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On the face of the boy froin the shallow Platte Is a look tbat's akin to pain; Should you ask the cause, I would teil you that He had Just got the news from Maine. . The Campbells are coming ! Miss Gru'be has been hired by the school board to teach in the 3d ward. The reduction in valuation by the etate board of equalizatton will reduce the meóme of tlhe TJnlYersity upiwards olf $4,000. Hon. H. W. Newlcrk and W. W, Wedemeyer will electrify the peoplè ■of Whitmore Lake to-nfe'ht with tlieir politica] eloquence. The senatorial ooaavention ior this district met at theoou-rt house to-d;iy and nominated Andrew Campibell, of Pitteiield, for senator. Therc was some fine tliird degree work at Vh Masoilic temple last FriIay eve.niing, t!h two lodges uniting to raiso tihree Fellow Crafis. Obsinengo Lotlge I. O. O. F., held me of l'he most en joyaible social events at their rooms last Thursday eveming, that has been givem here in a long time. i Miss Clara Seymour, state secretary of taio Michigan Y. "W. C. A., will (peak at the Sueday meeting Of the T. W. C. A., Sejpt. 27, at 3:30. The Iad4eis of the city are invited. The biggest peaclh day that the M. ■C. R. R. has had waa onj the lOth, twhen 2,520 lyuehels were shlpped. It lias been a great year for peaches, the Central haying made the largest tíhipments ever made In lts history. Prof. R. S. Oopeland Is expected home next Monday, Sept. 21st, from Europe, where he has been actimg as a delégate to the "World's Congress of Homoeopathy, recently held in London. He has also been in attendance upon many of the great clinics of European hospiitals. A contract was let on Monday to Jobn Baumgardner, to' put down B, Berea blue flag stome walk 'On the two fronts of the Masonic Block. The walk is 14 feet wMe, 69; f eet long on Main et., and 12 feet twlkle and! 142 iet long on Hnron st. It will bc completad iby Nor. lst. At the 2d district repu!blican conventlon, held in Saline yesterday, John K. Camp'bell, of Augusta, wa nominated, by a vote of 32i to 20 for Geo. S. Rawion, of BrSdgewater. Elther of tjhese men are good enouglx for any man to vote for. Mr. Oampjbell will make a live and Uhorouighi legislator, The foiirth year of th Amn Arbor Axt School will begiitt Oct. 4, at the echool rooms, Masonic block Mr. J. "W. Gels, of Itetroit Art Academy, will co-operate with Mr. Paulus in the mnnagement of the school. Several new classes will be added. Circulars cam be obtained by applylng to Mrs. W. S. Perry, 61 E. Washington Btreet. Yes, fliea are files because Ihey fiy, Aiwi fleaH are ílij:is bpcunxe th y flte; A nd that ih ve i y uteaii why The bees are bees because t,l;y be. Tlic t hii-d floor of the Hwining block is beinu; íitted up ídr tha üdd Fellow, lOilgea oí uie city. J. W. Itidgeway gave a free silver talk to a fair sized audience afc. the court house Iaet Priday nieiit. Mdss Ellza Oady, daug'hlei" oí C. H. Oady, Esq., has beem appolinted to the chair of eloeution in the high f-chool. A new trainer in u.Uiletiws lot the U. oí M. has been eecured! !n, t lie perHon oí "Jim" Kotoisoai, of Ne.v York Oi'ty. l'er.ons haring rooms to rene, to music wliolars should place a notice on i he bulletin board at the fcichool oí Mvííc. ' Marlln Ailani.-tlieck let a marble -lal) iljivn on iiis rlgtit lwuid and right iaat, Mom-day, and bofch were badly Minashed. -i - Walter D. Smith, instructor in tne law deparbment, died Sunday night afc nis old home in Galestnirg, Mich., aged 25 years. The next regular meeting oif the ffomae's Cairistiüa Temperance Union will oceur to-morrow, Bep. L4tJi, at 3 p. m., Ln tlie P. O. block, Lieutenant Governor Slieehan, of Buffalo, N. Y., has resijrned liis place oii the state democratie committee of tliat state and came out for sound nioney. Those cbildren of St. Andrew's Sunday School wlio have uot obtained lesson papers, may get them by applying- at Harris Hall cm öaturday. IThe gold lined and eilver-tongued orator Ohauncey M. Depew, of New ïörk, Is to deliver several political peoclies in this state next month. A repu'Mican administration of caunty affaire has reduced the county tases nearly oine-lh'alE in two. years, and paid a $14,000 de:icit tiesides. Deputy Canfleld went to Saginaw Friday