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Michigan Cêntrai, " The Niiwara Falit Route." TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 21, 1896. . CENTRAL STAND AIID TIME g! jé ■ . 4 ja' ■ )4 ' á W t& : :■ i[-cÖc;h - -w : , K r. ir. w -ja Ti-cj O , - - .- ■- i -. , , ._ . „, SS : S"g „ SS : : : : SS 3 ' ii: ' ' ' Ba : s w ac : : : : a = iïiSf: :SRSS S 8SSS is: : : i - 1 - ü ó-, i Oh f3 J ■"eorh s' s s ri da sa m S : : : jÊS j gg : : i i i S i 8SB i : es ;ss 's ss i? [s ! igss 1 !;;!:■;;■: a á ;;; ;;; á 3 ::::::::::: 3 á : : : : : : ai 'i i : i : i i : : i á 8S : i :S : : SCS :;■:::::::: ; : : :í : ; 'SJj & ás ; ; i jsb ás i ; j i ; a ■ á : ; k : j ; j ; = seo - ■ -oo o ift io 'Sí32 b ..tí '. ' 'tt? '.. sa "" ï" '' '-■"" S ' ' '■$L -W . pilo !- 'OOOÍM ia _ a - .Sc EÈ ES á L::■:: :gg L :::::::L I 11 f. 1 1 ! . I 11 ■ f I H " !--:'ÍM:!h & iijÜii::!:; 2 :S : : g ! ! o ::= :a::::8 -hJ I .ks ; v .í-sS ps Hs ' niiBigisi IIMbIíIsII O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, Q. P & T. A(?t., Chicago Agt. Ann Arbor The COAST LINE to MACKINAC TAKE THE-t C - TO MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The (reatest Perfection vet attained in Boat Construction- Luxurious Bqulpment, Artlstic Furnishing, Decoration and Ellicíent Service, insuring the highest degree of COflFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Four Trips per Week Between Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO," MARQUETTE, AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturcsque Mackinac and Return, inciuding neals and Berths. From Cleveland, JiN; from Toledu, $15; from Detroit, $13.50. EVERY EVENINQ Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with KarliestTrains forall poiuts East, South and Southwest and at Detroit for all points North and Northwest. Sunday Trips June, July, xugust and September Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, PuHn-Bay $ Toledo Send for Ilhistrated Pamphlet. Address A. A. SCHANT2, a. p. ., DETROIT, MICH. Ttie Detroit & Cleveland Síeam Nav. Co. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, wrlte to MUNN fc CO.f who have had nearlyflfty years' experience fn the patent business. Communications strictly confidential. A Ilandbook of In formation concerning Patenta and faow to obtain them sent free. Also a catalogue oí mechanicul and scientiflc books Bent free. Patente taken through Munn & Co. receive special noticeinthe Scientific American and thus are brought widely bef ore the public without cost to the inventor. This eplendid paper, issued weekly, elegant ly illustrated, has by far the largest circulatiou of any scientific worfc in the world. $3 a year. Specimen copies eent free. Building Edltfon, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Every number containa beautiful platea. In colora, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling ouilders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO.. New Yükk, 361 Buüaiíwat. Wanted-ñn Idea zfïlïï'.sss llUlllbU MU IUQU thlngto patent? "rotect yonr Idean: ther may brlng you wealth. Wrlte JOHN WEDDERBURN ft CO., Patent Attorneyi, Wublngton, D. C, for thelr ti.800 priie offer e1 list of two hundred Inrentlona wanted. 5 ASTH M A? SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cure Nerer fails to give instant relief in the worst CUes, &nd effect run.- where othera friiL TrUt rackkfe FltKE f Drnegbta or %j Xmll. UdrDR. R. 80H1FFMAWN. BU rol. BIbb. At the expense of littte ]Sy,4íy I rnoric and hls spare jtjTi time obtain a fair wor'K-B KlH studyathomeI THROUSH THC SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCT1ON, Comprising the leading ccRespoodeoce schools in the world. