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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County. Annual Session, Oct. 1896

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County. Annual Session, Oct. 1896 image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County. Annual Session, Oct. 1896 image
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Monday, Oet. 12, 1896. The Board of Supervisors for the County of Washteiiaw met iu the supervisors' room iu the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the 12th day of October 1896. The roll was called by the clerk, and the following supervisors responded ta their names, to-wft : Ann Arbor City, Ist Wartl- John R. Miner. " ' 2l ■ - Jno. M. Feiner. " 3t " - JohnJ. Fiscber. " 4lh " -Eerman Krapf. " " 5th " - James Boyle. " " ötli " - A. J.KHsou. " " 7th " -E. E. Eberbach. Aon Arbor Town- Coruelius L. Tuoniy. Augusta- Samuel S. Bibbins. Brldgewater- George Walter. Dexter- John Clark. Freedom - Micbael P. Alber. Lima- Edward Beach. Lodl-Ira E. Wood. Lyndon- Jumes Howlett. Manchester- V illis L. Wutkius. Northfield- Emory E. Lelaud. Pittslield- Morton F. Case. Salem- My ton Mui ley. Saline - Euward A. Hauser. Scio- Byroni'. Whiüaker. Sharon- Win. F. Hall. Superior- Walter Vooiheis. Sylvau- Hiram Llghthail. Vebster-Kdwin Ball. York- Alfred Daveuport. Ypsilanti Town- John L. Hunter. Ypsilaut.i City, Ist District- ÖumnerDamon. " " 2d " -James Forsyth. The chairman appointed the following standing comniittees : Equalhation - Leiand, Boyle, Damon, Hall, Alber. Criminal Claims Xo. 1- Walter, Bibbins, Krapf. Criminal Claims .Vo. _- Hunter, Tuomy, Forsyth. Civil Claims- Ball, Whittaker, Feiner. To Settle with County Offieers- Watklns, Case. Bibbins. On Salary of County Offlcers- Hall, Eberbach, Hauser. On Apportionment of State and County Tax- Lighthall, Howlett, Beach. On Public Buildings- Kitson, Tuomy, Ball. On Sejecled Taxes- Davenport, Bailey, Wood,. To Examine Accounts of Superintendents of Poor Eberbaeh, Hunter, Krapf. On Finance - Case, Whittaker, Kitson. On Fractional School Districts- Howlett, Hauser, Leiand. On Draina- Voorheis, Lighthall, Davenport. On Printing - Forsyth, Fischer, Alber. Contagious Diseases- Feiner, Bailey, Clark. On Per Mem- Hauser, Damon, Fischer. To Prepare Statement of County Expenses- Boyle, Eberbach, Watklns. On rnotion of Mr. Case the board adourned till 1 : 30 p. m. APTERNOON SESSION. The board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the chairman. Roll called and quorum present. Mr. Case offered the following which was adopted. Resolved, That the time for special orders be flxed as follows : Tuesday, Oct. 13, 3 :30 p. m.- To receive bids for medicine, medical care and surgical attendance on prisoners at the county jail. Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2 p. m.- To elect board of county canvassers according to Act. No. 149, public acts of 1895. Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2:30 p. m.- For election of school examiner. Tuesday, Oct. 13, 3 p. m.- For election of janitor. Tuesday, Oct. 13, 3 :30 p. m.- To receive bids frota the newspapers of the county for publication of proceedings of the board and furnishing 1,000 copies of same in pamphlets, said pamphlets to be delivered by November 25, also for publication of the same íd Germán without pamphlets. Wednesday, Oct. 14, 10 a. m.- To recive report of drain commissioner. Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2 p. m.- To fill vacancies in list of persons who have the care of the burial of deceased union soldiers and sailors. Thursday, Oct. 15, 10 a. m.- To receive report of county treasurer. Thursday, Oct. 15, 11 a. m.-To visit the county house as committee of the whole. Friday, Oct. 10, 10 a. m.- To receive the report of superintendent of poor. Monday, Oct. 19, 2 p. m.- To receive bids from the banks of Ann Arbor for rate of interest on deposits and overdrafts. Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2 p. m.