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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Ttue majoiríty af eufferers from Asthmia iand kündired eonnylaim'ts, aiter to-ying doctors and mimberless remedies advert teed as posHive cures witúiiout avi.:l, iiave oom-a to the conclusión bhiat tiiiere is ui cure ïlor thiis1 most dte'bres&iing diseaee, and tnese tsanne persons wóll be fhe more iai doubt and ekep'Ecal when tlhiey learn. thraugh. tbe columns o-f tlh pness thiat Dr. Rudolpli (5dhijífmia.n'n, the recogn-iized apthior,Hy wiho lias brearted more cases af öhese diseases tiban any living doctiar, hiass adhóevuil micceee by perfecting a remedy whiiöh nao only gWee immediiate relief In the wonst cases, but has posilMvely crared tHioiusands of sulferers whio were co.nsúdered iticurable. Tnifse Xvere juist as skeptjeal as some of readers now are. Dr. Sch'illmamn'ij remedy 13 Loabtpossesses tae mörit whóloh is claimed íor it or he would not autliorize Dais paper to amraoinice tbat Bi-e in afb only willing ■bo tglva free bo eacli person suffering A.anniM, Hay "TVver oï Bronahifcls in tihis city. oae liberal "iree trial bi.5x" o! Wfy Curtí, bub u!-gently requto all sufíerers ip cali at G-oodyear's Druig Store. Aun Arbor. w-jthin tLe next t'hree days a.nd receLve a package ab.alutely free of r.hargef knowimg tibat in making tilie claim "be dloes for his Cure, a stro.n'j; doubt Tmay arise in 'tibe minde oí manyí and tfluat a personal test, as he oifers to all, -vvill be mare couiTincing, and pnove tía meri'ts, th.a.n tlhe puiblishlng ai thouands oí' t-estimonJals írom persons "wh'O llave been p-ermanently cured by tbe ase ai h!is Asthma Cure. "Dr. Stíhüffm.ann's Asthma Cure." as (it Is called. h,as been sold by druggists oí thi'S oüty evereinee it waa íirst Íntrodneed, althiough mnny persons may never have heard oí i't, aaudí It is wtth a vtew üor these that he makes tais offer. Thós is certainly a mostemerouis and fa.:r oífer, and all whoare suiffertog fpotm any of the albove camplambs ffliould remember #he date amd place wiieTe the distrílbrttion will be made, and avaü themselves of the same. Persons litving out otf tlhiis city ivho deslíe to test he effíoacy of thte most woodertul remdy -wffll receive a package free by wriitïag to Dr. Bwhiffmaiiin, 330 Roaabel etreet. St. Paul, Mínn., proViidlng their letter in recelved before Oct. 16tih, as no free samples caá b obbalned after that date. ujjiuimiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiijiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiig DON'T BLAME A HORSE FOR KICKING or for eating more than his share if you don't keep him warm. Two or three dollars invested in a 5a Blanket will save you dollars in feed. The % are the strongest blankets made. Awarded highest prize at theWorld's Fair. 25ostyles. Square blankets for the road; fg ë V surcingle t mkvIËL f blankets for I Jt I thestable.Ev-VW J eryshape, size.fe, jJ and quality. VfigJJgS Sold by all dealers. Write us for the 5A. book. It's worth having. H:.LE„„EIS!;..,HJn. APIRONffi im - imii TRAOB MARK unmnmmm AND ■ _JLA lS POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISE&SE. NERVOUS PROSTRATION, EPILEPSY. sleeplessness aud all aeraugement ot the Nervous System. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full aize doses. 50 cents. M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Eapids (Mich.) Savinga Bank, says he cannot say too much in favor of " Adironda," Wheeler:s Heart and Nerve Cure. Prepared by Wheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John Moore, - Druggist. MEN WANTED To take orders. Instruction and outfit free Salary or commisslon as preferred. Splendld chance lor reliable men. Experience net uecessary. Write íbr terms and full partjuars ïbe K. U. CHASE COM PAN Y


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