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Annual Tax Sale

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IWI E OF MICHIGAN, I OÜNTYOF WASKTENAW, j be Circuit Cöurt for the County of Wfahteiiiuï iu Uhancery. Iu the matter ot the petition of Stanley V. urner, kuditor General of theState of Michrau, for aud in behalfofsaid tale of Michinu, fot the sale of certalu landa tor taxes as3sed thereon. in readtDg and flllng tüe pëtition of the Auditor General of tbe State of Michigan se foresaid, praying for a decn e In favor of the tate of Michigan, againsi each parcel of land thérein described for ilie amounts therein Bpeclfled, olaimed to be due for taxes, interest and charges oneaob Buch parcelo! land, and that Buen landa be BOld for the amouuts so clalmed bv the Mate of Michigan. It is órdered that sald petition will be brought on for btearingánd decree at the Octobertermof this Court, tobe held at Ann Arbor, In the County of Washtènawi State of Michigan, on the tiftit day of Oetober, A. 1).. 1896, at the opening of the Court on that day.nnd that uil persons Interested tu bucH lauda or iny pan tnereof, desiring to con test the Hen claimed thereon by the State 01 Michigan, for aüch taxes, interest and charges, or any part tliereall appear in said uourt, and tile with the olerk tnereof, actmg as register in chancery, their öbjections thereto, on or before the lirst day of the term of tliis Courl above mentioned, and tliat in default thereof the Bame wil! be taken as confessed nuda decree will bc taken and entered as prayed for in said petition. And it is further ordered that in purauance ot said deeree the lauds described iu said petition for which a deeree of sale sha!] be made. will be sold for the Beveral taxes. interest and charges t hereon aa determlned by such decree, on the lirst Monda; in December thereaiter. beginning at ten o'elock a. in. on said day. or on the day or daya subsequent thereto as may be neceasary to complete the sale of said lands and of eaeli and every parcel thereof, nt the office of the County Treasurer, or at such conveulent place as shall be selected by him at the couuty seat oí the County of Washtenaw, state of Michigan and that the sale theii and there made will be a public sale and e:ch parcel described in the decree shall be separately exposed forsale for the total taxes. interest and charges, aud the sale shall be made tb the person offering to buy for auy given tax aud paying the ful! amount charged agalnst said parcel, aud accepting a conveyauce of the smallest undivided fee simple Interest therein; or, ií no person will buy lor any of said severa! taxes and pay the balance thereof and lake M con veyanee of less thau tile entire thereof. then the whole paree! shall be Oftered and sold. If any parcel of land cannot be sold for taxes, interest and charges such parcel shall be passed over for the time being, aud shall, on the succeeding day, or before the close of the sale, be reoffered, and if, on such secoud offer, or during such sale, the same caunot be sold for the amount aforesaid, the County Treasurer shall bid oiT the same in the name of tbe SI ate. Wltness the Hou. K D. Kinne, Circuit Judge, and the seal of said Circuit Court of Washtenaw County, Uii fourtli day of August, A. 1J., Í896. [Seal.] E. D. Circuit Judge. Countersigned, Wm. Dansingburg, Register. STATE OF MICHIGAN. To