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Tüe 'regen t h3ld a meefns Mondny. Mrs. Henry Binder is about ta erect a new residence on William Bt. John Mencier bad a pony stolen froro "ïhe Allen farm last Saturday miifht. i Mrs. Carrle Flejds drew the )ine fruit cake at the cake walk Friday night. Buffalo Bül was too much for the. city fathe'.-s Monday evening, and they. adjOTirned to go an dsee him. It is understood tliat Chas. A. Ward ios about completad arrangements to purcbase the Ann Arbor Democrat. At a meeting oí the "board ol dijctorfc of tlhe Washtenaw Mutual Firi Ins. Co. MOntbay, losses to Ihe amount of about $750 were adjusted. Our Third Ward, Kecord Breakers had thir record broken at South Lyon. Saturday by a seoire of 11 to 8. On Friday afternoon Harry Hayler, of thu F. & M. Bank, had a newAknp"ica -vvheel, No. tí, 251, stolen. It -was iinis-Led in Maixon enamel, striped in white. i Marshal Peterson was thankeü by tho trustees oï the University öcho J 'jï Muisic at their meeting Thursday, efiicient aid rendered upon the ■oceii&ion oï the Musical festival. Steak thieve s sneaked int the houS3 oí Paul Snauble JIonday, while lite wOre ylewing the street parade and st.ole jewelry to the valué oí $50, and a new suit o1: clothes beloagiug to Mr. ÜnaaWe. Tlie Y. W. C. A. tiave utarted, a 11fxnarj! down at their rooms, wliich they think will be a 'beneat and a Jsource oï pleasure to its members. ,A. niuafber o. books have alrea4y been Zonaled, and any contribution oisuitaiblo book-i wlll b3 gladly received. On Thursday morning, August 4, Miss Catharine Mclntyre dled at her home in XortJifield, aged 56 vears., Funeral services wlll be held tomoriow morning' irom St. Patricks church Nortlslield. The deceased was a sister of W. H. Mclntyre oí this city, and Patrick Mclntyre oï Nortüfield., Keep -in mind tlhe Ge'man Day celebration. Regular meeting af the O. E. S. tonight, at Masonlc TompU'. K U a liofc day tor the various guiHrnntoTial boomers at Grand RapIds to-day. Th ooincil haa accepte;l an invHatlon to attend tlie Germán Day ies( i vit ie:, in a body. Tl'ere are 53 dental colleges in. the United States, with. 5,000 studeats in, attc-ndance, and 1,500 graduates last June Last aiglit the council let the contract for lo wering the Washfcenaw ave. sewer, to Sctmeider Bros., for $499.1'0. ''Mercy fljnd Help" was the subject. of e. paper read by Miss Sara TVhe don 'befare the Bay View ssembly, recontly. Miss liilian Mills, formerly of thla city, bister of City Clerk Mills, was manied July 8bh, at Bcvyne City, to Mr. Joím Cory. A n%v pest, called the 'hawk motli,'' Jesembling the tomato vorm, is destroying the potatoes n some parís of the state. Joseph H. Benedicl, a man who jumpeö bis board bill at the American house, gat 10 days in jail Tot that act last Saturday. Among the patenta just pranted is one to Jos. R. Gump, of Milán, who had gumptiou enough to get np a new check rein holder. Electric lishts have been ordered placod at th corner oí Hill ht and Waííbtenaw avé., and on W. Liberty abouc 800 feet írom Ejhth st. Mis. Gatharime Steinbach, of lim.i, a sister of Jacob Volland of this city. diel last Thursday, at her home in tawniship, aged 70 years. E. B. Pona of thiB city, jias been maíe a member oí the advísory committee of the Btate sound money democratie organization, for this i.istrict. Kev. J. C. Speekman, pastor of the, Germaa M. E. Church of this city,will adöress tihe ma's meeting at the Y. M C. A., nexfc Sunday afternoon at 2:45 oVlock. A" 'bilí for divorce has beeni iiled by LAxaia M. Healey against Frank Healey, alleging cruelty and non-support. Thtv 'were maxried in 1,884, and have two children livlns. Biírglars "harO been trylng t get in tteir work at eeveral houses tn' the city for the palst iew lays, lint tho occupants have been too lijrht sleepers for them. Piokpoiakets pickeel up quite a little aiound among the crowd Monday, the heaTiest loser so1 far known was Mrs. SchAvartz, who had her purse containing $37 taken. Miss Marjjaret V. Böwer of this city, has been appointed state instructor for tfhe Ladies of the Maccabees for Michiga,n, and entered iipon her duties MOnday. All ertudents expectins to return will regret to learn thiat Keene Fitzpatrick wlll nöt return tö the U. of II. next year as trainer in athletics, having been Becured by Yale. O.i Mönday mornlng last, Barbara, wife of John Sautter, of Northïleld, died at the age Of 58 years. Funeral services are being held tó-day, Interment in the city cemetery, Northside. The 29th anmial reunión of the Twenty-second M. V. I. occurs at ]-lushing, Aug. 13. This regiment has 1'iree surviving members residing in this eounty: Capt. Woodman, of silanti, Col. H. S. Dean and Private S. C. Ranöall, of Ann Arbor. Ib has been suggested that when fire alarais are solunded on Sunday, that the heil eholuld slmply be rung only one-half minute, or the same as on ■week áays. The flremen do nöt want the crowd about them. an3 öther people do not want the annoya-nce of the noise. Gasoline came near closing the li'e of Mrs. Ohristine Miller, at No. 80 W. Tjitrty st., last Sunlay afternoon. A neigtibor wrapped a blanket a round