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A Lively Session

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CFroni Tuesday's Times.} Our city fathers feit quite "frisky" ist oiglit aud fcheir regular se3iou vas far more entertaining than Buïïalo Bill's Wild West eau possibly e. Considerable business was atended to but of course the greatest inmortalice and interest attaelies to lie Council's action upou the ijuesions of ïnticadauuziuj; Detroit st., ouipleting the grading on S. Univerity ave., and lowering the YVashtenaw ave., sewer. Detroit st., is to be acadaniized at once, S. University ve. lmproyement conipleted and the Yashtewaw ave., sewer lowered four eet. All the alderman were present xcept Aids. Brown and Burke lroin he Fourth ward, and niany represenative citizens occupied the seats acorded the public. Petitions were read asking tor sidewalks on Forest ave., and. grading on liller ave. Referred to proper couimittees. ïhe Board of Public Works sked for $110 for placing a bath and loset in the engine house. It was granted by unanimous vote. The ame Board subiuitted engdneer's estimates on cost of painting bridges over Hurón river. By vote the Board was nstrueted to get bids for the same nd have the work done. The Board lso subinitted estiinates for macadamizing Detroit st., 1,500 and $9(50 exra for stone, and for niacadamizing art of División st., $4J7.30. These stimates were received and placn file. The board also asked for appropriaion of $130 for improviug south side f Felch Iark. Granted without división. Property holders in thé socnd ward petitioned for cross-walks cross Liberty and Third streets. Ueferred. Charles A. Ward asked hat a sidewalk grade be established n Prospect st. Ueferred. , Clerk Mills then read the estímate made by City Engineer Key upou the ost of lowering the Washtenaw aventé sewer. For the lowering of the ewer four feet as ordered already by he conmion council the cost is estinated at 354; for lowering it six eet as desired by Washtenavv avenue property holders, $5S1.7ö. Aid Koch reruarked that there were present several' gentlemen who no doubt wished to talk on this subject. Professors Knowltoa, Demnion and Patteugill then spoke in favor of lowering the sewer six feet. Their remarks were seemingj quite convincing. Aid. Maynard favored lowering it six feet. Aid. Koch moved that the suni of $581.71 be appropriated and the sewer be lowered six feet. Aid. Coon seconded the motion. Aid. Dell objected that the work should be done by contract. Prof. KnowHon replied that he believed the charter would allow such action without bids being received, and asked immediate action. Aid. Danforth opposed haste and Aid. Soule facetiously touched up his colleagues for slowness and favored immediate aetion. Aid. bhadford thought four feet was auough. Aid. Dell insisted that city work was too expensive and demanded contract. President Hiscock warmly approved lowering the sewer no more than four feet. A vote on Aid. Kocli's resolution was taken and it carried, Aldermen Moore, Shadford and President Hiscock alone voting no. The vote - yeas, 10; nays, 3. The committee on streets recommended a culvert on the west side of Ashley st., a tile drain on Ashley st., asked $35 for grading Eiglith st., asked referenee of matter of alley between llaiu and Ashley sts. to city attorney, and asked estiniates ou pttdiog and gravelllng Gott st. dopted. The grades on Detroit st. and N. Fourth ave. were established. Aid. Moore, of the stveet committee. then precipitated the expeeted fight )y offering a resolution that N. Fourth ave. from Ann st. to Detroit st., and Detroit st. from Fourth ave. to Depot and Cary sts., be macadamized to the depth of eight inches, according to the estiinates of the city engineer. Aid. Moore insisted that the matter be attended to at once. Aid. Cady grumbled about the cost. Aid. Maynard feit much the same. The discussion was brief but feeling. A'ld. Coon moved that the resolution be laid over. Amid deep silence the vote was taken Aid. Maynard, Coon, Soule, Cady and Danforth voting in its favor. The motion was lost. Aid. Coon moved that the resolution of Aid. Moore be amended so as to read that the B. P. W. be directed to ad vertise for bids on such iinprovement Aid. Moore refused to accept the ameodment, but nevertlieless it carried. The motion of Aid. Moore as thus amended then passed by an unanimous vote. ;ill the aldermen "leaping into tlio band wagon" with groat alacrity. The siilcwalk coiiimitteo then recommended numerous plank and stone walks and repairs. The aldermen, however, rested easy while Aid. Coon's sedative voiee read the long lists and paid none too much attention. But the coiniuittee is a good one and its recommendations were invariably adopted. Bonds of City Treasurer C. H. Manley and Plumber .T. F. Schuh were received and accepted. Snpt. of Poor Sipley was direeted to purchase a year's supply of wood provldlng he can do it cheaper now thau later in the year. Aid. Soule moved that $35 be appropriated for the purpose of finishing the grading of S. Unlversity ave. between Twelfth and Ingalls sts. Aid. Moore saw a chance to get even and moved that the B. P. W. be ordered to get bids for the same before the work was done. Aid. Soule and Coon thought it meant a needless delay, and then the amount, they said, was so small. President Hiscock remarked with a distinet chuekle that something else beside the amount of money was to be considered. Some people were so careful how sueh jobs were done! The amendment carried. Aid. Danforth spoke of the necessity of coutinuing the trimming of the city's shade trees. Aid. Laubengayer then moved a reconsidera tion of the Detroit st. macadamizirtg question. The object was evidently the ordering of the work without the preliminary of getting bids. The motion to reconslder carried. Then Aid. Moore moved tbe passage of his orginal motion shorn of the troublesome amendment. Aid. Coon, Soule, Cady and President Hiscock spoke brieily. AVith consent of the council Captain C. EL Manley spoke earnestly and convindngly in favor of the question. He spoke of the fact that surprisingly little money had gone into Street or other improvement in that portion of the city. A vote being arrived at, the list stood n s before with 'the exception that Aid. Coon reversed his vote and voted yes. On motion of Aid. Moore and suggestion of Aid. Coon City Engineer Key and one member of the B. P. W. were authorized to go to Detroit and study the ]uestion of macadamizing. An oíd well on Maynard st. was ordered placed in condition for travel. On motion of Aid. Koen and i vote of 7 to C the resolution ordering the Washtenaw ave. sewer lowered six feet was reconsidere. President Hiscock announced that as acting mayor he certainly should veto the motion as passed. There was some discussion. Aid. Maynard sorrowfully spoke n favor of the six feet depth. and 'elt certain that he has already lost ome of his best customers because of the question. He did not care to ose more. He thought himself a fooi or going on the council, and said so 'inphatieally. Aid. Koch remarked 'for God"s sake let's do somethiug." The vote when taken showed S yeas ind 5 nays- yeas, Aid. Moore, Koch, Feiner, Laubengayer, Shadford, Hhodes, Soule and President Hiscock; nays. Aid. Maynard, Dell, Coon, Cady and Danforth. Crosswalks over Moore and Broadway sts. were ordered. Both the Fifth ward aldermen asked this. Aid. Maynard then moved to reconsider the motion authorizing the advertising for bids for compleüng work on S. University ave. The aldennen were in a forgiving mood and on motion the work desired there was ordered done without the preliminary of asking for bids. Brick crosswalks were ordered across Main st. on north'; and south sides of Huron st. and across Huron st. on west side of Main st. Nelson S. Garlinghouse was


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