii L5. Twolftli IVninsiiliir Süonnorfost, I,iinaing, Mich., one tare tor the round nip, Autf. i, 5, umi i', good returning to AtiK. 7. N:itiim;il LeftgUe .OÍ Aincrii':in 'lu'(lmen, Louisvllle Ky. Rate oí one tare for the round trip, tickets to be sold Am;. Hii and lOth, nood returning to n:-usi I7th. (i. a . K. EncRmpmenl at si. Paul, Miim. Septi Snd and uh. one cení per lililí'. Cnighta of Pythias CJnilorm Rank, Cleveland, Ohio. One tare for round trip Auguil -L'ml to 24th, good for return A.ugust 31st. E, s. ( Iilmorb, Hood's Saraaparilla purifles the blood, overcomes thal tired feeling, oreates an appetíte, and gives refreshlng sleep. Circus Excursión. Satiirilay .lnl.v SSth, t lio Aun Ar'hor lC'y wlll Kc'll aXOUntOQ Uoktttl 1o ToldO a.ud roliini. 09 aOjBOOnt Ol KvIhSWtlon BufMo Bürt AVHla Wefct( TralO lJBiTW Aun Ai-lor i( 7 a. ni. fot round trlp Jlidnruinir brein Loave sTojedo 8:80 i. m. B. 8. GILMOIU:, At. lr. l'rlce's Cream H.iKinj; Powder VVofKr 1 i..r Hlfthcít Mcdnl nd Diploma. A Handsome Book for a Two Cent Stamp. New Publication by the D & C Line. l'u tlmsr who 0O71t6Dipl&t6 t.ikin :i si i ni i hit ui il i ii", w i' ill iimil tor 2c. POSour ilInsiiMii'.i pamphlet, which oontnlns a large number of 1'm'1 engra loga of everj sumrner resorl between t !le eland, Toledo, i 'etroll and Pictur esque Vfack Inac, u haa many ai tistic lialf-tones oí polnta oí interest of the t Lake Región, [nforinatiou re garding both short and extended tours, ij traosportatloD and hotel (are, eto. Iddress, A. a Bch intï, G. P. ., Detroit, Mich, NOT .... MUCH LEFT ....IN A N 1,1 N I1. l.' .... FARM Tools and wIimi.-vit is dow on baad win beioldat irnH il hui rust in order t ■ boslntu i'.v SEPTEMBER Isl. BUY NOW and SAVE MONEY. K. J. HOGERS Impli'mrnt mul Scrtl KI ore 25 and 27 Detroit St., Ann Arbor A.P.T.L.1 4 The American Protcctive Tariff Leagu t a national organization advocatinjr "Protection to American Labor and Industry" .-.s expluipdd by its constitution, as follows ; "Thohi'-t of th'n LMgua hall boto protut Amnn i l,i, i which thalt adiqual wal produoia againtt tn.i i i f fsrtign labor, Tliere are no personal or privats profits in connoction W th the organization and it issust.Mncd by membership, contributions and the distribution of ts publication, FIR3T: Cnrr' lelloïttd rnRnrdinj Mih!h.t 0 ' " i ■■ ! pMulonti." 8EC0ND: Wen mt oontribution, whttthor umull or ttxiy , to our oaut. r THIRD: Wo pul luh a larg lin of dooumtnt oovertng nll phatot of th Tanff qutttion. Com plUllwül Ijii mailod tonyddrifor SOocnU. , FOURTH : 8ond poitAl oard roquosk fop tr- ampl unpy of th "Amrioan Eoonomltt,"" Adilr Wi'lhur F. Wakaman, Qnral SnntM) 180 Wt 23d 8trt. N.w York. ESTATÏ OF GboROB N. B. Kimui k. SI A TK OK MHHUiAN, r.mnlï ,.( Wnshli'11I1U , MS. ai n m.HKimi of tha Probatt Oonrl for tht Countv ol Wuhtenaw. holden ai tha Probate OflBoe In Oltj ol Ann Arbor, on Tlmi Hn isi ii daj ol June, lo tho year one thou Bnu i'ikIH lm nel red audnluet] slu Prmnt, J. Wlllard Babbitt, Judm ol Pro luiii'. In tin' imiUnr of ili ostiili' ol (ooiko N. lï. Kmu lok , doooiistul. dn readlng and flllng th Mtltlon, duls verlfled, of Marj m. Reuwlok, praylna iiuit hor ttower In the real eatate whereol Mld deooftsod dled sol ed rnay be aaalgned to lier and i'uii