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Chaneery Notiee. State of Michigan, Washtenaw Couuty- In Chaneery. Da teil. September 4, A. D. 1890. Morris Huil iitid Joseph H. Wcmdman.complaioants vs. Agn-s 'ui. Fllckinger, Daniel B. Fllcklnger and The Koohester Saviugs and Loiin Assoetatmn, defendant.s. Huit pending in the Circuit Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw in Chaneery, at Ann Arbor on the 4th day of September, A. D. 1896. In this rause ;t appearliiK froiri affidavit on file that tlie defendant, The Rochester SavIngs and l.oan Associatlon, is nol B resident of ttiis State, but resides at Rochester, in the State of New York. on mot Ion of John W. liennett, Compliiiuant's Solicitor, it is oraered that the said defendant, The Rochester Savings and Loan Assoclation, cause lts appearance to be entered bereln.wlthln fonr months trom the dale of this order, aud in case of lts appearance tlnit it cause i t.s answer to the oomplainant's Bill of Complalnt to be flled, and a copy thereof to be served on sald complalnanl's Solicitor, wiibin twenty days after service on it of a eopy of said bill.and notiee of this order; and that in default thereof, said bill be taken as confessed by the said nou-resident dcfendanl. And It is further ordered, that within twenty days the said complainants cause a notiee of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed, published and circulating in said c nnty,aud that such publication be oontinuea there at least once in each weer , for six weeks in successión, or that they cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said nonresident delendant, at least twenty days before the time above prescribed for lts afpearance. E. D. KiNNE, J. W. Bennett, Circuit Judge. Comp'ainant's Solicitor. Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT having been made in the condltions of aeertain'mortgage made and exeonted by Darwiu Nelson and LydiaJ. Nelson hlswife.of alem, Washtenaw Ooiinty, State of Michigan, to Henry Yanson, of the same place; aiul ftssigned by fiaid Henry Yanson to Charles Yanson; and further assignèd by sald Charles Ya! son to Lucinda M. Yanson; auil furlher asslgoed by said Lucinda M. Yansou to Wllliam H. Weed, which said last ass'gnment was recorded in the office of the Résister of Deeds for Washteoaw County in liber 12 of assiguments on page 391. August 19th, 189fi: SHÍd original mortgnge havina been recorded in liber 52 of mortgages, page 727 on the26tbdayof March, 1877. at 2)4 p. ra. Od which mortgage there is cltiimed to be due and owlng at the date of this notice the suni of Five hundred and ten and seventy-two hundredths dollars ;$ölü 72), also an attorney's fee provided for in said mortgage and allowed by statute; and nosuitor proceeding at law bavlng been instituted to recover the moneys secured by said Mortgage or any part thereof. Now.therelöre, by virtue of the power of sale con tained in said mortgageand the statute in such case made and provided; notice is heiebv giveu that on Saturday, Ueeember 19th, 189l, at eleven o'clock in tbe lorenoon, I shall sell at public auction to the hlgiiest bidder, at the south door of the court house in the city of Anu Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, (that being the place and building where the circuit court for the county of Washtenaw is held) the premises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount dne on said mortgage with nine per cent interest and all legal costs, expenses and attjrney's fees covenanted for or agreed upou thereln. The premises belng described as follows in said mortgage: "Being subdivisión No. four a set uñ to Charlotte Knapp by the commissioners in partition in the estáte of Henry Whipple, deceased, known, bounded and describedas follows towit: Being twenty-seven, acres south of the road and off from the west side of the east half of the southwest quarter of sectlon No. twenty-seven in town&hip No. oue outh, range seven east, township of Salem, Washtenaw county, Michigan. September 22d, 1806. William H. Weed, D. Cramek, Assigtieeof roortgage. Attorney for Assignee. Sales-Agents Wanted f,r nade to Messnr and Keady Made tlothin? by Sample. The very iowest prices for best clothing. Liberal commlssions are paid, and energetle soliciting agents can make from one to three thousand dollars yearly. Storekeepers can supply themselves without carrying stock. Apply, WANAMAKER & BROWN, I'HILAKELPHIA. [AÑYONTCATml J At the expense of little $E$J 4 moiicy and his spare JaSuÊSjf i time obtain a fair JÍV isTUDYATHÖMEJ THROUGH THC SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCT1ON, 0 Comprisingtheleadingcorrespondenceschoolsintheworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. t 1111 The School of Law prepares pupils for admission J I 11 ff to the bar, by an extended, thoroug-h course. Has r 5 " over i,6oo students in every part of the country. 1 inilflllll IOHM This school teaches journalistic ] j JDUHNALIolfl roí,le;"y WOIk frora the iou } nnnl 1rCniUP Ths school is conductedby' 4 HIlllK-Kfcfcrlr'l one of the ablest teachers ot t UUUn IXLI.I II J bookkeeping in America. J PlinnT Illftin hisschool teaches short-hand by S 'NHIIK I nAilU = best system, and from the S J OIIUIII MWIIM ( ,ning the t expert work. j ionrrl _J ■ t 'U This school teaches f SllKrrK fln lAl II lalion, composition and { j uiillh aiiu lui h history hpL the founda. Jtion to the most advanced wi in the classics. 1 The above schools -h by the J J ence method only, and. -cognize no rivals íd J 2 thetr respective flelds. Address, stating n j ■ÜUpSëS 5fiH " OITHOIT, MICH. Absolutely Freel Aow j riff rme to ftt ood WATCH FREE! FREE! ThiM Splendid 1896 YANKEEWATCH Made on honor. Omarm o leed a good timekeeper. Mortkn ÜiU paper and we wlU tend yoc ■ampia copies of the DETROIT JOURNAL, SEMI-WEEKLY, ceotainisr ful] instructiona how to get thit watch. let quick. i41nu, HTKOIT JOO;tKAL CO., Batrott. MWk.


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Ann Arbor Courier