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A Practical View

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It is estimated that CO per cent. of the full forcc of factory bands are out of employment at this timo. The panic brougnt 'on by "tariff reform" is pnmarily iesponsible for this unprecedented conlraetion of the lnbor market. The free-colnage agitation has lately liad the effect to make a bad situation deplorably worse. Somc of the men thrown out of work seem to think that relief will come only by opening the mints for the free ana unlimited eolaage of silver. Bryan makes this assertion. If the menaee of free coinage intensifies the paralysis iti the industrial woild, what must its realization be? Manufacturers as yrell as workingmen want good times. Their prosperity is essential to tiie welfare of labor. Their judgtneot as to the eonditions necessary to a return of prosperity is likely to be sound. They new feei the effect of n stomiage of orders. They are n a position to know the canse and the remedy. Il' producers and business men in general believed that the Bilver .standard would promote their interests, they would favor it. If they believe that it would aot [iromote their interests, bni prove disastrous, certainly their convictioa should have iuucb weight with all worltingmen whose well-being is absoluti'ly dependent Hpdn the aelivity of induslries and busini'ss. What the munti'.v needa is not more money bnt more business to bring out the money. We have as great a volume oC money today, outside of the ury. as we had m 1889-92. But t: luis been ili'ivcii iuto biding liy the blunder of 181)2 and subsequent blunders worse 1lian crimes, and is now locked fast by an insane effort to lower the standard of valu pull down the public credit and plunge the country into tx morass of repudiation and dishonor. To Ket the inoncy out once more, conditions must be restored whicli vl invite invt'st mcni , Btimulate industries, open all the factories, infuse the manifold branehea of manufacture, tradc and couimerce with confidence and energy and entcrprise. From the present situation the deuioralizing result of the BUCCéSS of I'.ryanisni can lie l'oivsi'cn. The result to the business eomniunity, and therefore to the working peoplc, of the eleetinn of McKinley is no less appareat. It wil] be. plainly manifest the next doy after the story of the election is told, in a general restdration of confidente unl reyival of business. - l''vcw Jiinn o'.it .of. pim )1 o yjjj Ln I has been ïmpressed by the tree eoinage cry should earefully consider the probability tfaat in the event of the adoptioD of the ailver standard 50-cent dollars will be harder to get than l'ull dojl:irs nvo ïiow. whereas iJ' sound conditioiis are re-established full dollars will be as easy to get as they were in 18S002. - Clncinnati Ïlmes-Star


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