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Oh, wc are rollicking, fiolicking Pops! We cau tulk, if we wisli, till tle unlverse stops. We're a viaorous sort at a story or song, Our finalices are short and our whiskers are long; And that's wliy We're here to apply For various cnanges, both startllng and new. We want a whole lot, Though we dou't know just what ; 'Most any oíd thing (so U's differeuti wil! do. Serenely we're looking ahead to the day VVbeu di'monds wou't cost uenr as much as baled hay, Aud a blue gingham shirt, when we've counted our vote, Will be stylisher far than a sivallow-tail coat. And that's why We're here to apply For a share of the sporls whlch we reckon our due, ' Aud we dou't have to wait For a cause for debate- 'Mot any oíd cause (?o U's different) will do. -(Washington Star. "Since the war farmers have stèadily retograded. The Republican attributed this to overprpduction aud endeavored to i m prove tlie condition of farmers by a proteetive tarift'. Result: the panic ot iS'J-t. Do repubhcan proteetiomsts imagine that after having by a Iiijíh protective tarift" almost entirely closed on r markets to all other nations, these ïiatioiis wou ld purchase even one bushei of corn or wlieat froin America? ! Stapidity, thy uaine is MeKinley!" - Hausfreuud. We cannot auswer the above any better tfian by quoting tiiat great Gernian statesman Bismarck and wondering whether Herr Dancer will say "Stupidity thy name is Bismarck!" The adoption of the polic}' of Protection in the Germán Empire may be fairly ascribed; to the study of its successful operatiop in the United States, wh icli wás given the subject by Prince Bismarck. It was on May 14, 1882, that Bismark, in one of his able speeches before the Germán Keichstag. said : "Tlie puccess of the United States in material development is the most illustrious of modern time. The American nation has not only successfully borne and suppressed the most giganüc an expensive war of all history, but immedi ately afterward disbanded its army tound employment for all its soldiere anc marines, paid off most of its debt, gave labor and homes to all the unemployet of Europe as fast as they could arriv$ witliin its territory, and still by a system of taxation so indirect as not to be perceived, much less feit. Because it is rny delibérate judginent that the prosjerity of America is mainly due to its systein of Protective laws I urge that Germany has novv reached that point where it is necessary to imítate the Tariff system of the Uuited States." Tvoo-e clothes and downy cusliion biinc' only a negative eort of comfort to a woman who is suffering witi ome disease or deransement of the orans distinctly ieminine. öome clol lie-i and some posilious make the pain and disco'mfarü sezm Jes.s. Perliap;-1 the nen-es aremoac afiected and thii in tui'n disturfc the digestión. Nothins wl.l otM completely relieve bu; a radical cure. The start of Kocalled ''.emale coanpliinte" mayhe a ve.-y Slight Vbing inileed. It may be that in the ba'i'iuin some smail hyjrïeilt xneasuies would stop the tror.l'le. Certuinly at tiii-s time, a Httl.; bit oï the íl.íht medicine -svould sto it. When the t"ouible becomes worse. it Is harder to cure, bufr still it can be cured. Ir. Plerce'-s rite Piescripticm wlJ positively cure any troüWe of this cliaxacter. It mar be absolutely relied upon. It aiíoi'ds lastlag reiijf to a woman wliose natura' modesty has kept her ïrom constUina a physieian. Sontl 21 cents in one-cent sta-mps to WarlA'ií Dií-pensavy Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive Dr. Pieice'í 1008 page "Common Sene Medical Advi-er," proíusely illustratd. Farmers' Pienie. For the eigliteenth annual Farmers' ■"icnic at Whitmore Lake, Saturday, August 29, the Ann Arbor R. R. will ell cheap excursión tickets. Train eaves Ann Arbor at 7.38 a. m. Fare or round trid only 40 cents. Children ïalf this rate. Returning train leaves ake going south 8.22 p. m., going north .06 p. m. E. S. Gilmore, Agent. For Germán Day. The Ann Arbor R. R. wi'l sell tickets o Ann Arbor froni all stations on its ine from Toledo to Owosso inclusive, at ne fair and a third round trip. Tickets ood returning August 28th. E. S. Gilmoke, Agent. ïalf Rates to Milwaukee - O i account of the National Convenio! o!' Republican League Club, AugUvrt 23, 24 and 23, ilie Xorth-Westem Line (Chicaigo & Western tailway) -wlll Bell excurslo-on tickets rooa Chicago to Milwaukee and reur.: at rate oí one faie for theroung rip For tickets and full informaron apply to ticket ac-nts of eonnectnsr lines,, or address W. B. Kinskers, G. P & T. A., Chicago, IU, SHORT LI SOUTH 4 Trains Daily to Cineinnati VIA, C, U, & D, RY. Ticket Office, 169 Jefferson Ave, Detroit


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Ann Arbor Courier