the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw in Chancery: The petition of Stanley W. Turuer, Auditor General of the State of Michigan, for and iu behalf of said State of Michigan, respectfully shows that tbe list of lands hereinafterset lorth and inarked "Schedule A,'1 contaius a description of all lands in suid County of Washtenaw upou which taxes were asses-ed for the years mentioned taerein, and which ere returued as delinquent for non-pay men! of taxesj and which taxes have nnt been paid; togetherwith the total amount of such taxes, with interest C impated thereon to the time fixed for sale, and collection fee as provlded by law, aud tbe cost of advertising and other expenses of sale of each of said pareéis of land. Your petitioner further shows to the Court that said lands wore returned to the Auditor General under the pxovlsione of Act 206 of the l'tibl ie Acts of 1898, as dei Inquent for uon-payment of said taxes for said years respectively, and tbat said taxes reniain unpaid. ïour petitioner further shows and avers that the taxes. Interest, collection fee and cost of advertising and other expenses of sale, as set forth in said Schedule A, are a valid Hen on the several pareéis of land described iu said schedule. Your petitioner further shows that the said taxes on said described lands have remained unpaid for inore thau one year prior to the flrst day of May, 1896; and the said taxes not bavlng been paid, and the same beiug now due and remafnlng unpaid as above set fortb your petitiouer prays a decree ín favor of the state of Michigan against each cárcel of said lands. for the payment of the several amouuts of taxes, interest, collection fee, cost of advertising and other expenses of sale, as comjmted and exteuded in said schedule against tin severa] pareéis of land contained therein, and in default of payment of the said several sums computed and extended against said lands that each of said pareéis of laud may be sold for the amounts due thereon, as provided by law, to pay the Hen aforesaid. And your petitioner will ever pray, etc. Dated August 1, 18U6. Stanley W. Turner, Auditor General for the State of Michigan for and in behalf of said State of Michigan SCHEDULE A. TAXES OF 1893. CITY OP YFSILANTI. Volkt iniiiirj'a Subdivisión. fI P II. ! 1 02 ! 2 o 5 usa o h Lots 45 & 46 2 30 51 09 $ 70 $3 60 TaXES OF 1894. Township 2 South, of Range S Easl. nvl4oSse}4 9 40 82 11 03 70 166 Township 3 South, of Range S East. swof fiv)4 5 40 3 75 53 15 70 5 13 eJíof e- 1316Ü 10 90 153 44 70 13 57 Township 1 Soulh, of Range 5 Bast. s}4 of 1 80 2 80 39 11 70 4 00 Township 1 South, of Bange 6 East. se]4oisvrn!46 50 181 26 t7 70 2 87 Township % South, of Range 6 East. l'nd bounded w by hiyli w ay, s by Stoup e by .sec. n by Markln._17 10 6 75 95 Ï7 70 8 67 l'nd bounded s b y j' i ver, w by higliway, n by Stoup, u linos seJi-17 36 23 4 335 96 70 2895 Townahip 3 South, of Range 6 East. WÚIneJÍ 18 80 18 21 2 55 73 70 22 22 Township !, South, of Range 6 East. 20 acres on sect ns 18 &19bounde(t ii and e by Uay, ö & w by Shaw - 1S&19 20 2 75 39 11 70 3 95 8 w % of ii e% 24 40 912 128 36 70 1146 n e %, of n e $4 Oí 8 W % 24 10 1 71 24 07 70 2 72 Towfiship A, South of Range 6 East. n % of s % of n e J4..27 50 41 88 5 86 1 68 70 50 12 TownsMp i, South of Range 7 East. B]4 ote % of n e J4-. 