- To elect one superintendent of poor. Mr. Boyle moved that the rules of last session be adopted to govern the proceedings of this „board. Adopted. Mr. Hunter moved that the hours of meeting of the board be fixed at 10 o'clock a. m., and 2 o'clock p. m Adopted. Mr. Hunter moved that the basis of equalization be fixed at $25,000,000. Adopted. Mr. Kitson moved that B. C. Whittaker be appointed chairman pro tempore. Carried. The iospectors of jails made the following report : .REPORT OF INSPECTORS OP JAILS. For the county of Washtenaw of Inspection made September 25th, 1896. To Honorable Board of Supervisors: The undersigned Inspectors of Jails for the County of Washtenaw in anee witli Mie provisions of law (seclions 9649-9654,) fouini on page 2318 of Howell's Amiotiiteil Statutes oí Michigan, as abo ve aniended) would respectreport : That on the Twentieth day of September, 1896', they visitad and carefully inspected the County Jail of said Countv, and found as follows: I. That duting the six months mediately pièceding such exuinination there had been confined at the differen times two hundreil prisoners, chargec witli oifensea as follovre: 'S " OFJTESSE. g a o Drunk 87 .... 87 Drunk and disorderly 1 Disorüerly 6 1 Larceny 31 4 35 Suspiolon of laroeny 24 - 2. Larcfiiy from persons 1 - Assaiilt aud battery. 7 Insana 5 1 Vaeraocy 3 ... Rape 2 - Pick-poeket 1 - SnsplclOD pick-poc!;et 1 - Non-support 1 - - Jumping 011 cars 1 - I Truant ... 1 ... Body execution. 1 Forgery .. 2 ■■ 2 t'i.ncualed weapons 1 - Tampering wlth U.S. mail. 2 2 False pretense 2 1 Í Beastulity 1 ■. ! Suspicion 4 - Qambling 2 .... 2 Desertiou 1 - 1 Counterlitiiii 2 .... 5 Higrhway robbery 2 2 Failing to appear'in court. 1 - 1 162 8 200 II. There are now in jail, detained for trial, six. There are now in jail, serving sentence one male and one female. Tlieie now in jail, under 16 years of age, one. There are now in jail, awaiting commitment, 0. Number now in jail - male 8, female 1 ; Total, 9. Prisoners detained for trial have been held in jail the following number of days each. Prisoners awaiting commitment have been held since sentence days each. III. Number usually confined in one room by day. All in the jail. Xumber usually confined in one room at night, one. IV. Employment, none. V. Condition of bedding fairly good. Condition of cells, fairly good. Condition of halls, fairly good. Condition of water closets, fairly good. VI. What distinction, if any, is made in treatment of prisoners? ïione. VII. Are prisoners under 16 years of age at any time, day or night, permitted to mingle or associate with older prisners? See Sec. 2000, page 540, Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan. They are: VIII. Are prisoners arrested on civil jrocess kept in rooms separate and dis;inct from prisoners held on criminal charge, as required by Section 8941, Howell's Statutes? They are not. IX. Are male and female prisionera confined in separate rooms as required by section 8942, Howell's Statutes? Th e y are. X. Is there a proper Jail Record tept, and is it kept properly posted and does it comply with Sec. 9664, page 2320, Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan? There is. XI. What, if any, evils, either in construction or management of jail, are bund to exist? J. WlLLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. D. B. Geeene, County Agent. El.ISHA LOOMIS, Charles H. Kempf, E. P. Mason, Superintendents of the Poor. Ou motion the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. The Probate Judge made the followng rejort of commitments to the insane asylum : f L- -.-- ' JS M .Sí.íÍ-.xÍ.íÍ-SÍ-ÍÍ.íÍ.