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Free Pilis. Sena your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. Kuig's New Life Pilis. A. trial will convince you of thelr merits. These pills are easy In actioa and are particularly effective in the cure of Constipatlon and Slck Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved Inminable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterions substance and to be purely vegetatable. They do not weaken by thelr action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigiorate the systm. Regular slze 25c. per box. Sold by The Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co., and Geo. E. Heauesler, Manchester. The leading article in Ourrent HisDoTy is a review of the prssidential campaifri of 1896, containing a wealth oí interesting and t.imely information, arguments for and againet the positions taken by the vartous parties, the arrangement of states accoTding to their platforms, full proceedings of the various touventions, Ktatfetics of currency syst-ems of the world, biographies and portraits of the leader dl all parties, the progress of international bimetallisin, the reciprocity policy, etc. There are 069 pages of reading matter and 68 portraits. Amoaig the hunlreds oí oiliei' topics fully treated h,re Yenezuelan Qucstion, Cuban Revolt, South African Situation, Armenian Question, ('umpaigTis in AtoyBsinla and Soiudan, Revolt in Crete, Sitmation in the Far East, Congressloeal prceedlngs In full, General Elections in Canada, Britr Wh politics, Labor MoTements, Hungarlaa Millennial Celebration, Coronation of the Czar, Revived Olympic Games, progress of Science, including pröduction of Light without Heat, Electricity Directlj from Carbon, latr est aboul X raye, etc.; Reli?loue convemtions-, Book review, full Obituaries of prominent men, etc, etc. Buffalo, N. Y.: Garretsan, Cox & Co., pub'MsiierK ; Alfred S. Jotaison, editor ; i When Baby was slck, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. frahcisT'york, Of DETROIT, Begs to announce that he rt'ill resume classes in the study of The Piano, the Organ and of Musical Composition at his studio No. 21 E. Washington street, Thursday, September 24th, 1896. TERMS. Semester of Eighteen Weeks, One Lesson a Week. 60 MINUTE LES3ONS . . $40 30 MINUTE LESSONS . . 20 Pupils may begin at any time. Class in Harmony and in Ensemble playing free. Pupils may also have one lesson from Mr. York and one from an assistant eaeh week at a slight additional expense. Good Newsforthe Sick, It wili undoubtedly be a great source of pleasure to the people of Washtenaw County, to know that Dr. Goldberg, chief Consulting physician of DRS. HOÏÏ, CODY and GO., Medical Instltute of Detroit. has decided to spend two clays at the Hawkins House, Ypsilanti, Micti.. FRID&Y AND SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 AND 19 to give the people in this vlctnit.y an opportunity to consult tliem free of charge. The cures they have aflected in Detroit places them amongst the foremost physieians of thls country, and the suftercrs of this place should certainly congratúlate themselves that these doctor th rough the earnest solicitatious of their niany patients who found it necessary to go to Detroit once or twice a week to consult them. have decided to spend two days at the Hawkins House, Ypsilanti. Mich., Friday and Satnrday, Sept, 18 and 19' '96. THEY TREAT FREE UNT1L CÜRED all chronic, and private dlseases, femalc wfakness, catarrh aDd catarrhal deafness, and all diseases of the rectum are positively cured by their new method, without use of the knife or detention from business. SUFFERERS SHQULO AVAIL THEMSELVES of this opportunity by consul tlng these eminent physicians for two days at the Hawkins House, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 18 aud 19, and reeeive their honest opinión free of cbarge. DR. GOLDBERG, Chief Consulting Physician of Drs. Hoyt, Cody & Co., Medical Institute. Consultation and Examination Free. FREE $30,000 Seal Skin Sacque. Our ambition is to reach the 500,000 mark in circulation, making us the largesl weekly home magazine in the world. To accomplish this we have decided to give absolutely free, to each lady obtainirig In the state in whlch she resides, the largest number of yearly subscriptlons for The Household Companion by January 1, 1897, the flnest $300.üOO Seal Skin Jacket manufacturad by Henry A. Newland & Co., Detroit. In addition to this unprecedented offer, we will pay 25 cents for each subscription sent us. Our yearly subscription price has been reduced from $1.25 to 75 cents. Send one cent, stamp addressed wrapper for subscription blanks aud free sample copy of paper to HOUSEHOLD PUBLISHING GO., DETROIT, MICH. References: Any bank in Detroit.


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