2 40 9 00 1 26 36 70 11 32 n w i oí s w Yi 18 40 11 28 1 68 45 70 14 01 n w J4 of s e Yi 24 40 4548 637 182 70 5437 nJiofwH of s w $..25 40 52 90 7 41 2 12 70 63 13 s Y of s w %'iö 80 8 64 1 21 85 70 10 90 B part of u'2 of n w J4-26 50 C 30 88 25 70 813 d is II I I. ,S 3 ! 3 o S Oh O H CITY OF ANN ARBOR. Blk. Lot 8. n r 2 e 2 $6 32 8 88 $ 25 í 70 $8 15 ;l' .. ft front 011 tlir D side of N. Main st. bj 68 feet deep e & w taken [rom tlu-n e córner Of lot (i, n r ; e 2 7 57 1 (JO 30 70 !) 63 LOet..1.!.lr.S 5 53 77 70 7 22 Lot 3 and n &OlSe--S 3 03 42 12 70 4 27 riiL-ii un . ft Of lotsö .t 12 and t in' s 29 feet of L"'_lr--3 4 54 64 18 70 6 06 L?._U:_".r.:3 15 H 2 12 61 70 18 57 e Ü of ve Já ?e?L 1100 134 44 70 18 68 v%of lo( 5 belng66ít ?Ve.'-8 1211 170 43 70 14 99 Lots 1 and 2 exceptlng llae west fructioniil pu r t of said lot linuml'd u by W i 1 - li:ims st, e by Seoond Bt, w by T A A i N ME K, s r 4 19 j 20 70 35 99 Lot8,VrT5 3 03 42 12 70 4 27 " "1 5 8G9 122 35 70 10 96 A strip of land oiist of lots, bllcó.s r 2 e, of equal widtb. with siiid lot and exteuding to the w Une of S 2nd st 1 50 21 06 70 2 47 -V piece of land bounded u by W. Liberty st, e by Thompson, Spoon & Thompson's Addltion. w by Mrs. K. Buck' lañd 24 23 3 39 97 70 29 29 A pieee of land bounded east by Wildt's land, s by Chub road, w to a, and n by Hamllnst .64 90 9 09 2 60 70 77 29 A certain plece or paroel of land bounded n b y Howlhind's land, g lots IC, 17, 18, blk 8, □ r 15 e, on e by .lolm Copeland's, v by lot 19, of the above named blk and range 1 50 21 06 70 2 47 Land bounded n by Copeland'a, s by lots 13. 14, 15, blk 3, n r 15 e,on e by Henry Smitb s land, and w to a polnt 76 11 03 70 160 Tovmship 3, Soulh of Range 6 East. Sec. Lot bounded n by ltiver ro'd e a s t by ï i' B o y ' s land s by il C R R, v by Hiel land. beug 2 50-100 n-r" more or I v s part of. -28 4 5-1 64 18 70 6 06 CITY OF ASN ABBOR. TowmhiR ', South oj Range 6 East. Sec. A piece of 1'ntl hounded a n d ■ i bed as foll'ws: Bound e d on the n by West Washington si, s by 4 line, e by Rauanburger land and w by Mrs. D o n e ' s 1 n n d exc e p t i il g that portion ottbe Jewett plat beiüg In th corner of h ji i il descriptioa.30 154 64 18 70 6 60 Lot, bounded north by Huron si, south by Y,, line, e by Doan & Nixon land, w by Byoraft'a lnndne-30 2 50 21 45 3 00 80 70 2fi 01 Land bounded n bv Allma n d land, s by Va. line, e Jewett st, w by Mrs. Bycraft ' 8 land 30 3 8 95 55 16 70 5 36 Brown and Fuller's Addition. Bik. Lot e o m - meno i n % 22 ft south west al'ng Broadw'y from the s e corner of lot 1, bloek 7, thonce s ■22 ft along Broadw' y to store nuiiiber 3, thence n w along the line of sald store 60 feet, theuco n e parallel to Broadw'y 'il feet, thence s e 05 feet to place of begin'ug- 76 11 03 70 160 Storu No. 2, lot No. 1 and store house in rear of lot 1 7 5 80 74 21 70 6 95 Brown and Fuller'i Addition. Lot 2 8 6 06 85 24 70 7 85 Cottage MUI Addülon, Lot 11 150 21 06 70 2 47 Davidson & GuUeau's Addttion. Lots 7 150 21 06 70 2 47 Eastern Addition Hik. Lot 9 a n d the s 2-2 ft of lot 8, al80 a strip of land lylng s of and adjoln'g lot 9 extendlng s to a polnt distmit 120 ft bound'd e by statest west by ■ Swathel's Add.,part of sec 29.. A . 