íÍ rf rt c aflflfl aa as aso u rt I 1"HH'-IHMi-i-,mi-iHMH 3 S o ïï ü a o u ocwo .2 S m tg f s flaia - si? -W B-S j aftas aa - ff jsisss'isa á (d - fe sí fe e fe fe ! S !3 Igaïgliggïlii 1 fit & 2a S 1 lllil%iftill! friilIÜiilPI . K=S = = L = S = t:-c = S2 's Sa '-;a-i:---graH s TUe report, on motion, was accepted and ordered placed on file. The Clerk presented the report of the Auditor General of the state relative to state taxes : state of michigan. Auditor Genekal's Office,) Lansing, Sept. 28, 1896. ) To the Clerk of the County of Washtenaw, Michigan : Sir - Pursuant to the provisions o Section 35, Act 206, Public Acts of 1893 you are hereby notified that a state tax has been apportioned to the severa counties of the state, according to the last returns of the aggregate valuatioi of taxable property therein made to thi office, and as equalized and detenninec by the State Board of Equalization a their session in August, ISíhí. ïlie aggregate valuation of real an personal estáte in Michigan as equalizec by the State Board of Equalization in the yëar 1896, is $1,105,100,000.00, of whicl amount $31,000,000.00 is in Washtenan eounty. Tlie aggregate of state taxes appor tioned to the severa! counties of the state in the year 1896, is $2,068,538.62, o which aniount $58,026.15 is apportionec to Washtenaw eounty. The several items of the state tax o 1896, and the sum of each, are as fol lows, viz : Uuiversity ot Michigan, 1-6 mili tax. Sec. 1, Act 19, 1893 $184,183 3 Michigan Soldiers Home and Home for Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, etc, curren t expenses, etc., sec. 3, act 114. 1895 88,000 00 Michigan Stnte Normal School, ourrent expenses, etc., sec 3, act 171. 1895 58,450 00 State Public School, current expenses, etc., sec. 3, act 219, 1895 35,000 00 State Agricultural College, repairs, lmprovemenis, etc , sec. 2, act I5, 1895 10,000 00 Michigan Asylum for the insaue, repairs, iniproveinents, etc, sec. 3. net. 168. 1895 19,250 00 Upper Península Hospital for the Insane, current expenses, etc., sec. ü, act 196, 1895 65,000 00 Michigan Asylum lor Daugerous and Criminal Insane, repairs, improvemeuts, etc, sec. 3, act 169, 1895 7,375 00 Michigan Home for the l''eeble Minded and Bpileptic, current expenses, etc., sec. 3, act 221, 1895 53,000 CO Michigan School for the Deal', current expenses, etc., sec. 1, act 214, 1885 - 60,000 10 Michigan School for the Blind, current expenses, etc., sec. 2, act 92, 1895 22,000 00 Industrial School for Boys, current expenses, etc., sec. 3, act 172, 1X95 57,750 00 State Iudustrial Home for Girls, current expenses, sec. 3, act 195, 1895 38,662 60 Michigan Mining School, current expenses, sec 4, act 167, 1895 40,000 00 State Board of Fifh Commissioners, current expenses, sec 3, act 71, 1895 27,500 00 State Board of Health, sec 2, act241, 1881 2,000 00 State Weather Service, Colleetiou andcompllation of climatic and meteorolcgical data, etc, sec. 5, act 246. 18H5 1,000 00 Michigan National Quard, sec. 960, (H S.) act 198, 1893 89,665 64 State Naval Mllitia Fund, sec. 36, act 211, 1895, % of one cent per capita 2,802 05 Copying Records in Adjutant Geueral's office, sec 3, act 30. 1895 4,000 00 State Library, Management and Control, etc., sec. 10, act 28, 1895- 5,000 00 Dairy and Food Inspectlon, sec. I 12. act 245. 1895 9,400 00 Michigan Dairymen's Associatlon, Institutes, etc, sec. 3. act 249, 1895 1,000 00 State Horticultural Society, Editing and Compiling fteports, etc, sec. 4, act 194, 1Í95 1,500 00 State Board of Agriculture, Institutes, etc, sec 6, act 106, 1895 5,000 00 Michigan's War Governor, Austin Blair, statue of, J. R 1 1, 1 895 10,000 00 General Purposes, sec. 2, act 265, 1895 1.171,000 00 Total $2,068,538 62 There is also to be levied as a portion of the eounty taxes, as required by Section 35, Act 206, laws of 1893 (unlëss paid prior to Oct. lst), the indebtedness of your eounty to the state on the lst lay of July, 1896, then amountine to $1,289.01. The indebtedness of the eounty must not be added to the state tax. You will cause the above to be laid jefore the Board of Supervisors of your eounty at their session in October, 1896. Please acknowledge immediately the receipt of this notice. Very respectfully, Stanley W. Turner, Auditor General. Report received, read and referred to ■lie Committee on Apportionment of State and County Taxes. Mr. Case moved that the Public Buildng Committee report the amount of insurance on each building, and in what companies and to whom it runs. Adopted. Mr. Lighthall moved that we adjourn ill tomorrow at 10 o'clock a. m. Carried. Jno. R. Miner, Chairman. Wit. Dansingbüeg, Clerk. Tuesday, Oet, 13, 1896. The Board met pursuant to adjournment Roll called. Quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Ball, from Committee on Criminal Claims, made the following report, which was adopted : Claimed. Allowed. 