and brought back Chas. Elmer, who was arrested in that city on a charge of purloining some jewelry from Miss Patterson of tliis city. Jennie Weaver, a j'oung girl employed in a private family on Miller ave., died ander suspicious circumstances last Friday, and a post mortem examination sliowed that a criminal operation had been profornied. Last Friday, the höusehold goods oí M. Taber were shipped i o him at Jamestown, N. Dakota. At th same time Kenny & Quinlan Hhipped to him a bath room outfit, and Lulck Bros. many furnishings ior liis home. "Yon "Was'htenaw farmer give us your ear," says taie Argus. You "Washfenaw farmer, don't you give that necessary appendage away. How you would look and feel going iTOiund with tflie Argus possess:ng your ear ! Ex-Gov. Luce told The Courier thüs week that he should vote lor McKinley and Hobart at the coming electiotu T.hils devinitely sets at rest the many rumoirs tliat the ex-governor would support Bryan. - Coldwater Caurier, Sept. 19. The business men on N. Fourtüi ave. and on Detroit etreet have reason to kick about fhe long and ttedüous delay In macadamizlng that tlhoroughfare. Just in these particular times a business man can illy aftord tol lose three ar four weeks trade as those tradesffien have been and are being componed to do, and it is a question if tfhey could nat justly present a claim agatast the ci'ty for damage to their business. Soime people think taiat, and some editors write as if, a man who sells his services to the state as a professor, sells his birthright as well. Does h ? Then the same must 1 true of any person, hia-ed in any capacity by th state. It is true thtit people of all porties help pay thie taxes ïor the Univerv'-ity, so they 0x for all state Institutioois, and all departments at Lansir.g. State o.firials make it their business to talk politics, everywhere and at all times, doi they not ? The {act was developed last Saturday that people had moroey. When Sheriff Judson had the furniture and ffects of the late Delta Tau Delta fraternity auctioned off there was mo credit giveai, and the people who bought 6eemed to have plenty oï money. This sale may be the beginaiiug Oí a weedimg out of eonie of fratemity houses. The fraternity bueinees has run riidb for a iime in the University, and the consequence has been that society after society haa been formed whether they had any excuse for existence or not. As a cowfequence there has been some big scheming done and bad records made under the guise of iraternities, the members not only disgracing themselves but bringing discredit upon the decent and reputable fraternities'. It ia understood that a representativo of the grand chapter of the Delta Tan Delta fraternity has been here, and ordered the charter taken away f rom the Ann Arbor chapter. Greek letter societies are all righ 't( a certain extent, but like every'thi'iS els can bc injured by running to extremes. TUIS SKASON: 'Pïinded hammockj Moonliht iiight; liüssful lovers - Out of sight' SEXT SKASON : Same ld hammock ; Same ol'l moon; Different lovers; Same oíd sjioou. M. J. Iyehmao has leased the store bet weer. Wahr's bookstore and the Amn Artnor SaTings Iiank, for a brot lier, who will start a Irillard parlor therein. The fins-t frost that lias injured anythlnc,-. carne Sunday marniag. I o. ly toucbed in sixt, a little breeze that kept fanning the air preventing many tliings from "being roasted. Georgië, tibe young son oí Mr. and Mi's. Trumain C. Wadhams, oí N. Main st., feil O'Ut of a ihicbory tree' last Saturday and injured bccbh wrists badly, besides an iojury to 'tliö side. People wondered why tliere was such a ru9h at Chas. Ivutz's" X. Main st. market last Saturday. An inquisitive reporter iound out that Oharlie had becoane the ïather of a 9 1b. boy the day before, and as it was the first boy in the Lutz family, lie was so happy that he was supplyiug his friends and cusbamers with free Sunday dinnera, and of course evei-y oiie was Ohiarlie's personal trisad. Dr. IyOanler Kapp, oí this city, was united in ma.rriase with MiBfi Edith Doiaoie, at the home of the bride's párente in St. Louis, Mich., on Wednesdaj; oï last week. Misa Ruth Kapp, of this city, sistel of the ffnoom, acted as brrideemaid. Many r;ch and beautliul presente