2 27 32 09 70 S 38 Gott't Second Addition. Lots 11, 27, 28, 29, 80, 85, 36, 87, 38, 43, & 44 oi üott's 2nd Add a S S 5 L ij 5? LJ La - - - _ - J - S u ï, =_ =s - c x - z h o eand trac lol 16 of Stock'ngs Add $29 70 $1 16 J 118 ffrand Cïew Plot, Lot 32 51 07 02 70 1 80 fftimilton. Rose & SAccftcm's .itin"t. Bik. jOt 5 1 1 50 21 08 70 2 47 ,otl2 1 150 21 06 70 2 47 Fndtv"d '-, ollots 1,2, 3.4,8,'.!. 10 Kii.lll 4 82 11 08 70 166 Undlv'd y3 of lote 6, 13 14 4 70 II 08 7ii 1 '10 Mt, Vi 4 76 11 08 7(1 1 60 ,ot, 7 5 7( 11 03 70 1 80 Jndlv'd of entlre block exoepl lot 1. 8 3M ól 18 70 523 Ltxliy'ii y3 of entlre block except lol i 7 3 78 53 1" 7'! 5 IS Jndlv'd ' or entlre Itlock except lots ! mi, l 10 -8 2 10 29 08 70 3 17 Undlv'd '., of en ti re block cxccpt l 20, 24, & 25 11 158 22 00 70 2 58 Hixcück's A ddition. Lot 7 8 08 4i ÍS 70 4 27 11'. S, Mdynard's Ui Addition A strip of lamí lyIng e of a 11 ,1 :ulJoin'g lots 1 and A, block 5, s r 2 east, extend'ng In equal w i (U h witli siiid lot to the w side of s 2nd st6 06 85 24 70 8 75 Miliir's Addition, Lots 4, 11 & 19 6 06 85 24 70 7 s" Lot 8 1 50 21 06 70 2 17 Lots 20, 44, 53. 55 8 33 1 17 88 70 10 53 ot8 21, 54 & 59 . 6 08 85 24 70 7 85 Lol22 150 21 0 70 217 Lots 30, 40 and 67-. 6 00 85 24 70 7 85 Oí 39 __ 2 27 32 09 70 3 38 Lotfi! 3 78 53 15 70 618 Lot 70 - 3 78 53 15 70 618 Lot 85 78 W 10 35 2 96 70 87 96 Onntby and Paige's Addition. Bik. 38feetiront on 4th ave by 108 ft deep, e&w tak n from s e corner of lot 20, bik 1, and the ri(?ht of al ley on the inside 1 22 06 70 2 56 Ormsby and Paige Addition. Undiv'd ] of iota 6, 7, aud 8 28 2 27 32 09 70 3 38 Partridgt 8' Addition. Lot 9 6 76 11 03 70 1 00 PetHbone's Addition. Lot 9 - 4 54 64 18 70 6 00 Smith's Addition. Ey2ot lots 102 & 37 86 5 30 1 51 70 45 37 Ji. S. Smith's Ut Addition. Lot 86 24 23 3 39 . 97 70 29 29 B. S. Smith's !ud Addilion. E 135 feet of n 6(i feet of lot 98 mul west 4178-100 rtofn66 ft oflot9'J 10 U") 148 42 70 13 20 ,'. 8. Smith's Srd Addition. The w 30 58-100 feet of lot 100 and the e 21 SI-UK) tt, of tbe n 66 ft Of lot 99 15 U 212 61 70 18 57 Wilcoxon Plat. A piece of land 51 ft wlde on the s, aml 56 ft fi incb on tüe n off the w side of lol 7 22 71 318 91 70 27 50 CITY OF YPSILANTI. Land bouud'-d n ly Congress st, comrneucing 64J4 ft w of n w coiner of lot 7-j oriKinul plat, thence s 10 rods, thenoe v '■'' feet, thence n 10 rods, thence e -85 fl 36 00 5 04 144 70 43 18 Paro'l of laudbonuded n by Harrlet st, w by land of J. Kitolit'n cítate, s by land of J. A. Baxter, east by land of Sarah Hasklns 770 108 31 70 9 79 Parcel of lantl bounded s by Chicago ave, n by land of Gustavo Bertram aud H. Coe. w by land of S. Campbell, e by land of J. D. Kirk 5 77 81 23 70 7 51 Parcel of land bounded n by land oí Mrs. Henry IIodkins, s aud e by land of Geo Merriinan's, west by Hurón st 15 28 2 11 61 70 18 73 Parcel of land commenclng 12 rode w of s w corner of Ellis and Hamllton -sts, tbeuce w 1 rods, thence s 9 roils, theuce east 4 rods, tuencenorth 9 roda 28 56-4 00 114 70 34 40 Parcel of huid bonndod n by lot 18 of Jarvis' add, s by Fount ave, e by land of S.B. Green, w by land of C. P. Long 64 22 8 99 2 57 70 76 4 Parcel of land bounded n by I). L. Qulrk, s by lunil of J. Peelt, e by Norris st, w by Hurón river 4 02 56 10 70 5 4 Parcel of land bounded n by Forest ave, w by land of M C R lt Co, s by lot 308 of Norris & Cross add, e by lots 806 and 807 of Norris & Cross additlon 37 10 519 148 70 44 47 Parcel of land bounded s by land of Mrs. Taeyburn, e by Hiver st, n and w by Norris st, extended 103 23 (7 70 2 63 Parcel of land bounded n and vv by Norris st extended, east by laud of Mrs. Theyburn, s byan al ley 4 02 58 16 70 5 44 Parcel of land bounded w by Prospect st, n and e by land of Julia A. Fletcher, soutli by landofS. Cobb 10 01 140 40 70 12 51 Bartholomev)' 's Addition. S part of lot 65 bounded il by land of John Perry 1 92 27 08 70 2 97 Lots 67, 68 and n part of lot 65, bounded s by land of Geo. Perry 5 77 81 23 70 7 51 Lot 9 181 25 07 70 2 88 Lots 105 and 10ti, Kartholoruew's add ; lots 15 andlC, Morris' add 9 62 1 85 38 70 12 05 Lots 10, 110, 113, 114. 7 70 108 81 70 9 79 Clark's Addition. East 73 ft in width of lots 2 and 3 2 89 40 12 70 4 11 Lot8 3 84 54 15 70 6 23 a s 3 g í g s 3 oL. O H Cros $ ' ■ ■'■ dditton. Vi'si )'.; rods lu widtlioi' lots 8and g 11904 (2 67 S 78J70$2317 II uut' !■'. ArUtilinit. South -11 of lot 217. 72 10 03 70 1 55 II. Era " i '. Addition. of fot 50 88J 54 ÍS 70 523 McCormic 'i i ''- ■ '"í . Norüi 10 rods Ín wldth óf lot 10 -177 7 19 70 033 ,ol i excei t a 10 roda in wldtü 191) 27 08 70 2 95 Tor8t '■- [údltion. ,ot2 29) il 12 70 4 13 ,ots 30, -I, 32, 88, 34, 85.38,37, 88and 89, Morse's aili! ; to 1,8,8, 1,6. 6, 7. B, 8, 10, 11, 12, 18, McClananan add 7790 JO Pl 3 12 70 9263 Lot 51 'il'i 81 -: 7(1 7 49 Normal Park Addition. Ait 1, block ó 1)5 13 01 70 182 ITorris' Western Addition, West V, oí lot.s 598 and 599 4 S7 68 19 70 6 44 Norris & I ":i. West 31 ft n Wldth of lot 419 2::;- 3 27 93 70 28 25 Park Riiyi Subdivisioti. .ota 1 and 2 9t 13 (II Tu 188 ale 24, 25, 28, and 1 92 27 U8 70 297 ,ol 30 31' 05 01 70 1 10 ,o. 35 98 14 Ul 70 1 86 ,Ots4and47 97 14 04 7o 185 ,ots48aud4 97 11 W 70 185 m.151 97 II (M TU 185 ots52and53 97 14 H4 70 185 A)ts54aud55 '.i7 14 01 70 1 S5 Kjis86and57 '.'ti 13 04 70 l s;l ,ot858and5U 7 Jl 04 70 185 )ts94Knd93 18 04 70 183 ,ots 95 and 6 97 14 04 70 185 ,ots7and98 96 18 (U Í0 1 S3 .. .is9!i aud 100 97 14 04 70 185 ,ota un. 119, 120, 202, 856,and887 80S 84 24 70 7 80 Lots 102 and 108 96 18 01 70 183 ,oi,s KH iiii'l 10") í7 11 14 70 185 ,otsl29andl80 128 18 05 7o 2 21 I and 151 07 14 01 70 185 .oti 152 and 163 96 L8 04 7o 1 88 and 165 '.'7 14 01 70 1 85 ,otsl56and 157 96 13 04 70 183 ,ota 158and L59 i7 14 04 7o 1 85 Lots 100 and 161 96 18 01 70 183 ■oís 162aud 188 97 M 114 70 185 LA)tn 196 and: 197 SW IS 04 70 183 úotB 198 and 199 97 11 04 1t 185 SjOts 21)0 and 3 H 96 13 01 7o 188 Lots 202 andaos 9? 14 01 70 1 85 ,ots 204 aml 20". 98 13 01 7o 188 Luis 2m; un. 207 97 14 01 71) 185 Lot 244 and 245 W 14 04 70 185 l,cit 211) 95 18 04 10 182 Lots 254 and 255 9 13 01 70 183 Lots2 9and268 97 14 04 70 185 Lots 260 and 22 06 13 04 70 183 Lot 319 18 03 01 70 92 Lot 320 88 05 01 70 109 Lot 87 86 05 01 70 1 12 Lota 3? and 848 96 18 04 7) 183 Lot 471 95 18 04 70 1 82 Lot 483 96 13 04 70 1 83 Lol 488 97 14 04 70 185 SttK k'i .!■' Lots 41 and 42 22 84 3 20 91 70 27 65 Volkeri itión. Lots 27 and 28 2 00 28 08 70 3 06 Lotsar, Sliiuid :!7 3 00 -12 12 70 4 24 VILLAGE OF MOOREVILLE. Lot 11, block 1, srle 0 25 71 21 70 6 90 Lot 8 block i,n r I W 38 05 02 70 1 15 i acre on e 'A of a w % boundeu n by lllvtr. casi b.V Finlan, b by River. w Davenp'ori, MclntyreandCo- - 75 11 03 70 156 VIl.r.AGi; OF SALEM. LotS and 7 block 1- 44 06 02 70 122 Fredt rick'ê addition. Lot 2, 9, 38 and 11 67 08 02 70 1 35 Lots 11, 17 aud 52 03 09 03 70 1 45


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