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Can Cure Asthma And Hay Fever

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'Tiiie ■miajar'i'ty; af sufferers from Asttimia iarid kúndired ocxmjyLaijnits, after fcrying doctora and nujmiberless remedies advertíised as piosi'tive cures witiuout avail, (hiave ooim to tilie conclusión tíhiat there jis veo ouire Sor tháB' mot dtobres&img disease, and ttuese saime pieraons wáll be the more 'ai dombt and fkept'Jc'al wiien bhiéy learn throiugh fhe columns of tlie pweBS Ubat Dr. Ru(lóflbph. (ScIh'Jífraiaiiin, tlie reco-gnized aptluoir,;ty wiho has fcreated more cases of bhiest; dlseases tUmia any lh-lngi docticW, has axíhiieved buicco.s by perfecting a remedy wüitíli mot only gíves lmmiediiate relief ia the worst cases, but has posüM'vely cured thousands of sufferers wlix were coosÉidered incurable. Thiese Veré jast as skepbjaaj as gome of our readers aow are. Dr. Schóllmajun'rt remedy no dOiubb possesses the mörjit widlöh is for It or he wiOTild nOb authiorize tliis paper to aiumoiiiice that (he is afft only wllllng to igi-ve iree to each peraon soifferiing fnom Astíhm'a, Hay ■ iVver oi Broocfciitis in tlhls city, one liberal "free 'fcrrial bix" o: h.3 öur-ei, but urgemüy requemo all suierers ip'call at Goodyëar's Drug Store. Arm Arbor, wVf.fn tjie next tlhree diny and recelve a package abwlutely free of iiarge, kmowing ttat iin making tihe claim hie does fotr his Cure, a douW miay arise in 'tibe mmds -oí manyj and tfhiat a penscmal test, -as hc offers to all, "will be miare ooin'vincing, :ind priove ibs merlts, ütiühn tlhe publishing af fhouisands of testómoinisals from peraotts vbio llave been permanently cured by the uise af iuiis Astlima Cure. "Dr. Scfhiuffmanm's Astlima Cure," as tlt ib called. lias been soid by druggists oí thi's oiity evereinoe iti waü first introduced, alfchtough many persons may ne"vr have heard of H, amdi l't is -wlth a vfew reaicfltiinisr these that he maJkes thás offer. This is certainly a most genepauis aod fa offer, and all wihO' are euifferilng frolm, amy of the aJbove oomplaünbs tíhould remember tJhe date ajnd place ■w'hefFe' the dlistrllbuliDn wlll be made, and avail themselves of the same. Persons litvïng out of tttiiis city wjio desire to test titie effteacy of ttiiB most wondertul remedy ■wtüll recei've a package ir ee by wriiöng to Dr. Bte'hiffmftnn, 330 BosiaTiel etreet, St. Paul, Minn., providilns their letter is received' before Oct. 16tJh, as ao free samples can be obbaimed after that date.


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