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"As if a brièk were lyins: iu my stomacli" is the description by a dyspeptic of his feeling after eathig. Tliis one of the comnionest symptoms of indigestión. If yon have it, take Shaker Digestive Cordial. 2STot only this symptom, but all the symptoms of indigestión are cnred by Slmker Digestive Cordial. 50 many medicines to cure this one ÍTsorder. Only one that can be called successíul, beeause only one that acts in asimple, natural, and yet scientific way. Shaker Digestive Cordial. Purely vegetable, and c ntaining no dangerous ingredients, Sliaker Digestive Cordial tones up, strengthens, and restores to health all the digestive organs. 51 ild by druggists, priee 10 cents to ü.üQ a bottle. Bottom Knoeked Out. The bottom is knockedrigbtoutof the rices of our entire stock till Saturday Xight, Aug. 29, 10 P. M. Onr shoes are rhe most artistic and best made we can ind in the markets. The kind that have milt up onr trade with. Bringtheboys and girls for school shoes, not the kind ' bat goes to pieces, the flrst rain the}' get into. Ask any one who has made purchases of us and find out what kind of goods we sell and how we do business. Ve don't want the whole earth like Johnny Buil, but a share we expect to ïave if fairtreatment and the best goodg vill take advantage of our great sale. o goods charged JACOBS & ALLMAND, Reliable Footwear. Washington Bik. Washington St. "The little store around the corner." ■■ Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. J. G-undennan, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract : "I liave no hesitation in recommeiyllng Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were almost marrelous In the case of my wlfe. Whlle I was pasbor of the Baptist church at Iüves Junctiom, she was brought down with Pneumonía succeedlng La Grlppe Terrible paroxysms of coughing would ast ihours with llttle interruption and t seemed as if abe could not survlve ihem. A friend recommended Dr. ECing's New Dlscovery ; it was quick in lts woi-k, and highly satlsfactory in results." Trial bottles free at Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co's drug store, and Geo. J. Heaussler, Manchester. Rfirular size. 50o and $1.00. Half Rates to Milwaukee- C i account of the National Conventio'i of Republican Le.-.gue Clubs, August 23, 24 and 25, tire Xorth-Westem Line (Ghicago & North-iVestern iailway) will eell excursioon tickets ro'a Chicago to Milwaukee imd re:ur.: at rate oí one faiel for theroung trip For tickefca aud full informatioa apply to ticket aents oEconnectns line,, or address W. B. Kinskers, Gr. r & T. A., Chicago, IU, SHORT LI SOUTH 4 Trains Daily to Cincinnati VIA, C, H. & 0, RY. Ticket Office, 169 Jefferson Ave, Detroit PlpK A p T I & r, S . i ■ !■ 'he Americ;;:i P ■'■■■:''■■':■. 'T atl'A Léagua s a national orgd . uu advocating Protection to .- r. t ; ". n Labor and ndustry " a:. exp! ■.-..: . :■-, cortstituon, as folio "The objü';b cf tbis Lc-Hr;.ir. ,!is!i ba to proteot merican laDw . , : -.:■ hioh anall dequr.' . . ■! produott jainet ttte compatction f ÍVjreign labor." There are no personal or privato jrofits in connection with the organizaonand tissustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of ts jubiications. FtRST: Corre5potciönc is solicitad reir&fdinj ' Memb'jrship " and ' Or.cia! CorrespondwntB." SECOND; WefeddanGv c -mocontributiorm, whetiier Bm3l!-or larfj. to úur cause. THIRD: We publish a tar.e na of' documtmti overing all phases of the Tariff qudBtion. Complete set wi'.l bw mailed toany addraüafor 50 cent. . FOURTH: Send pestal card requeat for tr%% ampie uopy of the ' Amerioan Economii.M Addresa Wilbnr F Wakeman. General 8oriMlj, 3b West 23d 8tn.t. New York. Dr. Pricc's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Grupe Cream of Tartar Powder.


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