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Milán has a Bryan banner. A new schood house is being built .t Milán. There are 31 nion-residen p-upWs átfceadiuir tlie Milán ecboola. Barkwoi'tih wiil talk íor freo atlTer and Barkworth, at Milán OeU 9. Au educatlional rally Is to be luold at Tecumseh, 011 tlie lOth inst. Aiexander EU:, ased 89 years, died at h3s bomO ín Cllabon, Bept.. 26. Unqnarentined djplhitherla ca-es nave catuseü mucíh extótement at Clinton. All atoar d for Cüuelsea's fair. It is now in full Wast. It is a good ome too. , The raías Of laat week were just wliat the earth needied to help1 along the fall work. , Cauris Bagge tías sold his meat market ín, Oaelsea to Famk D-rumser and íEwxd Albert Ejsele. H. II. Fettn severedi ns conneciticm wjth tbe íünm of R. 18. Armiatroog' & Qo, Chelsea, aa Oob. 1. Tlhe family av)1ioi ues ainything1 tout puii'e eider viinög:ar tiht3 fall is nO't eníerprisimg or ecoiaomioal. The naise in tlie price at wheat has caused a safcistfactcwy smile to iasten itseli on the farmer's faces. 'Th,e Eiaterpnifee iö kickiiog albout he electric etreet liglutBi btíng out bo m'any nilgüuts ajt Manctoeteteir. Rev. P. O. Jomes tie new M. E. pastor at Milán and Moiorerille, niemced his pastoraibe Jaast Sunday. Jacofo Viogel, ome af Brftdgewater's old cltizems, was af-uik By a runawaj Morse receatly, and eeverely mjured. TbO resSdeiate öf viarionis porte of tihie ccuinty lia-ve made a gneat deal of wime tliils fall omt bf thelu grapes. Daniel Palmer dtied ab hiH home in Ypsilamti Thursday laat, aged 63 yar$. He leíales a son and) dauglateir. The Saline ïiigh School ndne have already commenced business. 'Pliey played witn the Tecu'mseh nine Saturdiay. Fred Hale, oí Hudso-n,, and Mise1 Mae Bemington, oí YpsdTlanti, were marr:Od in St. Ivuke's ciiurclh liast AVediieS' diay evening. Tiue m'iteBion B0rrtce held by St. Jiohin's ehurcli, at Roger's Öoroers, in Freedom, receatly, netted the handiome sum of $59. ■ Barbara, w iife of Ohias. Van Orden, d:el at thieiïr home in Chelseo,, Sept. 26, aged 22 years. TTh,fe initermant was ak Sylvaa Oemten". BDenrjr T. Coe, formerly edijtor aud pToprietoor of the Ypsiaainti Commercial, has been oliosen audfitor of the Nebfaslca Telephoiie Co. George S. HaChjaway has been noiminiated as a oandiöate for representotive ia tttLe 2d district by the middle of tihe road proiiibdibianifete. The Tpsilian'ti League oï w-heelmen have appo'nted a öoimmiilttree to woft for gooú roadis, comsiijöimg of Profs. BoTven and Ixideman and Mr. Scharff. - ThO aew ixoiStoiftlce of Bekert in FreedfO'm, ils bo be a good one, they say. ThO maia ils to.'be broTi(g(h;from Briidgew.atier three temes per week. TQie "sSto." built by Mr. Wüürtley oí tihilss place üs a great mproTemnt, aiad slwmld be dupliteabed by otiher Sarmers.- Sylvan cor. Ohelsea Stamdard. Mrs. Nancy. Toll of Monroe. recentín celébrat-ed ter 99bh birtbday. The paraíri-apiier wHio sugges'te "I toll-d yioia so," will harre tihe bell toll-ed on kim. J. S. Wood a few days siace gave us a hand'firl of cliestnuts grown in liis yard. They are very nice, and lie liat Ln ;ill nearly a ihalí buSliel.- Saliue Ob server It is believed by dealer thafc ap pies wffl bring a god prlce a colc watter comes on, because oí th süio'rtness of the erop lm some of th easteru states. Acooirding to t(hO Baterprilae the bet ter traún servltoe wihielti wais asked fo oía tto Jíucks'ou branoh that passe thro'ugii there, wiill profoably be wor? iban Over before. Geo. S. "Wiood and little dauglhte left Tuesday for Soutlierm l'ines North Carolina, where they will spen the winter witt Irving Hanilia anc iajnily. - Saline Oteevvër. Anörew J. May, wlio cKed at Washington, D. C, last week, was a Foo mer residen of Ypsdlantoi. He was 64= y&ars old, and diuríng tlve war ■was a merniber of Gen. Beauregard's staif, in the CtonfödePata ervüee. ■ A birthday oiiering - a cent for every year of the do nor 's age - was collected at Sylvan, last Sanday. The LeYites wei'e swoni to secrecy, concernins the contritoutions of bhe 1&dies.