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. I kU The School of Law prepares pupils for admission ' IDVW to the bar, byan extended, thorough course. Has f fc"B' ora tfioo students n evcry part of the country. J inilDIIII IOM Tllis school teaches journalistic ; JUUnNALlom sSön'up0' WOIk from "e foun' Dnntf ICCDIIIP Tllis scho01 is condurted by Í nlllllV'RrLrlP;! one of the ablest teachers o! V uuun ii.ui ii i-j in An,erka. t CUflDT UlMfl Wsschoolteachesshort-handby i Anllnl"1ll1l e best system, and froni thebe A uiiuiii iimiu ( ming the exp(.rt „,orki j PDCC1 nnA I k 'M This school teaches i htirirX Ril I H II lation, composition and [ Uii-" BHU f-nl il histol fro the founda. é jtioD to the most advanced wc in the classics. The abore schools h by the nee method oulv, and. cognlze uo rlvals in i thelr repectlve lelds. m Address, stating in J Lw- w ■MMnHmuHnmnJ Wheeling and Lake Erie. BAILWAY. NEW THROUGH LINE . . . BETWEEN . . , WHEELING, STUEBENVILLE, PITTSBURGH, and MARIETTA. THROUGH COACHES TO AND FROM OHIO RIVER. THROUGH CONNECTIONS TO PITTSBURGH, And AU Points Bast, via Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, Kent, Revenna, Leavittsburg, 'Warren, Niles, Girard, Youngstown, New Castle, Allegheny, WASHINGTON BILTIIOIE. THEOXLT LINE TICKETING ITS PASSEJÍGERS TII1ÍOI (.11 TO PHILADELPHIA - - NEW YORK And New England Cities, via Washington and Baltimore, at Short Line Rates. Direct connectlon at Massilon wlth Canton-Masslllon Electrio Line, making this roate the most deslrable route from Ann Arboj to Cantón, the home of Gov. McKinley. Trains Depart and Arrlve at Toledo and Manhattan Junction as follows : Daily. Ex. Sunday. Daily. Toledo Lv. 8:00 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Manhattan Je. 8:05 a.m. 1:55 p.m. 7:50 p.m. Daily. Ex. Sunday. Daily. Manhattan Je. 9:40 a.m. 2:45 p m. 6:15 p.m. Toledo Ar. 8:45 a.m. 2:50 p.m. 6:20 p.m. Special Excursión Rates granted on Occasions of Conventlons and other gathering-s, where the attendanee wlll be sufficlently large to warrant a Reduction in Rates. JAS. SI. HALL, OEN. PASS. AGT Í ARBOR AND YPSILANTI MOTOR LINE. TIME TABLE Ttklng Effect Sunday. June I, 189G. WEEK DAYS. Leave the Junction, Ann Arbor, at 7:00, 8:30 11:80 a. m„ and 1:15, 2:30, 4:00 5:30,7:15, 9:00 and 10:45 p. m. Leive Ypsilautt 6:30, 8:00, 11:00 a. m„ and 2 :45, 2:00, 3 :30, 5:UU, 6:45, 8:80 and 10:45 p. m. SUKDAYS. T LeaveJunction, AnnArbor, at 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7 :00 9:30 p. m.. Leave Ypsilantl 1:30, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30, 9:00 p.m. Cars run on city time. Connections wlth L. S. & M. S.Ry. trains at the crossing. Train leaving Ypsilanti at 5 p. m. connects wlth train from the west, fara 10 cents. Fare between Ypsilantl and the junction, single trip 15 cents ; round trip 25 cents J. E. BEAL. President. Cincinnati, Jackson & Mackinaw Ry. Time Table in effect June 7, 1896. Of Trains Passing Jackson, Mich. CENTRAL TIME. SOUTH BOUND. No. 3, Jackson & Cincinnati Slail- 10:23 a.m. No. 23, Jackson fe Toledo Express 4:12 p.m. STo. 17, Passenger, Sunday only 8:00 a.m. No. 19, Sunday only 5:00 p.m. NORTH BOUND. No. 2, Cincinnati & Jackson Mail 5:43 p.m. tfo. 22, Toledo & Jackson Express 10:15 a-m. tfo. 18, Passenger, Sunday only „8 :00 p.m. No. 20, Passenger, Sunday only 11:00 a.m. F. B. Drake, General Manager. T. C. M. Schindleb, Q. P. A., Toledo, O. . TOLEDO p. AnnarboR "F" AND 0 JNORTH MICHIGAN? q RAILWAY. Lj- i-l 'wX. Howurd C. J' JBAY CITY lm TIME TABLE. TAKING KFFECT Sunday, June 7tb, 1896. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:38a. M. 7:00A. m. t9;05A. M. ll:30A. M. 4:38P. M. +8:15 p.m. 10:30 P. M. 8:65p. M. Dally except Sunday. iSunday only, between Toledo and Ham)urg Junction. Daily sleeper between Toledo and Frankort. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. W. H. Bennktt, G. P. A. E. S. Gilmore, Agt. ASTHMA --, OURED. but The PEERLESS ÁSTHMA REMEDYwifi i ve instant relief. 25c and 5Oc 8lzes SampleDaiJfi f ree. At dmggists or luiiildon roceipt of pric


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier