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The woíman's gym is making slow pTÜgTeSS. Mts. Nfcirdman is building a nercv tiomse on E. UnOrersi'ty ave. The Txiiokíítores Ihave been right on h.e rush Sor a few weeks aow. A srtew beatiinig appairatus is being put Ju the new Slt. James hloitel. Mns. Josepluime M. KJopf, of 44 N. Sítate et., dóied Monday, aged 58 years. Fraternity Ide F. & A. M., wittl wwk t.he 2d degree Friday eveoiing. A cotiple of residemces are being Orected can N. Foui"ün, ave., by Luick BlY. John Gr'ace dáed at his hjomO on. N. Fi'tii ave., Mond'ay night, aged 36 years. The la&ies oif &t. Andrew' paxisb wlll give a social oa Thursday eveaIng at Harris Hall. 'Mr. G. Teufel, of tihe 2d ward, raiaéd a second erop of etrawberries irom tlie same vines this yaa-r. "Wurster Sb Kiirn are bui'Wing a; nice twict blacksmd'th. öhop in the place of fth,eir old one om N. Fountih ave. Owoaso Beods siDeteen students to b.e Uninrensily, tlhree of wluom are BWs, and nine freöninen- including tb gins. , ! ' ■ : Enjoy [yiounself and help along a good caiise by purcbasüig one or more totekéts íor tlhe Y. M. C. A. lyceum coiirse. Th board oï supervdöors ■will meet kn annual session on. Monday next. It bids fair to be an unmsually lively session. ' Jolrai MacDougall, of Superior, was Bomitaated at tihie popocratic senatorlal convemtdion held at tlie court house yosterday. A ÜBtveTBl'ty Calendar in red and fcteck; Wíhat has become of the jfleair old yellow amd blue? Has üt lost lts Oolor ? i Arthiur Sweet has been appodnited tmant officer by tlhie söhool' board and he ptioposes to miake it decldedly .■wainm ïor truanit yO'utlhSi. Til Htomeopa-tihifc departmeot is ttooming tJhds year, t'h studemts numberiiniË; mtore tbaa dDuble the attendaace of last yeai', already. Ia the September PihysilcSain, and Surjgino'n, Dr. "W. F. Brealkey of this city, (has a papea1 upo1 n"Degeineratiijve Promesses im Diseases of the Skiiu" The list of vice piresideets for last ndg!ht's honest money meeting in Detroit composed neiarly every demonat of promiinjeuiee in Detroit. ' Ttuere is a state law, we beli'eve, reqTi'i'i'iug every chtld to bO vaccimated betore embering scJiöol. Wonder how .■well the law is beiuig enícrced' ? Earl D. Babst, formerly a well known student hiene, is assistant secretaxy of thse MJcJiiigiaji' Branch of ttue American Honesit Money Teague. On Friday at 3 p. m., the meeting of the Woman's Fareign Missionary poctety will be held at tihe residence oí Mrs. Bodmer, on N. Untverilty avenue! ' . I '■ . , i I ■' i Tho regular social of the Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. draven, will be lield on TJrursday evening Oct. Sth. It [wfll be the annual meetáug, and ifc is hoped there will be a large attendance. Tea eerved at half past The next examiination of teaohers -ÍOT tihe couinty, occura an T"iursday and Friday oí aext Week. Oct. 15 and 16, Dor eecond and third grades. Frederilck W. Htolls, oí New York, w-311 speak afc the court house on tliia Wedinesday eveniing, upon the campiailgn issues. Oom-e out and1 heax luim. Tiie Sumday train on the Ann Arbo'i' üa.Uwaiy, which is puit. on, for the ::&r.e-f!' oí i ie la,ke priers rvyl romers. made lt.í las', trip for the seasion. last S úsela}". The democratie oouinty committee ts plowinK the county pretty thoroughly these days. Tlhey a"e haring an average of tour meetings a night this week. Rev. W. H. H. Butler, presÊdliug' eider of the A. M. E.ichurch, is to speak upon the p'olitlcal queations at the court house, on Thursdlay cvenjng, Oct. 8th. There will be an ïreapection of Welch Coirps, 218, at the next reguiar meeting Tuesday aftennöon Oct. 13, at 2:30 o'clock. A (full attendance Is requsted. Mr. aad Mrs. "W. H. Dancer fronn Ajan Artwr, and Mrs. H. Dancer from NoirthTille, spent Slaturday with Mr. and Mre. 'O. C. Burkhart-.- Chelsea Standard. F. M. Keeley, medie '96, whoi has been taking special w-oirk under Dr. NO'vy, has been appo:n,te("I to the chalí oí bacteriology in the Unjversity of California. The Womans Auxittiiary of the T. M. C. A. will hiold theiir regular monthlj busi'ness moet ing Monday October lath, at 3 p. lm. in the associa' tüion nooms. "Win. Allalby a.nd ahWst.iian Eberbacüi are the only men now living wfbo were dö'iap; 'business in the Wock on the west side af S. Mlain, st., betweenu Hupoo and ■Washington fits. im 1862. If you desdre to help that most vvoithy or org'anfzati'oiils, tihe Ladiee Charitable Union, go. to Schumacher's store to-dlay or to-morrow and' buy a loaf o.r tivo o1; "„rial donated by him. "We ask tine especitil attenti'ota of our readers thifc week t[o our admirable and excellemt p'Ol'itfcal supplement. It 1(5 amoug! th,e best of the nuany we have senit oitít duringi tihie campaig-n. The AdtrSam Press calis Jotoa V. Sheeham "McKiauley's democratie manager at Ann Arbor." If the statement iö true we congratúlate Major McKanr ley, {or it is an fhioimor to hiave so able a. manager. The reisÉiden'ts along tihe lh of the .■WQli'am sb. sewer amd lateral have been cotnplaflndng bïtberly the last week. The teartmg up o'f tlhe s.treets preuctically eiwit tihean o'ff from reoting thei'r rotomns. Theodtore E. OhnWanaiin, iormerly of this cilty, was marriedi Oct. lst, to M'iss Ma;ry Walz, oï Jacks'on. Miss Bertha Ohrlstlmanii of this city, was maid of homor. They will1 reside on Suonmit et., J&eksofa. The County Medical Society had a very interesting meeting Saturday afternioon last, in the coaincii room oí the court house. The new lady dean. Dr. Mosftier, was iatroduced to the members of the society. Senator J. E. McLaiUSThldn, of Detroit, -wiil speak in this city on Wiednesdiay, Oct. 21, at the court house Senator McLaughlin, Uas been ome of the best friends the UnlversUty ever bad in the legislature. Prof. B. M. Thompsoin was president of tihe evening at the great demócrata te honest' money meeting at tiie audiltorium in Detroit, last evening:. OoJ. Irish, California's brilliant sound money democratie orator, spobe. The Y. M. C. A. nighti school opemed last evenitnig, at tto rooms, very auspictously. Ttoere were some 85 or more young men present-, and all were eager for work to commence. The year bjds í air to ba a grand success. The Y. M. C. A. Lfytoeum course rammfenices on Tuesdiay evening next, at the tPr.esibyter'iaoi tíhairch, wlth the Jobnson-Simily tConTbinartion. It is a wondei-fully giood course of eatertaimmewbs at a wonderfuily small cost. The Momteitta öllver 6tabue whdcia was exhilbited at tfhe Woirld' Fair, is atttnactünig croiwdis at EX F. Mills & Oo's tfhss week. Ada Relian, the ac.t're,ss, was the motded1 tlie statue, whifch oointaitts $68,400 worth of silver and $224,000 worith. oí gold. Thero was an iinmease crowd' at fhe M. B. chuirch Sunday evening, called there by the first appearance oí the new pastor, Bev. Br. McElroy. He made a very favorable impression iipon the audience by his calm anki impressive mannier and scholarly dk'Hon. Tliat he will b ome a'enei'al favorite among the pastors1 oí tito city, is the predictib'n of those who heard him. Big exMbitiion of Sterling ranges at Sehfumiaohe-T's bardiware eiore uoUig on iraw. The Y. M. C. A. Lyceum eourse t'ckebs are on sale at Hnme & Stanger'81 Only $1 for a greafe conree of sis eatertainxments. The Girl's Frteiwlly Society of St. Amdreiv's par'isti, had a very Dleasaat and enjoyable meeting on Friday evenimg last. Br. W. B. Hjinistdale has put 'm a teiephome at hls house. Xo. 17 Fore'st ave., and alto, ha a telephone at his oifice in the P. 0. Mock. The stairway of Masonic Temple on tlue 2d floor, is beirag remodeled and built over. Othier bange are being made to i m prove the room si that fïoo.r. Circuit court opemed Ifanday witli 77 oase on t.hie dlocket, Judge K',nne presid'i'ng. Most o .tai cases werft over to next term, because oí polttlcal bnsiness. Mrs. C. V. R. Pomd, "wlno was qui+e rell known bere in Ann Artiior, havJng (nesided hcre for a year or so, died athe" home :in Tnm'i:ig last Saturday. In tuis loss Col. Pomd has the deep sympiaihy of many frjeai'ds ki Ann Artwr. Tred TVeinmann, at one time a constable in the 7tlh ward, had a quarrel fri'fh his 1rother, Sumlay morning, and hi't nim over the head wiitli a eti'ck oï wood. The blow was a severe ooe fractnring the skull aad it is tbO'Ugbt may' pixive fatal. Fred has been at the Pnit':ac aeylum, and returmed but recentjy. 