- Adriiau Press. Ifc will not be safe lor the ediitor of tihe Press to visit Sylvau after writlng that item. Tho nint that the ladïes of that place are all sa old that tfliey; are ashamed oí taieii" age, has renttered them rigliteously indignant. Have a care, my íriencl. A Juvemile reptíblifcaa rally was held Monday at tihe lïoime of Master Stanley Ziimmerman, avIlícIi took on tile appearaiaces oí a grown up rally. Tlh&ve vraa a pole raWng, speeclies, ma'-'ca'aig, hurrahlng, etc.- Milán Leader. Tho largest log ever drawa :n this (ectjo'n, was hauled fnom Fraak Ives' -coito Satu"day and Monday. It (scaled 4,100 feet and madö tour b!:g wagon loada. Salid log measured neai'ly sfe ïeet across the Ixitt.- Stockbridge Sun. Ed. "Wunster lúas a couple oí apples oí blue Russjan Spy vartetfy oe cxliitoitilon im thie bank -vvindlO'w. One oí tiuese is 14 ilnelhes in ctrcumferenee aind weigttus 1 1-2 Ibs. Tlliey wese grown on tOie farm oi MSctoael Wurster. - Dexter Leader. A sa usage nicftor üas baeo added to a Jackson meat sJhiop, and a a coinsequence the pTice of diogs lias g-O'ne up 50 per cent in that town. - Gi-as Lake News. Betweem bhat and the Bausage -Bicket oif tdie pops tihe poor ösogs w'Al be quólte aanihilat ed. Wo notöee that Greorge I. Crippen, son oí Ira Críppen oi Superior, te a camididate íor the legSslature irom itih Upper Pem-tiBiila. ueorge is a miam whO' lias made hi Inarfc i!ru his noTtluern home, and deservedly enjoya Öue confidence of his coramunity. WStlifflut doubt 'le wiHl be elected.- Ypeilajiti&n. Tune. Atiiti APbor öouiiiier lts makiug a stJong OHort to giive republitan couffity o'Mkïiials credit íot economy, !ut Èt fails to state tfhat the board, o: .supervisors ia diemiocrafcic, aad that some of tlie prajse is due tbemi- Ypsi laittti gentitoel. A democratie board ,-wiifch a repnbliieaa ciiairmaa ! Wlio 0v&r heard of eucih at himg ? Araong tlie TpsSlantfeui-s taking Avork at t'h Umi'versiity ol Miülüai ths year, are Miss Xiraie Trebilco JTiss Maraa B. Os1and, Ransou GreoTge, Muse Ivanise Georgc. Ausüu Oewge, Jr., t1. "W. Green, MKIse Mil dff-il Webli. Samuel Batoo, eoi-ge GuTin, Jofeepli Ijang, Geoirge Brown, Delbert Stcrap and öhester Ivoomiis. -Daily Times, Ypsilanti Dep't. If ttirt country editor ivm to anrap at the gTeat induieemjents held out he would Boion become a m?aiion,ii;i'c. If h ra.n a paper accoirdilng to the popular notíon he wouW soou be in the pooi' house. IÍ he would pubXiish half the Items sent to him ha -woukl bO in jal'l ome-half the time and in the hospital the other.- rkickney Bipatcli Hia-am Iiilgdiitiball, wh is caadidate tor slieriiff on the democr'at ttoket, ,,md Joiim Poster, of CUolsci, were 5m towj Momday aite'-nooa, they saM, to advertfee the Chelsea faii, lut we kaO'W better as severa.1 democratie buttoa toóles are too big' to-day to üold a pigweed bowquet. - Manchestea- Enterprirse. Well, H Hi Vill oïily colnfi'ne. Ms fitmyers fco democratie butiMtiïhioiefi, it wÖl be all '.igfht. To show ■wíuat extxavagamt ideas sorae oï the populïsts gut iw theiir, Mr. J. W. AVing, at a reccut meeting oí tbe Web-ter Faxmers' eiuto, made the Btateuveuft tluit hé uinderstood tliat tlie 'coauty clerk nifide as i.'fc'h as $4., 700 per year. Wiiat aruit nommtwe. Cut 'it lö fust Buclh 'agiarjes as these t'liat carry BJime leaple away fro-m .ttneür Wie-lang poitteal moo'i'ings. Tuesday SBienMf Mills rtíeeived a letter from bis soa Ohartie, wlio stated tJiat lio waa at Xewport, R. I-. and be had jotoed the najvy. It will be mem'bered that some two years ago Juarlie ran away iro.rn lióme and ivorked htS way to Idaho. He was borne otíly from Augusto to the next June, wlhien he ag-aün left and nothing was hea-rd oï Mm uní il Tuesday. Young Mills is bu íiíteea years oíd. - Mouroe Bemocrat. Tbe News enters upom 'Am 18th year íc-day. Durt-ng nearly eiigfh,ti of the 17 yearg tdirougih whlch i'b has passed, it lias been unide" tSie management of ls present publiölLer. lts subscription list was never so la.rge a now, and suich. is it qualitiy that a niumbeii" of sio-called people act tthe Uiief in aorrowing il aBd sifcéalmg tthe readIng of ilte oolujmjnis In tiii,us taking wtat they do not pay for, they oan oaily be elassed witlli robbers of hen roost s.