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The Sharon ccmrt house is to be repaiied. Ttiere ïvill bo plenty of wOTk iorthe eider milis this year. The plum erop is rotting on the trees- too mucli wet. Urs, Anna Btfw, of Ypsilanti, died Au;. 11, aged 76 years. ' Mrs. Johu Rush ton, of Manchester, diel Au2. 41, aged 62 year. I: i-i said that tho great iuantitfer of rain is injurius the celery i rop. Ren) em the excursión to I3ttroit and Port Huron. tctanorrow. Capt Allen will spenk at the Farmev's Picnic at Wlütmore Iike, Aug. 20th. Mrs. E. D. ATebb, oí Ypsilamti, died Ausi 9. after a Ümgering illness, aged 59 years. Postmiaster Bo(?ardus at Ypsïjanti, continúes to jnake improvements In the ofiice. TUe school house in the Pierce districc, Sharon. has been'recelving much needed repairs. Prof. M. A. "Wïiitney, formerly pi Ypsiianti, hn,s moved to his neiv homn in Elgin. 111. Capt. John Geddes has been nppo-inted to the command of the Salvar; on Army at Ypllanti. Col Ferm oí Bridgewater, liad to buy a new -watclh dog: toi koep tlie Ihieves aivny from Ms barn. Good butter is very scarce in the market Binse the creamery started, says tho Manciester Enterprise. The Hankee eider mili has been Ixmght by Jotun Seckinger and moved to his resldence in'Bridgewater. Doc Snyder has eet up a eider mili on hts farm in Wétwter, and grinds out apple juice at ome cent a gallon. Storms liave cause:l considerable damage íd various eectlons of the county during the week, both from wiul and lihtnlng. The ''Morgan storo" at East Manohestov, hias buen soW to Wray and lo i-o:l to W. C. Tew íor the ase oí tlie oveatnery. AVheii tbvpatening doaida come up tihesj days, there aro manv nervous people who watcih them with anxiety untJl they pass over. Chas. Senjrer, of Manchester has a pear tree that blo'ssoms twice -a-year, an.l Ibis year has borne fruit frota bolh sets of blossoms. A meeting of the Michigan, Indiana and Ohio Butter, Egg and Poultry Association was held in Ypsilanti last week. Said not to have !been bad. A barn belonging to M. E. Keeler, of Sharon. was ötruck by lightning one day last week, and the fluid glanced off and killed two cows standing near. "W L.. Watkins o-f Manchester, eayö he want to talk witli bis' frlenfls before hi; shies his castor 'in the ring for thé county clerk nomination. Very fhoi Khtful. Oii Mondny bf last week the barn of "Wm Schnirring, oí Brldgewater, was struck ly lightning and burned. Loss $400, insured in the Southern "Watfitenaw. Thö wind mlU of W. B. OSboTae, of Sharon. was tackled Ty lightning recently bul g-ave the Job up a too tough to handle. It couldn't outwind that mlll. ' Saline Maccabees hold a picnic Ang. 25, 1890. The speakers are Hom. H. S. PingTee, D. D. lAltken, Emma Bower, and J. N. Xwiis. A good placo to go for a good time. The norse barn of Myron Pierce, of Sharon, was struck by lightning Monday before last and 'was destroyea: together with a q-uantlty of hay. Two tona of wool and tho horses therein were Baved. i Mrs. Henry Gregory has supplied the Dexter railway Btatioa with Bibles and prayer books ior the man's Auxillary o.' the Episcopal clinrch.- Dexter Leader. While sinkfaff a well on the tann of John Pídd, four miles Viouth of this villHge a vein o' salt water was stnicK ar a dept'i of 180 ít. Thí water U to'i salty to 1e gooi !ut does no' contain muclj. mineral.- l'inckney Dispatch. é Saloon business, lik ove'y other, is sntterins froto tfa.è effëcts of hiard time; II i=i saia 1 i 1 1 lo.-al :-aloon kespert v.iil sihortly e nnbine nnii 11 n'i more 5 o 'iit wWfi&les. - Dexter Eeadei'. Another argument [or free eilvor. See ? Some men in-ifc o-i stiowlns what they (lon't kiiow by what they think they do know about sold nnd süve". Which wO'Uld b3 .the most pro 'Hable, to keep it up or stayi at home and pnll your wild lettuce ?- Cliel?ea Heraltl. Thi Germán Workingmen'e Poclety of place tvill tafee part in a body at the Germán American Day c.elebratioa in Anti Arbor, Aus. 27, '90. All meniberp nre requested to meet at the hall at 7 a. m.- Oielsea Heralá. Thai's business. SnriTTii9or 1,. T. Watkias of Maac'ieite". has announfo-i lii-: candidacy tov ccunty elerk. He will Tnake a stFT fint fov a place) on thei demoera! ie eounty ticket.- Tpilanti Sentinel Xow wlio is ''Supervi-w !L. D. Watklns ?" Mr. M O. Bke-'io tarvaded the sanctity of sanctum san-torum one dav la-'t -veok and presenting hls bilí demanded and proceeded to extract blood f rom us.- Stockbridse Sun. A wrcajK í-pell. Tlie last syllabi è öhcxolil be "ter" and not "to." i townsman, H. Wirt Newkirk hiils fair to maleo a. lively canvass for the nomination for .Tudse oí Probate. Wirt has hosts of friends among the county republicans and they ,axe all ■woi'klB; ior llis Bucoess.- Dexter Leader. Tes, Wirfc is decldedly in it, 1hovirh Tre hare heard it sujïgeste:l that thfc speaker'.-; chair oí the state house o', representatives -woul3 abou' iit him.' How the chicken sto-ies iile up ! Ho-o i o:ie that conwü all the way1 {rom Fgw lerville. -V merchant iu that village o; veracity was countin:? out egg?, when lie heard a straise sound issuing from the basket. He put one of the imofferive loolntiS eggs under a hen, and nexfc moiT.inií a sprightly chicleen carne forth ano. entered upon the perplexing care? 01" this lüe.- Stokbriclge Sun. The lady who BOld the cggs- and ihe merchnnt- does not peep.


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Ann Arbor Courier