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tee is ekw eiigaged in ruaktng lig tlutfs. Wfoeo :.t claims 'Viio by 30,000, and Mx-higHn by 50.000, and ]nv.i liy 40.000, awl IlKuoSi by 75,000, everjr ome ]aioTS' Munt tfheftr EgTiiTes are not basoil on anyfJMang bu tOi-e wúacMeSfc sont öf wiiid1. Tu fact Wiey have been. nsiOT'.ng! the eutire cnmpaig-n liy wind. OTi. no ! Tlve tariff di not eount in ühis campaign, and yet It raay b# ■"ell tio beair in mtod: "bat 550 repreíntative BndiiBtrte?, in cnï state nlone that formerly employed 114,000 men now employ but 78,000, and those at redttced wage. Cut the wages Of tihesH' raen in twfa in tilie múdale, and what wïM tfhiey dt ? Tlie tartiff' does mat courot. Oh, no ! We are glad to anmouwe Hon. A. J. Sawyer yf Aon Arfaor has been unian:miously nominated for representative in tíie etate legislatura for Waslaten&w coaimty by tlhe republlcajis. Mr. Saw-yer s a very able mia-n, who has twice eenTed his district in tüiat capacity ; and The Sun wooild like to see him elected by an ove" wli zimina vot-e.- Stockbridge Sun. The Webster1 Fiivmcr's Club passed a resol talon to tihie effect tihat liereafter the Judge of Pnobate stoould g-ive entire time 1 tihe oirfice. In hls speech of accep'tance befocre the recent repúblicas county conventifcm, Uhiat iü just -wiiat Mr. H. W. Xewkin-k sald he pnoposed to do if elected. And whflit he has sa,ld he womld do he never yet íaíled to perform, at wh&tever cost. One ol the best knovn say'ngs of Bemj. FnanklM as Ïoiot Rteihard, is tliis : "A penny saTed iis as g-aod as a penny earned." Phe vofcers oí W,aSh tenaw coainty two years ago placed a complete Ret of repaWican Offitiais in office, and by so doing saved themseh'es ndt önly penates but dollars - thousamds of t'bem. In the yeair of out Lord 1896, tlhey wSIi repeat the gO'od work of 1894. Th peiople of county ïvfill mol turn 'thi&itr backs upon a set of offitiiajis whp insidie of two yaais fyave tnmed a deW; af $15,000 nto a, credit oí $14,000, and at tJi,s same Filme reduced thie eoointy tets from $40,000 a yealr to $20,000 a year- just one-balf. Not muelh. They wijl -stamp tlii&i.r approval pif sudh officdiais upon th,s ballot next November by placiing an tL in th,O circlet nacter íflie republílcan vfefnette, and tíhus vote for every one of tíliem. i When men like Grece and Fenwick SJld thir Uk. of Detroit, go to an opposftion meeting aaid intemipt the speakers and 'jreate , dis turbances, wünat can be exp'ected oí a lot of yoTing boys like tbose a.t Yale ? "Wlule we coiidenm fch eYaie stiidents, wtoat wa-ds can we i'lud for suchj ïaeni as tbe above ? It e ju-st such examples as they. set t-hat makes toiys impudent and saucy. Gre-e a.nd Fenwick oiiiifhit to le muzzlerl 0T oaged unfeil they leainn a íew thiixgs aboiut ordinairy decency. The states oí Oregon Alatoama, Vermioait, Ankansas and Ma'nehave ench held electionis tlhilS year. The aggregate repu(blicain voite cast was 299,224, amd democratie volte 289,665. In 1882 t,ae aggregate republicam voite In tihose Bam states waa 287,131 and aggregate democratie vote 320,231. Tais shows a gaio for the reputriicans Sn tíllese five -.íorthenn, eon'thern and western States oí 12,093, and a deowcratix; lose oí 30,576. That is proof positive o( kow the tide is ruoning. let it nöt be íorgottem tinat John O. Zabel, populist canidlidate for congress iii this district is ttie attorney oí that "soulless cwporatLon," and ■ "bloatecl monopoly" t h.e Peten'sburgh and Toledo Electric Railway (air line). ThiiS needis ouly to be taown lay Jo'hn out, as cold as' the heart of a gas piumíber.- Adrián Press. BDow Ís this, Mr. Petere ? Have you been impiosing another corporation attomey on your conriding neiglhbors aad populistic friends ? Is it not Onough to have the pop candidate Hor president, Mr. Bryan, an attorney íor George Jay Gould's lieartless system of railroads, wihout trying to Í6H tho hialte of congress with these graspioig fellows ? We pause, Mr. Peters, for an explamatóon ! Tie Argus claims tbat it {avors pure tometaltem, and admifcs tlhat free coinage will d'riive tJue gold out of circu1'a.tcjcm. Th ■fcrutlh te that no íree BÜver oO'ilniage tnamcan be a bimetal' ifat, tmleiss be ïavors freo cwiinflge Ivy itot-ernatiKMial agreementt Free and unaítmlited tóver coinage by tibe U-niilt-ed Statee alone, means silver mor nometöltem and notbing elee. Tbe Oouirier i tttO'W anid alwaya toas been a trae advociabe o biiiaetalibin. It beaíeves ia tibe use of bata, coiné ae ■money a't tune commercial' ra.tilo, or at ny rartaS ttuat thO cioraimercüal rnatioos oí tflue world may agree Tjpom.


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Ann Arbor Courier