10. M. Belser, " ... $ 00 $5 00 11. M. Belser, " ... 5 00 5 00 12. E. F. Chase, physician, 10 00 10 00 Mr. Forsyth moved that the hour for ceiving bids for medical and surgical attendance at the county jail be postponed until to-morrow, at 10 o'clock a. m. Adopted. Mr. Damon moved that the Clerk be nstructed to not issue blanks for miliary lists unless ordered to do so by the governor. Adopted. Mr. Watkins offered the following: VVhereas, The collection of farm staistics by Supervisors is a source of great expense to the state, and Whereas, The interests of agriculture are not advauced thereby ; Therefore, se it Resolved, By the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County, in animal session onvened, that the Represeutatives and Senator from this county be requested o secure the repeal of all acts requiring ;he collection of fruit, farm and apiaian statistics. Adopted. The chairman appointed as a commit;ee to procure conveyances to the County House, Messrs. Eberbach, Whittaker, Plowlett. On motion of Mr. Bibbins the Board ook a recess. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. The hour having arrived for the election of the Board of County Canvassers, the chair appointed as tellers Mr. Case and Mr. Lighthall. The first ballot resulted as follows : Whole No. of votes cast, 28, Of which Arthur Brown received 28. The second ballot resulted as follows : Whole No. of votes cast, 28, Of which H. G. Prettyman received 28. The third ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 28. Of which J. W. Babbitt received 28. On motion M. S. Cook was elected altérnate. The compensation for the members of the board was fixed at $3.00 per day. The liour having arrived for the election of a inember of the Board School of Examiners that business was proceeded with. Martin J. Cavanaugh having received a majority of all the votes cast, he was declared elected. The hour set for the election of janitor of the court house having arrived, the clerk was directed to cast the vote of the Board for Martin Davenport. Whole No. of votea cast 28, of which Martin Davenport received 28. The following bids were received for printing the proceedings of the Board : To the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Gextliümen: - We wtll pnblish the proceedings of i he bemrd for tlie year 189G, in the Argus and print and bind 1,000 copies in pampulet form at the rate of .f 1.91 per page. Kespectfully. BEAKBS & MlNGAY. 7'" !!'■ Committee on Priniimi and the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw' County : Gentlemen:- We will furnlsh you 1000 copies of the proceediugs of Board of Supervisors prlnteü in pamphlet form and bound in cover same au last year, and also print all matter in the Weekly Coühier for the sum of ($1.74) one dollar and seventv-four cents per page, all work to be flrst-class aud to be eompleted within (30) thirty days after copy is in our hands. Yours very truly, Coukiek Office, Ann Arbor, Mich. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: Gentlemen:- We hereby agree to publish the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors translated in the Germán langnage in the Hausefreund and Post for the sum of slxty dollars ($60.) Yours respectfully, Louis J. Lkisimer, Prop. Hausfreund & Post. To the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: Gentlemen.