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In West And South

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Herewlth is given the fourth ín the cries of letters written by merchants and businesi men in the West and South, in answer to inquines sent out by Messrs. Pearrnain & Brooks of thia city. The replies following come mainly from far Western and Southern states, and while no more than individual expression of opinions, yet are entitled to welght by reason of the standing of the writers in th communlties which they represent: Nebraska. Fremont- At this early date , in the campaign it is impossible to teil or make any estímate that can be depended on. On the face of the returns of the campaigus of '02 and '94 the Republicana hare got to make considerable gain to overeóme the combined vote of the Democrats and Populists, as they undoubtedly will fuse in this state this fall. Were It not for the free silver craze they undoubtedly would do this, and they may anyway. There is a large Gorman vote in this state, and this I believe can be depended on to vote the Republican ticket, though it is usually Democratie. There is a belief on the part of many of our politicians that the Republicans will carry Nebraska, but a conservative guess'at the result would be that it is doubtful which way It will go. The situation will clear up very much within the next sixty days, but at thli writing everything is uncertain. Harrisburg- It is difficult at the present time to measure the strength of the political parties in Nebraska. I think the free silvcr move will not greatly change the vote in this state. While some Republicans will not support the party swing to this fact, I think their loss will be nearly, if not quite, equaled by the Democrats who cannot Indone free iilver. Washington. . Olympia- If you will send ni some good" speakers I think w can carry this state for gold. Seattle - My opinión is that this state, influenced by the silver heresy, will go for Bryan. I am very reluctant to come to this conclusión, but the eastern part of the state is very solidly for that idea, and with divided opinión in this part I feel that the chances for República success are not very good. Whatcom- I believe that this stats will go Repnbliean in November.. My reasons for this opinión are that the territory and state always has given large Hepublican majorities, and while. many "silver Republicans" probably will vote for Bryan, on the other hand nearly as many "gold Democrat" will rota for MeKinley. Orojron. Salem - Well-informed Republicana Bay that the contest will be a very close one, and unless there be a change of sentiment between now and fall, a fuBion ticket is likely to carry this state for Bryan. Pendleton- We in the West are as much interested in the result of the coming campaign as the people in the East can be. We have the name of being wild and woolly, and for the free ooinage of silver, but I can assure you that we are not all that way. I believe that the sound-money voters will carry this state for MeKinley this fall. I think t wil] not be carried by a large majority, but there are so many complications to leaspn upon that it is very hard to say. We have many sound money Democrats and many protection Democrats, and I think they will not support Bryan. On old-line issues we could pasily carry the state for MeKinley. On a money issue I think we shall gain as many Democrats as we lose Republicans. I believe that the business people of the state, ;:s a whole, are for sound money, are fully alive to the situation and will make every effort to carry this state for McKinloy. [Town not stated] - I fear that our Btate may cast a majority Tote for Bryan next November. I have talked wilh quite a number of citizens, not politiehtns, and find very many inclined to free silver, often failing to give any reason for their attitude other than that thoy think that gold has a grip on the country to its hurt, which free coinage will lossen. Should the coming convention indorse Bryan his election is alinost assured, unless the honest Democrats put up nnother man. Very many Democrats here say they will not support Bryan. but the mass of them will vote the tickot. together with many disgusted Republicans who will not vote, (inri all Populista who will go-to Bryan in the event of an indorsement by their managers at St. Louis, and this will give him our state, I fear. Had our Tiopublican convention stopped when they said we would maintain our present Standard of money, and insist on uslng all kinds of money at a parity, leaving out the word gold, we would have been much stronger and could have carried our state, I am sure. As it is it eeems doubtful. Nortli Dnliota. [Town not stated]- I am of the opinión that if the silvor forces unite they will carry North Dakota for Bryan. My reason for thinking so is that all disnatisfied elcments will be united, and this at the time is quite a large percentage. Many mny be added to this who are honest in believing silver will help. Many more may be added to these who are sound-money Democrats, but who will vote for Bryan because they believe MeKinley worse. These combined will, I believe, carry this state. Of course three months of discussion may make it