were feiven the oomple, -ivhjo directly for Xcw York where they will remain a couple of montbe whüe the Dr. take-i a o: lectures. ''W&y can't we get up eui excursión bo Cantón ?' is a question that Ís asked and asked ver again. liy patricíic citizens who arp anxlona to sh.nv their love of country and enfchusia-sm for h&nest money and correct principies by taking part In Buch ,in event. Notv the question is, why cain nat an excursión be arranged rrom bere ? Ann Arbor ík known aU o'ver üh-e country, aaid a bLg train load oí excursdonists írom here, calllng upon the next president oí the Unáted States, wonld h-elp alorajj a good cause. This is a good thing. Pusfli it along. The Ladies' Hoirae Journal has issued a handsome pamptile't entitled "To Any College Without Cost." Tlie íilnst offer made ite young meai and girls to the Untvereity of Michigan, aña a fine cu't of Whe main building is iSnsSwn. A echolarship for ome year to resideats oi the state, including all expenses, ie given 535 subscriptiö'ne ; non-residents 620 subscriptio'ms. The second oífei" is a scholaryhip ïor one year, includiug tuition ouily, ïor 115 subscrdbers for resideots and 200 su'bscriptlotns íar non-residenits. A young lady f rom Líipeer oanTaesed tïiis city soime weeks ap; and received many Ku'bscrLptioïis, but ehe was after a musical sdhoiarship in IVoston. Sheliad upwarde of C00 wheo here and want-ed 1,000. A yoiiing man nained Joihn O'Grady, wio lias, been in the eniploy of the street railway, had his ?iearing betore Juötice Pond yesterday, on a tíbi&rge oí rape, preïerred by Agnes Hu'acy. a little girl albout 17 years old, daughter of Mrs. Gurney living on N. Aahley st. The ïacts developed leaTe small dooiKt in the minds oí thpse who heard the testirnony of the guilt of the defendant. Such tJiings are getting too cominoiii, and victima are nearly always taken where_there is n one to deiend. It Is possible that such an example may yet be made in sonae one of these cases ttoat the lecherous fomtes who commit them will be fcaught a lesson taiat they neven will foi-get. Thls. is a crime that ia the eyes of many is na less than mui'der. He ave a bond of $750 tol appear tor trial at next term of court. The above may be harsh laaiguage, perhaps not applicable to fhis particular case, but there have been so many euch cases, that people are losins: patience. A.n Anti-Saloon League is leing orga.n:zet in Aun Ai-bor. Those tvanting to know when and wtoei'e republican speec-ihe.s will be foeld, will find the list for the county on the 8th page. The democrafcs, populUts and silver!tO9 who met at Jack&on yesterday fro nomínate a state senator, couldn't agree on a candidate, and adjowned fco meet in this city Oct. 30 The new style silver certiïicates of the series oí 1896 are ia circulation. They are beautifully illustrated. On tshe face of tlhe $1 nota ís a scène entitled "History Instructing Youth," cm the reverse side are portraits of President and Martha "Washington. On the oiveTse of the $2 certifícate is am allegorical gro-up repre-euting ''science presenting steam and electricity to commerce and ma-mifacture," and oq the reverse are portraits of Fulton and Morse. The face of the $5 bill is a sketch representing "progress harnessing electricity," the portraits of Gems. Graait and Clheridan .ppear o-n the back. On the 14th inst., death came to MisMaría Osius, the mother of Mrs. Leonhard Gruner, of N. Main st., at the good oíd age of 94 years and nearly five months. She was born in Wallroth, Hesse, Germany, in 1802, and could distinctly reinember seeing Napoleon Bonaparte on his retreat through the place ia 1S13, after the battle of Liepsic. Her mai(ïen name was Maria Buss, and she was married to Wm. F. Osius, at Erie, Pa., the same year slie caine to America, in 1822. They soon after came to Freedoni, in this county, where they lived until her husband's death. She left three children, Mrs. Gruner, Mrs. Sophia Nordman, of this city and Wm. Osius of Pittsfield. Her only brother Wm. Buss, lie ves in Scio, aijed 84. She was buried in Forest Hill cemetery, the funeral being held from the ïome of her niece Mrs. Catharine Schuier, of N. Ashley st., where she died.


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Ann Arbor Courier