- We hereby agree to publish the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, translated in the Germán language in the Xue Washtenaw Post for the sum of ($6?) sixtvtvvo dollars. Yours respectfully, EüQENE J. HELBEB. Mr. Boyle moved that the bid of the Hausfreund & Post be accepted. Adopted. SUPERVISOR'S PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from sixtli page.) Mr. Case moved tliat the bid of the Ann Arbor Courier be accepted. Adopted. The chairman substituted Mr. Beacli in placo of Mr. Bibbins on the cominittee to settle with the county officers. On inotion of Mr. Kitson the board adjourned. John R. Miner, Chairman. Wji. Dansingbubg, Clerk. Wednesday, Oet. 14, 1896. The board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. The hour having arrived the Drain Comissioner made the following report, which was accepted and ordered printed with the proceedings : ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER. 7o the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaui County: Gentlemen :- In accordance with the provlsions of the statute iu such case made and provided, I have the honor to submit iny annual ■ eport as County Drain Commissioner ol the county of Washtenaw covering the period from the 21st day of October, A. D., 1895, to the 13th day of October, 1896. The following named drains were left unflnished at the date of my last report, vlz. the clean ing out of the west branch of the big marsh drain of the township of Augusta. Said drain is now completed, Financial statement of the west banch of the Big Marsh Draiu, West branch of the Big Marsh Drain Fund: INCIDENTALS. To Jerome Allen ior surveying $6 00 Ann Arbor Argus for printing 9 80 Albert Kerchen, help surveying .. .. 75 Walter Kerchen, hlp surveying. ... 75 Sidney Saunderson, help surveyine 75 D. W.Kane, help on drain 175 D. W. Kane, hauling tile 2 00 D. W. Kaue, tile for highway 5 00 D. ÏF. Barry, commissioner fees 21 60 EXCAVATI0N9. Thos. Gotts, 40 rods at 11 cents per rod 4 40 John Percavle, 40 rods at 10 cents per rod 4 00 Jas. Thorn, 40 rods at 9 cents per rod 3 60 Albert Ketcheson, 40 rods at 10 cents perrod 4 00 Albert Ketcheson, 40 rods at 8 cents perrod 3 20 Jas. Thorn, 40 rods at 10 cents per rod 4 00 Jas. Thorn, 40 roas at 14 cents per rod 5 60 S. B. Carter, 10 rods at 15 cents per rod 6 00 Geo. Evens, 40 rods at 19 cents per rod 7 60 Harvey Dey, 40 rods at 39 cents per rod 15 60 J. D. O'Brien, 25 rods at 50 cents per rod 12 50 $118 80 Ten per cent added ... 1188 Total 8130 68 By the amount assessed to the Township of Augusta 26 13 Amount assessed the first year 1W 55 Total Í130 68 The following named drains have been begun by me. during the year, and are only partiy completeu, to-wit: The Willow Run Drain of the Townships of Superior and Ypsilanti, and the clearing out of the east hranch of the Big Marsh Drain of the Township of Augusta. On account of the wet weather said drains are still uncompleted. but if the weather is favorable I expect to have tnem fiuished this fall. also the cleaniug out of the Bvidgwater No. 1 Drain. This dram is iet but will not be completed uutil next year. I also have a petition for eleanlng out a drain in the Township of Northfleld and making a record of the same, the records of said draius seems to have been lost. And I DoHep.eby Certify, Thattheabove embraces a full and true report of all the drains constructed, finished, or begun under my supervisión, or applied for during the year now endins and that the financial statement of each drain, which accornpaiiies this report, is true and correct. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this I3th day of October, A. D.. 1896. Daniel W. Barry, Connty Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw. The hour having arrived for receiving bids for medical and surgical attendance of prisoners at the jail, the following bids were received : Bid of Dr. E. A. Clark, $24. Bid of Dr. Wm Blair. $25. Bid of Dr. C. W. Ryan, SAX Bid of Dr. M. F. Belser, $3'L Bid of Dr. H. J. Pearson, $21. The bid of Dr. H. J. Pearson being the lowest was on motion accepted. Wm. Ball, from committee on civil claims reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated Clairaed. Allowed. Frank Staffan, burial of soldiers Í 80 00 80 00 Ma ck Mack, burial of soldiers 40 00 40 00 Wallace & Ulark, burial of solctiers, _.. 