better or possibly worse for sound money. The fact is reason seems to have left u on this subject. McKinley's nomination at this time wa uniortunate. South Dakota. Sioux Falls- Sonth Dakota is unquestionably a doubtful state. The panic of 'Dl!, the erop failure of '94 and the low prices following have had their nsual effects and havo created a desire for a change. They have made many of tho farmers think that free silver will be a panacea for all their ills. However, a little education will make a "groat change and I am reliably informed by sucb men as the Republican national eommitteeman from this state, and the Republican noniinoe for governor, that they have but little doubt but that this state will give its usual Republican majority. A long and earnest campaign will be waged, and we bcliove that this state will be frund in the Republican rank in November. Wyoming. Sheridan - I am at a loss at this time to know just what to say. The prer mi indicationa are that this state w'li go Republican at the next r election" However, that "Vs I le.'ii personally, and my opinión may be biased. Our state Republican eonvention will not be held until the 12th of next month, and just what money platform I will be adoptad at that convent ion is I uncertain. Many of the leading Repub■ lieans of the stnte favor a sound-money ft platform, but the politicians claim that Hauch a step on the nart of tha lieans would be suicklal to their party. I am quite certain that the majority of the Republicana of the state are in favor of the sound-money platform, but for policy's sake keep up the cry of free silver. Should the Republicana at their next convention declare for sound money I think there is but little doubt but that they would carry the state on national and local questions. My reasons for such opinión are that the residents' of this state are almost entirely made up of property owners, wlio have suffered not a little from this money agitation dúring the past three years. They are tired of it and are ready to do any thing te restore confidence in our institutions and in their business and securities. Beiug a new state in process of development and improvement the people are necessiiriiy borrowers. When they cannot borrow there is stagnation in all lines and general dissatisfaction prevails. It is a little early to predict the outcome of the coming campaign, as this is a peculiar one, but after our state convention has been held a more reliable opinión can be givcn. There are very few wageearners in this state, and as we understand it the working classes are the ones who are beguiled by the silver craze. Utah. Ogden - Utah is a silver producing state, and the majority of her people will vote for the free and unlimited coinage of silver, as laid down at the late Ghieago conventiou when Mr. Bryan was nominated for President. The inasses are for silver, while many of the business men are for sound money, and feel that the extreme change at this time will cause disaster and great losses, and the loss of our credit both here and abroad. The financial houses of this section are assuming a very conservative plan, that they may be prepared for anything that may come. I trust that Mr. Bryau will not be elected, but that some man who is for sound money will be placed in the white house and that we may be able to protect our national credit and that of our people from disrepute. Provo City - At this time there appears to be no doubt that the electoral vote of this state will be cast for the Democratie, Bryan and Sewall. My reason for thinking so is that the sentiment of all parties in the state seems to be in favor of the remonetization of silver. You may remember that three of our delegates walked out of the St. Louis conyention beoause of their non-concurrencè in the declaration of the platform on the fiuaucial question, and their reception on thoir return indicated very strongly that their aetion was indorsed by. the great majority of the Republicans of the state, while the reception of those who retained their seats was very frigid, indeed; in fact, there was no public demonstration of approval at all, as there had been in the other case. As to the result in local matters, although the state went Republiean last yoar, there now appears to be a strong rxmsibility that it may go Democratie this year. But whct.her the local Republican or Democratie ticket wins, the congressman and senator who are to be elected this fall will certainly be in favor of free silver, as our other senator, who rema kis in office, is. Logan- Thougli an ardent Ropublican, I am forced to believe that Utah and her neighboring states in the Rockies will cast her electoral vote for Bryan. Party lines have been obliterated entirely. The people of this section talk nothing but free silver, and a man who is for the gold Standard is almost tabooed. I have formeel my opinión after talks with men of all parties. Texas, Dallas- The Democratie majority here is too great for sound money men to hope to overeóme. Another discouraging thing is that a great many Demcrats who believe in sound curreney and abhor the Chicago platform and ticket cannot bring themselves to bury prejudiees of a life'time and vote the Republican ticket. Southern