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Comers And Goers

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Trof. M. L. D'Ooge returned home Saturday. Geo. W. Cropsy visited friciids in Pincknty over Sunday. Bmery Beal, of Ypsüanti, was an atti Arbor vlsifcor Saturday. Dr. C. B. tNancrede returned home last week f rom Iris tour in Europe. Samuel Krause, of Grand Itapids, has 'been íd town during tüe week. Dr. Cari "Warden of Khpemïng, te a guest of Me mother for a few days. Mr. &nd Mrs. Daniel Hiscock were Port Huron visitiors over SunJay. Mr. ano Mrs. O. F. Webeter of Owoseo. are in tfoe city tor xhe week. Miss Felina Eentechler has beenin Chicago on business for a few days. Miss Teoic Krause, of Scbairor & Mil: len's, la been ill for a few days past. Alian Donahue and Frank Taylor left Thursday morning for Texas City, Texas. Mies Ella Day, of Dexter, tas "been Tisiting Ann Arbor friends during tñe Miss Faunie Gardner h-ae s"e i0 Chicasro to vlsit lier sister Mrs. Chas. Masten. Mii May Clarken has returued lióme iraní a few week" vteit with friends im Detroit. Artonwy Genera! Fred A. Maynard IS in th city, placlng a ibiuliter in taie sctools. Mts E. C. Howard. oí Slacfe, Wyaminjr, is the guest of her' son, at Xo. 5 Chen-y st. Judgc Kinne went t Monroe llonday 10 hold a BpeciaJ term of circuit court there. Mrs. W C. Tate. w'to has been the gu:-s; of Kalamazoo friends has returned home. Mr. :.r,d Mrs. Ja?. J. Quarry are now domioled in their new house on Tliomps-on et. Prof. fie Pont returaed from his stay of -everal weeks at Les Chenaux Islands, Monday. Edwin E Hallet, of Swantou, Ö., has been risiting at the Arlington éuring the weeik. Gen. Ppalding, of Monroe, has been öhaiking hands with Ann Arbor friends dur-ing the weejk. Mre. Dowdigaai has returned íroan a viMt with her daughter llrs. Corson, ar Indi&napolis. Mib. E. A. Car man, who had been visitin? ac X. D. Oorbin's, returnea to her home Saturday. G. W. GLover, of Xew York City, te a fcuest of nis cousin Mrs. R. A. Beal, for a day or twn. Dr. C. G. Darlinjr has gone to New York City to attend the meeting of the national medical association. Walter L. Taylor, Jr., is only two days n]d. trat he weig-hs nine pounds. and loobs just like lus father. Jirs. George Kingsley, of Paola, Kas., has come to Ann Arbor to see her poe Tom enter the high school. Miss Bertha Woodin, o"f H. Universlty axe.. has returaod írom a summer's visit with friends in the east. Miss Xina M. DaTiscm imd lise Eessie Turner returned from Toledo Saturday. after a three week's gtay. Misa Jou Wilteie of Clinton, has been the proest of M. E. Cra.ndall and family of S., 'during the week. "We regrret to learn that J. Q. A. Se-ions is seiionsly 111, so muoh bo tihiat hi. {rieaids are very much alarnied. H. il. IïridKman, demt. '94,, of Bouth África, lut wlno is living at present at Cliniooi, N. Y., was in town yesterday. I'rosecuting Attorney Eandall has been e-itertaining his brothsr H. A. Randai: of Birming-ham, during the week. M. W'm Howard of Geddes ,ave., has been entertaining Mrs. James H. Yhay and Jlre. Wm. McKay, of Detroit, for a few days. Miss Pearl McDonald who has been at Mackinac Island for the summer, has rp.turned to Ann Arbor and her etudies at the Univorsity. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Babcock have returntd home from their summer 9tay at the Tarious resortFin nortliern Michigan and Wisconsin. Prof. TV W. Beman, accompanied by hls daushter TVinüred, returned Saturdiay frora their summer utay at the norther'i resorts. Mrs. Beman (lid mot acccmpany tbem home. Arthur Brown lrft yesterday for St. Paul, Minn., called there by the death of hte sister who had been 1U for same time witto of the liver. Carrier Frank O'Hearn has leen trying to enjoy a week or ten daye Tacatiou, boit eo-me bad teeth made Ufe quite unpleasant ícw him, and he ien't achinsr to hiave it irepeated. President and Mrs. Angelí returnd f rom their eastern trip laet Monday. They.have been at Naragan3ett Pjtr, Nantucket and New Hainpahire (luring their absence. Dr. F. E. Roibinsoui of Ann Arbor spent Sfveral days last weejc with iriends in town. He made the trip om hls v heel or at least startedj to, trat a smash-up necessitated majking a part oí the jouraey on foot. - Pinoknoy Items. Eveting services at St. Andrew's Episcopal church commence now at 7:30 instead of 6:30 as during the siimmer. Junius B. Beal editor and proprietor oftliis paper lias been elpcted a delégate to the national editorial convention to be held at Galveston, ïexas, in 1897. W. H. Donahue. om the Dexter Miller ave, had his hoase BamBBéá $20 or $25 on the 13th tost., byi iré, insured in tlie Washtenaw Mutual. Lessons besrin at the Unlverslty School of Muwic on Tliurs lay, Oct. lt. ü-ntii that date tlie office of the School wül be open from 9 to l'2:30 a. m., and from 2 toi 4 p. m. ♦♦


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