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Tho"e are two república ia Xorth Amwica, one the republic of the United States and the other the republic of Mexico. Commercial tramactions n Mexico are based upon sllver. It is clalmeOt by the advocate of free silve:' that business is good in Mexico and that labor is employed. But at ra te per diem is labor employed ? On the average a conimon labore:- in Mexico receives $2.90 per wc;"]; ; the same kind oí labor ín, the Uni-e 1 States recsives $8 83 per iveek. TVhila the common laborer receives bui $2.90 per week in Mexico, flour us qnoted at $21 per barrel. 'A'hile the American laborer receives $8.88 per week, he can buy a barrel of flour íor Sí! 80. Coaxse cotton cloth That is purchased here for 5 cents per vard costs 13 cents per yard in Mexico on a silver basis. Eiffht hours of ha rl -s-ork in Mexico will Kcarcely buy three yards of the coarsest .nWeathed cotton cloth, while the líame amo un l of cloth can be earned by an American laborer at the same kind cf ■wofk iii one hour. The ordinary lator;ag man in Mexico receives abo ut one-third as much in dollar, as ihe ordirary laboring man in the "Jnlted States, and it takes the produats of seven weeks of his labor to buy one barrei of white wheab flour. The Mexlcar dollar con-talns 377.17 ccrains of pur.' silver, nearly fcix grains more th.i.i the American dollar, but the American dollar is equal in eschangeabli value to two Mexican dollars. The reason for tihis is that the silver doll:iv in Mexico is uot kept :it parity wir i gold by a plelge of the governinoii', and consequeutly is only vorth [ts bi. ilion value. The same results would prevail in our republic lf it did tiot limit iti silver coinage and liletiM its faith and credit to keep the fiiner dollar at parity Tvith pold. Busiteep in may be ?ood but the eommon laborer of that country Uves on coni meal and water and beans, -and dresses in a sinsle garmemt tlie year round. Does the laboi'er af thls republic want t o imite such conditions heve ? If a f-ilver baí'ií wiir and does place the borer of Mexico on such a plañe, will LOi the same mometary basis ■ chico correspondías conditions in the Unied States ? These are luestlons thar tlit. man wlio dependa upon his daily wage for maintainance of himself and family must study .ind answer himself. If he prefers to descend ti the conditions of the Mexican labo rei1 he ha the means in his iower to do so. If he prefers tho independenca and comforts of well paid labor for himself and family he .liso lias the nieams in hiis power to compasa theni The wage earner of America ís oarnestly; urged to study the conditione of his class in Mexico, and is then as earnestly Jüvited to saTe this country from the desradatiou cí an exclusive silver currency, wiueh will be brouht about by the freo and ■UEQlimited coinage of


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Ann Arbor Courier