120 00 120 00 O. M. Martin, burial of soldiers _ 40 00 40 00 W. G. Dleterle for burial of soldiers 40 00 40 00 J. W. Morton, examination of insane 5 00 5 00 John Kapp, examination of insane 5 00 5 00 C. G. Dariing, examination of insane "„ __ 00 5 00 M. L. Besier, examination of insane 5 00 5 00 Wm. K. Breakev, examination ol insane 1 5 0Ü 5 00 E. A. Clark, examination of insane 5 00 5 00 S. A. Jones, examinatiou of in sane 5 00 5 00 Adopted. The clerk presented ac ommunication from the superintendent of the Detroit House of Correction in regard to concontracting for board of prisoners, and was directed to sign a contract with the superintendent for the same. Mr. Damon moved that the hour for fllling vacancies in lists of persons who have the care of burial of soldiers be postponed until Tusday, at 10 p'clock a. m. Carried. Mr. Case made a verbal report of the doings of the State Board of Equalization. Mr. Watkins moved that a vote of thanks be tendered Mr. Case for the able manner in which he represented the county at said board. Carried. On motion of Mr. Bibbins the board took a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON SESS1OX. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Quorum present. Mr. Ball, from committee on Claims reported the following bilis, and recomïnended their allowance at sums stated : Claimed. Allowed. Dr. Elias Smlth, examination of insane. ? 7 00 % 7 00 Dr. E. Ba! well, examinatlon oí insane 10 80 10 80 Dr. E. Batwell, examination ot insane 7 00 7 00 Dr. C.F. Kapp. examination of insane 11 00 11 00 Geo. M. Huil, examination of insane 7 00 7 00 C. R. Wilcoxson, examination of insane 7 00 7 00 C. E. Wllcoxson, examination of insane- - 7 00 7 00 Arthur Kitson, services 2 10 2 10 Fred'k Kapp, services - 3 20 8 20 B. F. Watts, care of clock 26 25 26 25 Which report was adopted. Mr. Hunter from Committee on Criminal Claims, Xo. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated. Claimed. Allowed. Edmund C. May, justice $ 5 20 $5 20 Edward Dudy, witness 95 95 Edward Dudy, witness 95 95 S. C. Palmer, juror 75 75 Chas. Dudy, juror 75 75 Fred Price, juror 75 75 Frank May, juror 7S 75 Geo. A. Marshall, Juror 75 75 L. R. Hadley, juror 75 75 Paul Schall, constable 3 75 3 75 James Doyle, justice 4 10 4 10 Mary Kiley, witness 96 96 A. C. Merick 9 96 Mary Brown, witness 96 96 Mrs. Wm. Gray, witness 96 96 Thos. Geroe, witness 96 96 Fay Jackson, witness 96 96 Walter Burtless. wituess 48 48 - Redman, witness 48 48 Mary Saxon, witness 48 48 Ada Redman, witness 48 48 Robert Brown, witness 48 48 Walter P. Beach, Justice 97 69 97 69 Adopted. Mr. Feiner, from Committee on Contagious Diseases, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, which was adopted. Claimed. Allowed. H. I. Post, physieian $ 24 50 $ 24 50 J. W. Gregg, physician 100 100 W. A. Maler, groceries 41 46 41 46 Mr. Bibbins, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance, which was adopted : Claimed. Allowed. Isaac Davis, deputy sheriff $ 16 15 16 15 Archie Gauntlett. deputy sneriff 44 63 37 88 Mr. Forsythe moved that hereafter the sheriff be allowed $3.00 per day, and deputy sheriffs $2.00 per day, when unsuccessful in making an arrest, and when successful, the legal fees. Wliich motion was lost. On motion of Mr. Hunter the Board adjourned. Jno. R. Mixer, Chairman. Wm. Dansingburg, Clerk. Thursday, Oct. 15, 1896. