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Has Ideas About The Judgeship

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iJdötor Clawier :- As an oíd cittzen oí tliis oounty, and ís a in.-pi wüo iins a Samily, and orae ■n'luo hopos to livivi tíhatt i'ain'.l.v ometlilliiG in_ t;he eveat cüf denth. I im aOBSitleraWy interested Ín tiie ofiloe oí judj,"e oS pro(bafee, oot more so, t is pnesuimable, thiaia are other pareats tsjniálii'ly sitmated. TMs ofñce has baem g-ivienj iu the past to tine ol'der misa oí Utuei pa;rty, mjOn -üiio liave toad espienüeWce in Híe, aot only in. praiettcO at, Ulue l)a.r, but jn tHisiness mattere aliso:. I ihave' no Lault to find -tvitih tihe cinduct of thls office in tbe past. WasSitenaw county iLais tean fortúnate On the men ch.osen fill it. For twelveí years 6ír. Harriiman miadle ome &( tin,e lest probate ■judies iin MicWgan, Lis any man willl teil yom wdio liad business tcv fcransact wiith híim, no matter what fcheir personal feelilnigs may toare been. Mr. BabbJtt has ated made a gwod udge, fh.e only fault beirag in his inability to give hls full ti(me to the posïb'xna, "srtrksh he ebouWi hae dbinte, and which should be required oL every man elected to tihe posrjtloni. ThiB yOa.r eaclli paty presente for tdiat office men of ■unquesticmaible cnaracter and gotad 'attaánmente, bnt there are some pai'nlte oí diiifereince btít"weii the tw0 oand'idates, tha.t I beüieve will Iniflueafce a grea many möa TviLea tstiey come toi vyte. Thie office is orne tlhafc there r.aoi be no politics in. Thö question to be considered by. tbe vlotter ife, "which is tftie most capaíble mam toi manage, th eifairs oí tlie wicBow and ttie orphan wten tftieii' natiura.1 protector is gone ?" In the democratie cawdMate, wiio US a na ti ve oí ttois öO'uüty, wel have a yoDng umnarpíed man, wto1 is at present cflty attaraey of Ann Artuor, ata salary of $1,000 per' year. He lis hiouest, and capaMe sb' far as Iris abLlUties and expörtemee go bu't he has had li'ttie bii'sLoiess experience, aoifc even the experi'eaee tlha-t a man sets wtio la at the had oí a family. Ï1" callea upom to hiandlo etates, !ie xrald mot ïiiave tihe piiactifcai !cnovledg-e wlui'ch ieeins to me necessa-'-y, of i.iow a hioiuiseliold should be mauaged, oír any pracueal idea o'; how mucli ft .-lííüuld coöt to support a amilyl. TUiB iray B&cm triíliing, aiDdi yet to tüi'nking people wboi a 'e iiuerested, it isa rea; dval. 1 te kjniü'wïadge ana expedente Ktwut every man who otcupies tlit; positian öf judge oí probate sftaould poesess. SIi1. Kearney has girod abúüties as a lawyer, buft has neer been íorced by cU'cums Cauces nor naturally iiiclined tra make tlie mast o E luis abilitii1-. ín filie candidaifae pi'eseuted by; tilie nepullican party, we tiave al:O a luat'ive oí "Öhiils comnty. Unflike Jiis opponent, lue lxas beea compelled fi'3m laoytti'Ood up, to mia-fce titie mo.t oí lús ppportuB Iifee ais appouerj:, lio fe a ■raduat oí taue UmivweMtyv He has liad buificint practice, anid lie'ld poisitioos tïiiat ha-ne provean luis aMUity as a lfei.wr yer. He is a man ot family, a point wry mujcli in hits favor, tal the liumWe opinión oí tUe sufbscriiber. For two or three years lie hais Teeaï casuar oí he Dexter Savónlgs Baak, at a salary oí $1,000 per yeax, I umlerstajid. Entering t.he bank entirely new to ttue busüaess he has successiully majaagd it affains, and tltus pa-oived his capability as a business man. Ttliis js aiKithier point in his javw. Instead of bei'OK obliged ito gain business experiiepct'. afber entering npon the duÖes of the prölbate öffite, be has Uready aütained tue qiiaU'ficatioibS. that will enaLle Min iögO .oward witihout experimenting - experimente are sometimes costly. Foir oue I (fliould1 not lilce t-o luave Vibait lititle I may Veave ued ïo-r èxperilmeoital purpoees. He is also oldier i'n yearis and no doubt ïn di'stretioo. Ai'tíhioiuiB'h I have neve" Daken any part ini politics, yet in "h.:is oïfi'ce I am greatly inlterested . I'aJúooi me tor trespassllag to such. an exten't upon yaur valuable Bpace, but th.ese are my reaeon for votctng tor Mr, Newidrk, tlie republican oandWate foi' judge of profbate tüü's year, in whikïh reasoos I thought perhaps ofhers móhx be eomewhat interested.


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Ann Arbor Courier