'Uhe two boys were living wïth their mot her on Bno.wn street. The multitude of advertiising ecliemes wiith whith ow merchaats have been deluged. and in. many inBtances, na dOTifbt, blackma,iJed, is astotniisihi'ng. And wihat iK;mwe astontehinff is tJhe ia et. that so. many' of them are t-alked into patronMng wihat. certaimiy has the appearance of snides. It is a constant, "hold up yonr hands amd delüver," witb Ann Artoor ibusiness hiouses. And over t!h.Tee-.qi3iarters oí tihe Bchemes are as vtalueless hs t!he paper tlhey are printed on. At one time in tlhiis city a list of thejiamies oí tlhose who öigneiT the cali for an elecöion on, tte local option quest.ion was kept by a certain clase of dm5cratöc pol'i'ticia.ns here, and every man on t)he Ktslti was marked Por Kliangihiter by them. Ntow the pnohibtttonists hiave joinied hands with the demoteratB, iamd all whlo vote a demiovr abiic ticket minst vote for one or more prohítoltiomiBIt ! Jtist walt untó! you hear {rom tíhte 2d wafnd, Freedom. Ixidi and Brldge-water upon tihte unho'ly alli'ainiee. If any of omr c-Jtifeetns desire to know ■w-liat effent free coimnse will Tip:Otn omr moner. tíuey cn learn theimselves by fro''lni3: to T)enn & Co's Btoire. By pTin&hasSngr a half dollar's iwort.h of goodvs aml offering ome of our silver doll-irs Jloi payment. they wftl receilve the.goiods a.nd a MexIcan silTer dollar inchange wihich contaJns moire pure silver thancnir own Sil ver follar. If we have1 'f ree coihage that Mexica.n dollar will be worth more than our own- not because either -will ralse in value, bufc because the Mexilcan dollar is wortlh the most. "I wonder wïiy orar merchants and business men pay so lbttle attention to havins: places of business numbered ? Here I have traveled aa entirO block, and have found only two or three places numbered." Thfe was saM by a prtoimineat icitizen a day oir so slmce. whien !ue was in search oí a certain business house. There was a cry up a few years ago untia the coaincil htid the ñames oí the streets plaed on ench. corner. Nbw the council ought to complete the job by ooimpellimïr every one, if "they1 have no suiliictent enterprlse to do so1 voluoibarily, to place upon tJheir bnildSngs oi' resideoices taie proper number. Amora? the mainy new corners to our cilty thte faill, arO Mr. a,od Mrsi Greo. W. Rkelps, oí Welbsltr, who hajve buCIlfc foT tíhemselve.s a fine house on S. Divi'ston St-reet. The social receptiron announced to be given by the Y. Po B. C. E-,, off the PTes-byterian churclh or McMJllan hall C'n Salnrday evening 01 this week, wMl be posponed tmtiil tttie evening oí Friday the 16th, wham üt wlll' be held in the parloi-s oí the church. Thos C. Ool-bum of the firm of Parker, Colburn & Sclineider, was mart&ed last evenhij, to Miss Margaret Van Slyke, at the home of the bridenB parent s, on Cornweil et., Kev. J. M. Gelsior perform'ng the ceremony. The couiple wi.ll reïde on S. División strei. ïsyman D. Jame', w1:o j we:l knowj ta most oï o-nr cjbraens, writes to a friend in th.e city tltaat Ma.ssaclmsetta w'M g-ive McKinley over 100,000 majority. He ateo sbates tUat a-íter a St.ay of ten days at. Öuilutk - t)he lnot bed of süve'-'isni ia Miraiesofca- faat ñe fifmly believes thtat state is safe Tor McKimley, also. An able-bodied Italian, pnmping an accordeo:n. accompaaiied by a iittle tiioy wii.o looked to bo about Beven ot eigtit yeans old, war?' a.toii't the stneets Sïitu-rday. The poioir liittle telki-'W would siiing a soag or two and hien tafee up a ciollectiKila. Hte face t&iOiwed iio-w düffiteulfe it was fcu'-him t.oi Bing, it being falrly painful to wa-tcïn hiltn. Brery oine expreseed gympatiiiy foir tllie ch31d, and' wO'uld have g;ven him liTierally had they not lonoiwii fh,at mot a cent would go to hin. If tihere ie noi law'in tihis state making ft a crime tioi compel] children hqi ga about in .tinte w,ay( tihere ought tib) be ome, and tihl'js man ahonld be made to abey ilt. Taat boy dia not loi abO'Ut and stag ifi-onn cboicei.


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Ann Arbor Courier