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Quorum present. The minutes of yesterd&y were read and approved. The hour set for hearing the treasurer's report havina; arrived, the treasurer read the report, as follows : To the Honarable, the Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Gentlemen. - I herewith transmit my report of moneys received and paid out by me during the time from Oct. 1, 1895, to Oct. 1, 189Ö, as shown by the books of this office on the first day of Oct., 1896, all of which is respectfully submitted for your inspection and examination. N. F. REHFÜSS, County Treasurer. BECKIPTS. Ann Arbor City. State and County Tax_ - 21,726 34 Poor Tax 812 68 Rejected Tax 5 03 L. I,. Tax 17,880 00-$ 40,424 05 Ypsilanti City. State and County Tax 9,787 04 Poor Tax 763 31 L. L. Tax 5,130 00- 15,680 35 Ann Arbor Toxvn. State and County Tax 3,552 82 Poor Tax 90 85- 3,643 67 Agusla Town. State and County Tax 2,045 86 Poor Tax 48 04 Drain Tax 5 93- 2,099 83 Bridgewater Town. State and County Tax 3,095 02 L. L. Tax 500 3,595 02 Dexter Town, State and County Tax. ._ 2,145 55- 2,145 55 Freedom Town. State and County Tax 2,928 00 - 2,928 09 Lima Town. State and County Tax 3,289 98 Poor Tax 27 96 Drain Tax 468 63- 3,781 57 Lodi Town State and County Tax 3,756 53 Poor Tax 28 33 Kejected Tax 17 L. h. Tax 500 4,285 03 Lyndon Town. State and County Tax 1,61146- 1,61146 Manchester Town. State and County Tax 4,531 28 Poor Tax 68 32 L. L. Tax 65 00- 4,664 60 Northfield Town. State and County Tax - 2,967 99 Poor Tax 65 89 L.L.Tax 500 3,533 88 Pittsfleld Tou-n. State and County Tax 4,530 52- 4,530 52 Salem Town. State and County Tax 3,663 31 Poor Tax 18 59 Draiu Tax 289 3,976 72 Saline Town. State and County Tax 4,394 85 Pooi' Tax 137 77- 4,532 62 Sharon Town. State and County Tax - 3,044 61 Poor Tax 73 93- 3,11S 54 Scio Town. State and County Tax 5,286 21 Poor Tax 180 37- 5,466 58 Superior Town. State and County Tax- 3,8JI 16 Poor Tax 68 82- 3,914 78 Sylvati Town. State and County Tax 4,064 25 Poor Tax... 1Í) 15 Draiu Tax 67 43- 4,150 83 Websier Toivn. State and County Tax - 3,477 33 Poor Tax 68 32- 3,545 05 York Town. State and County Tax - 3,879 29 Kejected Tax 91- 3.SS0 23 Ypsilanti Town. State and County Tax - 3,868 69 Poor Tax 82 02- 3,950 71 Annual Tax Sales 256 90- 256 90 Cuelsea Village L. L 2,500 00- 2,500 00 Contingent Fund. C. H. Kempf 24 55 W. K. Childs 53 00 J. V. Babbitt 4 25 Ed. Root 8 50 Wm. l.iuisingburg 72 Counly Fund. Wm. Dansingburg 65 03- 65 OS Delinquent Tax 3,212 24- 3,212 24 Dexter Viilage L. L 2,000 00- 2 000 00 Interest Fund 556 36- 556 36 Manchester Village L. L. 4,000 00- 4,000 00 Milan Village L. L 1,000 00- 1,000 00 State of Micli. Primary Money 16,107 11- 16.107 11 E. P. Mason 294 40- 2J4 40 Fine Money 305 50- 305 50 Redemption Tax 38 66- 38 66 Saline Village L. L 2,000 00- 2,000 00 Teacher's Institute Fund 233 00- 23? 00 Sukey's Bondsmen 3,500 00- 3,500 00 Geo. Bradley Pers'n'lTax 1188 Cash at A. A. Savings Bank Oct. 1, 1895 9,075 30 9,075 30 Total Amount Rec'd $174,773 13- 174,773 13 DISBURSEMENTS. Ann Arbor City. Primary Money 2,599 56 1). L. T 959 10 Annual Tax Sales 38 44 Redemption Tax 18 21 L. L. 288 75 Primary Money 1,401 62 Fine Money 152 35 h. L. Tax 8,479 13,937 38 Ypsilanti City. Primary Money 1,396 06 D. L. T 559 38 Annual Tax ales 1 12 76 Primary Money 759 00 Fine Money 82 50 L. L. Tax 2,539 5,449 04 Ann Arbor Town. Primary Money 214 97 Primary Money 110 86 D. L. T - - 1 04- 326 87 Augusta Town. Primary Money 508 79 D. L. T 29 38 D L T - - 42 32 Annual Tax Sales 22 39 Primary Money 273 24 Fine Money 6 10- 882 22 Bridgewater Town. L. L. Hildinger, 1893 247 EO L. L. Hildinger 148 50 Primary Money 264 77 Primary Money 141 22 D. L. T 2 68- 804 67 Dexter Town. Primary Money 187 58 Primary Money 104 88 Fine money 11 303 86 Freedom Town. Primary Money 370 18 Primary Money 207 00 Fine Money 22 599 68 Lima Town. Primary Money 228 25 Primary Money 128 80 Fine Money 14 00 D. L. T - 31 46- 402 51 Lodi Town. Primary Money 249 00 Primary Money 131 56 D. L. TZ 88 Fine Money 14 30 L. L. Money 247 643 24 Lyndon Town. Primary Money 158 53 Primary Money. - 93 84 Fine Money 10 20 D. L. T .. 8 41- 270 98 Manchester Town. Primary Money 548 63 Primary Money 300 84 Fine Money 32 70 L. L. Money 32 17 D. L. T - 26 42- 940 76 Northfleld Town. Primary Money 256 47 Primary Money 138 46 Fine Money 15 05 L. L. Money 247 50- 657 48 Pittsfleld Town. Primary Money 249 83 Primary Money 132 02 Fine Money.