oommliiloaen iipiuiinii'ii [or Umi. purpoi, Thereupon n u ordered. iimt Fridaj the Mtb iiny n( .lui; 11,'M, ui t 1 1 o'olooï lii the ( aialfrued tor the hearing of uttd petltloD, unit umi the heiri at lan ol iald iiocvanuct, una nu othec ponoua intereated in niii eatate, are requlred to appear al a leulon ■ i iald Uourt, tbeu to be holden t the Probato OftlCÜ, In the i-lly oí Aun A i i.or. itn.l shuw oauie. li any there ii n the prayer of the petltloner ihould mt be granted : And lt tl rarther ordered that iald petltloner gtve notloe to the pertom Intereited in iald ectate, ol the pendenoj ol iald petltton, and the hearing tboreof, by oamlng a 0007 of thlt ordei to 1' publtahed in the Ann Arbor Gourtei n newi paper prtnted and olroulating in Mld Countj Ihree luooeulva treeki prevlouttc ■'! iiy of lu-nrlnv. (Atroe oopy.) j. wiu.AHi) HAinurr, Judge ol Probate. Wm. o. Dutv. Probate Segiiter. Nnricic Ti) ObSD] ioks. STATBOP MICHIGAN, Countj ofWaihli'lmw. Notloe ti iiiTriiy glventhat byanorderof the Probate Court lor the Countj ol Waahtonaw, made on the 99nd 'in ii June, - D, leMtiix monthttron) thal date wero allowed tor oredltori to present thelr olalrai agalnal iin eitate ol John O'Koefo, late oí snUi iiMinh, deoeued, mui iimi nii oreditora oi MuUi deconsod nri' reQnlred to prenoul thelr olAimi to uiii Probato Court al the Probate office In the oltyol Anu Arbor lor oxamlnntion and allowanoe, ou or beiore the 99nd iinv ui Pi tnber nezt, and that itioh tslalinti wili be beard betore iald Court on the 88ud day o( September and on tho Wud in ofDeociiv u-r m-vi , hl ii-n o'olook In the toreuoon "i eaota ■-iiti 1 1 a s. nnir.i. Aun Arbnr, Juno, SSndA. D., IRIK) .1. vi 1.1. i;n iiAiiiii ir. .1 udge ol Probftto, STAÏB OF M1CIUUAN, Couut; ol Wathte IIIIU, SS. ai ii letaton ot' ihi' Probate Conrl for tho Couuty ui Wuahtenau - bolden ai tho Probato Oflloa lu tlieolti "i inu lrbor,onVi)dnadity, iin' siii .hu ui' .1 n iv , in the i-.-ir one thou sumí fililí hntniii'it and nluetj ilx. Preieut, J. Wlllard Babbltt, Judge ol Pro bate. ■ ■ 1 the matter "i the aetate ol Bil 8. Manly, ilri'i'iiMinl. On reading andflltng the petttlon, duly veri Mi-i!, ut Oharlei H. Maoly, praylng thal nUmlnlatrtvl Ion of ulil oatnte muj be itranted to iiiniscit unit wiiiiuiu 1". Miiiuy, or lome other Buitable peraoni Thereupon n li ordered, thal Monday, the LOth i.-i ol Auguet Dext, al ten o'olook In the forenooitt bo ■ 01 the hearing ol hiiIiI pi-in Ion, iiini thal the helrs-al Iaw ol Bivld tloüoHHüdi tuniiiii othor persout lntereiteü lu fililí .'-;t:iii roqulred to appear ni a leeaton of nM Court, then to i' holden "i the Probate OSoe In the oltj ol Ann Arbor, In Nuhl i'iitlnl.y and ihOW i-iinsr, II ftnj llu-ir hr.wiiv the prayerol the petltloner ihould nol be, granted ilud u i rurthor orderod, iii;ii Mimi petltloner fftve notloe to tho porsoua lu torostod In lald eetate, ol tho pendoucj ol ■ald petltion. and bearlua tliorooi, bj oauilng ii i'i'i'y ol thle order to t'1 pub ilshoii in tbe Ann Arbor Cocaisa, ii newa pupor prlutod and olroulatedin iald oount) i bree luooeeilve w eeki pre toui to iaid da] ol hearing. ; COPJ.) .1. "Hl A.RD II W.1UTT. Fudge ol Probato. Wm. Q, DOTT, Probate K'


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Ann Arbor Courier