people as a rule fear the Eepublican party, are afraid of forcé bilis and negro rule, and this forces many conservative white men to take the bitter Bryan pill, A mimber of us, however, are góing to put country ahead of ■party and take our chances on the result if the Republicans are successful. I believe ■ great many business Democrat out the state will vot for M hüey, huadreds of them. The u.iuk looks dangerous, but I believe that in .November the Chicago "highbinders" will be snowed under. We hope so at . least. Galveston- Of course, our state will go for Bryan in November. Texas has been solidly Democratie ever since she joined the Union. There is, however, a split in the Democratie lines in this state as well as every other state in tha Union, and the silver wing of the Democracy is considerably the strongest. First bccause it is in possesslon oí all th Iitieal machinery, and ïeeond, because the sound money people, composed chieüy of the business element, do not take suflicient interest in the question to undertake to enlighten and reason with such as difïer, but leave the masses in the hands of the politicians, who hold out that the demonetization of silyer is the solé cause of the present financial depression, and capture them by predicting dire disaster and perdition if the present "goldbug system" is coutinued, while on the other hand they prophesy a perfect millennium, when peace and plenty will be within the reach of everyone, if the unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 1G to 1 is adopted as the financial policy of our government. Mr. Cannon, president of the National Bankers' association of America, hit the nail on the head when he held that the bankers were not altogether without responsibility for the present situation. in failing to take the proper interest in the education of their customers. He might have gone a little farther and stated that the metropolitan bankers particularly failed in recognizingthegreatresponsibilities devolving upon them as managers of their respective institutions, through which the New York Clearing house, so to say, constitutes the financial heart of the Union. Very little have they contributed towarda the education of other sections of the country on this most important question, and the object lessons which they occasionally, by concentrated action, have applied to the country at large were calculated rather to embitter than to enlighten. Georgia. Macón- I regret to say that there is not much doubt but that this state will go for Bryan in the coming election. At the same time I think a large nuinber of our people, especially the business men, will not vote at all, as they do not indorse the platform as adopted at Chicago in regard to free silver, the attack on the Supreme court on account of its decisión on the income tax, and the attack on President Cleveland for sending troops to quell the riot in Chicago in 1893. Were it not that the supremacy of the negro in the South had been advocated by the Republican party, there is no doubt whatever but that those who will not now vote at all would vote for McKinley. As it is there is hardly a day passes but what some man who has heretofore been a prominent Democrat, expresse hi determination to vote for McKinley. Iioulsiana. Baton Rogue - We regret to say, that our state of late has developed a very strong sentiment in favor of free silver. Now that the Democratie party has nominated a ticket, it would not surprise us should the state give McKinley and sound money a mail plurality. Michigan. Battle Creek- I think this state will go Republican. While thousands of Republican farmers will vote for free silver to enable them to pay their mortgagei easier, I think they will be offset by the Democratie workmen, pensioners and salaried men generally, who do not want to be paid in. cheap dollars. Indiana. Rochester- The prevailing feeling among business men seems to be in favor of gold, but among the farmers silver predominatee. One farmer with whom I talked said that he knew the personality of twenty farmers in his neighborhood, who were in favor of silver at 16 to 1. However, it is p.ome time to November, and people have a chance to change their minds. I believe that the gold feeling will prevail in the end. The people are wonderfully worked up over th question, and are manifestlng a great interest in learning which is rlght. Minnesota. Duluth - We have a sufficient amotmt of confidence in the honor and stability of the people of this state to assure you unhesitatingly that Minnesota will pile up her usual Republican majority for McKinley, protectlon and sound money in the coming election. The qnly reason which I can give for this opinión is as expreseed above, that we firmly believe in the honesty of our people in this state. - Boston Transcript The tariff may JPPVe the leading issue in tho present campaign, but in order to believe that it is not properly an issue we must close our eyes to some very substantial faots - such, for instance, as that eontained in a recent official report showing that the treasury deficit for tho last fiscal year amounted to $25,203,245. The covernment needs reveuue, and ncads it badly.


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