- 14 396 20 Salem Toivn. Primary Money 223 27 Primary Money . 127 88 Fine Money 6 85 D. L. T 75- 358 75 Saline Town. Primary Money 462 31 Primary Money.- - 242 88 Fine Money 14 55 D. L. T 23 00- 742 74 Sharon Town. Primary Money 283 86 Primary Money 154 56 Fine Money 1 439 77 Scio Town. Primary Mone5' 462 35 Primary Money 23! 36 Fine .Money 25 80 Fine Money 112 33 D. L. T 40 61- 874 45 Superior Town. Primary Money 287 18 Primary Money 153 18 Fine Money 1 441 96 Sylvan Town. Primary Money 564 40 Primary Money - - 326 60 Fine Money 22 15 D. L. T 52 60- 965 75 Webster Town. Primary Money 170 15 Primary Money 86 94 Fine Money 1 45- 258 54 Ypsilanti Town. Primary Money 249 83 Primary Money 132 94 Fine Money 14 45- 397 22 York Town. Primary Money 507 96 Primary Money 287 50 Fine Money 19 95 D. JL. T 212 77 D. L. T 117 56 Annual Tax Sales 11 03 Redemption Tax -- 2 66- 1,159 43 Board of School Ex.Fund 1,400 40- 1,400 40 Chelsea Village L. L 1,237 50- 1,237 50 Contingent Fund 9,429 45- 9,429 45 Soldiers' R. Com 521 521 40 County Fund 7,475 44- 7,475 44 Dexter Village L. L 990 00- 990 00 Eastern Micli. Asylum.. 3,500 50- 3,500 50 Fuel Fund 953 89- 953 89 General Fund 527 59- 527 59 House of Correction F'nd 494 09- 494 09 Jail Fund... 2,229 2,229 39 Jury Fund 4,650 20- 4,650 20 Manchester Village L. L. 1,980 00 Milan Village L. L 495 00- 495 00 Poor Fund-' 4,955 63- 4,955 63 Public Building Fund 811 31- 811 31 State of Michigan Tax- 81,983 59- 81,983 59 Salary Fund- - 7,775 7,775 88 Saline Village L. L 1,155 00- 1,155 00 Stenographer's Fund 999 "0- 999 70 WitneSB Fund 185 185 76 Institute Fund 179 70- 179 70 Mili Lake Drain 511 70- 511 70 Kridgewater Drain No. 1 4 50- 4 50 Buck Creek Drain 3 50- 3 50 Salera No. 1 Drain 276 94- 276 94 Salino River Drain 84 50- 84 50 S & B Drain 21 98- 21 98 West Branch Big Marsh Drain 49 68- 49 68 Checks paid since Oct. 1. 18951 2 152 15 Checks out not paid Oct. 1, 1S96 134 82 Total amount paid out. -$116,139 87 Bal. due County Oct. 1,'96 8,768 08 11,250 99 The following is the amount of Fine money collected f rom Oct. 1, 1895, to Oct. 1, 1896, viz. : 1895. Oct. 12. By Cash, Wm. DansIngburg f 40 00 Oct. 12. By Cash, Chas. H. Stannard 10 00 Oct. 12. By Cash, G. W. TurnBull 2 00 Oct. 19. By Cash. Wm. DansIngburg. 20 00 Oct. 19. By Cash, E. B. Pond. 5 00 Oct. 19. ByCash.A. E.Gibson 26 00 Oct. 19. By Cash, Chas. Stannard 10 50 Oct. 26. By Cash, Jas. Doyle- ó 00 Dec. 2. By Cash, Wm. Dansingburg 25 00 1896. Jan. 18. By Cash, Wm. Dansingburg 50 00 Feb. 29. By Cash, Chas. H. StanDard 25 00 April 25. By Cash, E. B. 17 00 3Vlay 9. By Cash, Jas. Doyle.. 1 00 June 13. By Cash, Jas. Doyle- 1 00 June 30. By Cash, E. B. Pond. 27 00 Aug. 31. By Cash, B. F. Tuttle. 5 00 Sept. 30. By Cash, E. B. . 36 00 Total amount S305 50- $305 50 Which report was accepted and referred to the committee to settle with the county officers, and ordered printed with the proceedings. Mr. Bibbins, froni committee on criminal claims Xo. 1, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance. Which report was adopted as follows: Claimed All'd 713 Jay Woed. deputy sheriff ...$75 35 % 74.35 714 HarrisBall.deputy sheriff . 85.90 85.90 715 Lester Can field, dep'y sheriff 180.46 177.96 Mr. Forsythe moved that rule No. 6 in the order of business be stricken out. Carried. Mr. Case moved that the clerks be instructed to obtain from the bank the amount of money on hand Oct. lst, belonging to the county. Carried. The special hour fixed by the board for visiting the county house having arrived, the board resolved itself into committee of the whole with Mr. Hall in the chair, and proceeded to the county house. After being absent for a time the committee returned to the supervisor's room in the court house, and through its chairman, Mr. Hall, asked for further time in which to make a report. Which was granted. Whereupon the board adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock a. m. Jno. R. Miner, Chairman. Wm. Dansingburg, Clerk.


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