- Grass Iake News. C. E. !&puy ol Stccsflsbifjdge. h-as been selWng a Mexiöan diMlar and fiity cents wiortfli, oí goodis for $1. Fm diaiy QigtL't Dr. Beniiiettt, a yioaing man oí Wa'terl'0'O, saiid tlie Mexi'can dollars .Wiere oo-unfcerfeLt, and M Depuy a;tbempted to sell h'lm O'ne he would ha"vie him arras'ted. Beanett was aiTested íor criminal slaixder, was arraig-ned, pleaded not guilty and was released on bail. Hüs trial carne on Tuesday, and thie jury fO'und him guilty ajnd tihe justiloe imposed a. fioe oí $15 aína ciaste or a moiwiti -n jaia. Bermett -will aippeal to tihe circuit oourt. i Mr. A. G. Beesioia af Ijitacoln, Neb. wtítes bo Mk briofcher Ini this city, J. N. Beeaqin, t-bat lie its itatinxately eu;qualjated witUi Mr. Bryiaaii and proncwDces biim a. good fellow, buib nAúis fbat t he sil ver movemeiut ils a {ake antf no fcene knoivs lt bet-ter ítem Bryan liil-rasielf. The siginitlcanlb portion of tihie letter is, torever, that to hifi (Mt. Bee30ns) juidg-menilti, Brytan can not carry h'M owoi precïnct, ward or oity, and tfaa.t btete ar. eveo on his ;stiatie. Mt. Boeson is an insurance ailjujsf-e:' traTiSlShg exteusively in the state and kraow.s wliereoi lie nffirmS'. - Yp;la,ntian. Tih Oolloavjng boom is about the otily one w seen 0n a paper Jot montbs aml mioniöhs. It ík too gorad to lose. Taiton irom tftie öheleëa Sta-ndard : "Por all tlhat many ip-eople are claïlmilrugt öiia-t tdila is a 'hard utp' y Oar, and busüness fe almost 'at a staiHlstJll, tlierO ils ene brlght sp'O't ba ttue faice of 'the leairth - a veribalble aste, in iact- and that place lis Cheis&a. Our mercliamts report Tujs!(niesí as g'O'od, out shops iwiü. ïac'toTites are ruannitng1, anl builders are traisy. Etteren new liSoues liave been e'."ected and extenï-siive addiftálons been made to otliers tihüs year." If tflie editor oí the Grase Lake Xews was only on tihe Lornl'. Side in this campaign he mdgHvt be a po-ww for gtooid. - Aim Arbor Coairler. Tnere's Igmorance for you. Carleton marriect a Lord's dauetliiter and ia on the Uord's side all tlie .tilme. - Manchester Eniterprise. It was an Irislinian, wtho a revival, heard a reclailmed iwickslider exclaina as he slapped his liaQds in joy : 'I thank God I have jüst 'maiTied a damghter of the I-iord !" "Sit down, ye Bp-halipeeu !" saM Pat. "It'll be a danig long time afore1 ye fea yei' fativer-Jm-law."- Ptodlander fcns in Fowlervitlle Observer. Wliiie botanizmg along tihe river bank near the town house some weeks sjnoe, Miss Mar-na Osbandi had ttoe gool fortuine to finid a variety of Polygala not catalogmed im tlie MitíhGgaá flora. The Ptolygala verticilluï'a oocurs qujit cwmmonly. bat the rariety amllgua is rttre. Oa snding speoi'meas to Prof. Wiieeler at Lansing, word was refcurned th.-at tiiis was the second inst'ance known of the occurenee oï tMs pliamit in. Michigan, Mr. Oharles K. Dodge oí Port Huron liavinír reportad íimling it in t.hat looaliity abffut Wws same tdme tliat Misa Osbajxd iouud ilb h.ere.- Ypsilantian. Hou. Ge-o. Peters, near Petersburg, has what :.s probnbly the largest silo :.n the state. Mr. Peters farms it tor fun and profit aml gathers a heavy and happy harvest of both eacfli yea-r. He is alway.s lucky. Tlhe cut woïSBB do no t sL'as'h h'.m, nor the wüPe u orrns bore liim ; iotato bugs keep olí hls -rimes the cankeir worms Liom M trees and army worais irorn his growimg grain. Happy Peters 1 - AdrUui Press. AVhat a contrast to our Hon. Geo. A. Petere. He !s always howlinjr calamSty, and ; elling how ihe farmers are conf.nnally t;o;iig to the cbenial boyr-vrows. We'U stump the Press to trade I'eterses.


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Ann Arbor Courier