her and Bmothered the ilamee ■that were rapidly "burning her clothin?. The fire -was put otat before the department arriTed. Tlie third social glTem by the Methodist Sunday Sohöol to the members d' tihe churcii and congregation wlU hv hell in the Sunday School room, on niurs,day evenimg Augjisrt 6th, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Ain interesting program will be rendered. Ice eream and cake will be served iree. All frtends are Invlted, Admlsslon ten cents. ' Hcin"y B. Dodsley received word Slondiay of th death of Mrs. Thomas Blair, of Lyons, Ohio, on the day previous. The deceased was the wife of I)r. Blair wliö graauated here In '92, amd "who lived in Mr. Bodsley's house on Detroit st., for Beveral years and 'whiö was quite ■vvill known here. The Üeceased loaves two small childreii Mrs. Iodsley left yesterday to attend the funeral. Ifc is Rtated by Gliairman McAUaster tfhat the Y. M. C. A made about $72 off tho cxcursiaa to Detroit last vreek Thursday. Too much work lor too mail jay, and yefc t)ha Y. M. CA. building fund mutët be increased if only by Bmall amounte. AniKraneement is made of the npproaching marrlage, on Thur-'lay, Aiis: 7, of Prof. Bosslsíer G. (ole and Miss Fannie Louise Gwinnei", bo;h o-f this city, and both 'lexcellent music teachers. Many congratulitions will be extended the happy couple. THe'Ann Arbor Riñes commence drilling ou Monday, Aug. 10, for the parado on Germán Amer:can Day, Auff. 27th. (They will also construct a flout fepresenting the Goddess of Liberty. J. F. is authority ior the Htatement that this will probably be the largest parade ever sein In Anu Arbor. Edíon Wettoerbee, of Detroit, Las comn;Onced Bui against the M. C. R'y Co. for $10,000 damaRes tlaimed to have been sustained on March 22, 1895, by his horse running away whiie on the bridge croesing over the, ït. E. tracks on Beakes st. líe asser; s ithat the railroad coimpany alIowhjI rtlhe 'bridge to reniain in an unsafe oonditiön af ter it had been con demneö by to city and state a-uthorItles. ■ ■ Fr-cnds of Pete W. Ross, lit '92, "will bii pleased to learn of hi3 contempla ted marriage on Tuesday, Aug. 18, at ïlason, Ohlo, to Miss Munn Bruske, of that place. The eer-imooy will bii performed in the üniversalist chv.rch, at 12 o'clock noon. The couple -will be at home at Paynesville, Minresota, after the usual bridal tour. The hosts of Pete's iormer friends here will eend hearty congratr.latioiis. At Zukey, Strawberry, islaud and the adjoiiming lakes, water is the highest sinoe the memory of the ol'lest. inhabitaiit amnneth back. Boats are rowed over meadows and marshes, and iishennen and pleasure seekers are having great times in going aixiut the country in Bail boats, row lioats and canoes. Many ai the boat houee's havo t heir üoors corered with water 'S that the boats can be rowed in without the trotíble of the rowor }rettin't; out of the boat. Miss Mary Purfield whose clandenfclna marriage with George PaltriJge of Kalomazoo, some months a?o reated such a sensatiion, and who !efused to lire witih her husband, but soon returned home to reside, was man ied yesterday to the man of Ler chtvk-e, Adolphus Wm. "Weir, law '95, of Masan, Iova, íor wMch jplace they lef: last nijj-ht. The bride has many fricr.ds here notwibhstandins her iormcr troubles. X dlvorse had been. granted her in this circuit some weeks ago Cards are out anjiouncing the marriase, on Wednesday, August 12, oí Miss Amina Estelle Muma, dausrhter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Muma, to Rico Aner Beal, of the State Bavings Bank, son of Ex-Poöt.maste " and Mrs.. Eujrene E. Beal, of E. Madison Bt. The ceremony will take pl:vce at the residence olí the bride'á parents, No. l'OS E. Hurom st., at 3 o'doek p.m., and the cotipte will coinmence keeping house at once after their leturn froBi their bridaltour, in. a iio-ise on S. Second et., wtoich will be uil ready lor their receptian. The propO'Sitlan to MacadamUe Detroit etreet, or any other street which will have to ïe 'dug .ip again in a short time for sewers, is not only. au unwijse but a íoolish thiníc' to do. Theo asain, it is doubtíul if Macadam is what is wanred on Detroit Bt., on whicli so much liea'ï'y teaning ds done. It will need fconiethiuí more durable, epecially eo whtQ teaansters are allo wed to use, narrow tired wagons. There sliould be itü haste in ttois matter, but the city bhould taJie time enoush to be vmre that it ib doing the riLlit thiog Tiu-.ii it does anytihing. It was too tod ttiat Officer ïtoss of Ypsilamti, did nothavO liis revolver with hhn Móaidiay, whön he eausht the iellow who attempted. the assault upou tJie young eü'l who was going from tuis city; to ter home Monday, aftornoom, on ttoe jnLddle Ypsilantl road. If aay omO ever needed a les-, son, he vaa tne ome. These issaulta on young giris are get-tdug altogether t oo frequent, and atwut the onl: thing that Will sttop thetn is a severe. puniíhment meted out to soma miserable perpetrator. The comuiunity would have rejoiced blad fchis fellow been made to comprehend the enor-, mtty of nis attemgted crime.


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Ann Arbor Courier