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Yon can shoot quaüs now- if yon i can find any. The ii'ctinv couree at Pinekney opens Xov. 20. Daniel Ailsworth. aged 91, is the olöest votar in York. Tjconíird Tjiirkins, oí oaítem, litis beeti sent to the Pon trie asr'.uni. A mimber of Snlemirtes have soné to the north wim;!s liúntitog. Tiert Heath and Mlss Carrie ]et were married at Azalia Oet. 28. cota Is uet as gcod as p-nid to-day. anywhere In tb? United States. Chas. Ieeson wJOl again teach tlie schooi in the Crnft's district, Sharon. Now that McKlnley te elected, ■Wayne has ordered 20 new Btreet lamps. Nearly every township and precinct In the county reports the highest vote ever polled. Roberi Clare Campbell of Pittsfield, preached at the churoli at Sylyan Center last Snnday. John Bristle, of Sharon, dislocated hLs shrnldor re.cently, whieli raised the brisftes on John. D.imon and Pythia-s the'two great friends, appeared at the Chelsea opera house Tuesday eveniíig. The lecture course at Milán vill eommenee"Wednesday evenlng Dec. 2d with the Bliss Concert Co. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Townsend, of Manchester celebrated their 4=0th marriage anniversary recentay. Mies Alta Maud Dalrymple formerly of Milán, dled at X-udington, Nov 4, oí consumption, aged about 20 years. Tlie Sabbath schools of Balem wlll hold an institute af the Congregational church to-morrow afternoon. John "W. Spoor, of Dexter, has moved lils harness shop to his residence, where he will be glad to see his oíd customers. Lieut. Harry Kies, of Brldgewater, and Mlss Miretta Fellows, daughter of C. M. Fellows, of Saline, were mairied last Thursday. A mimber of farmers in Manchester and Bridgewater townships have given public notlce that no hunting will be allowed on their farms. CL-u-oncc Gage, a farmer living cast of Grass Lake, is braggbig over a potato that weighs 4 1-2 pounds.- Chelsea Herald. Sweet or Irteh ? The republicans of Augusta defeated their own man for the best office In the county. "VVhat's the matter with the republicans of Augusta ? The farmers did not realize enough from their apples at the Dexter apple house to pay for bringing them in and so that concern lias elosed. The chteken thieves of Milán are a gentel gentry. They wear toothpick sboes. Tracks show it. - Advian Press. The Blissïield Fai-mer's Club is to have a fair next season. What's the matter with sonie of our fair farmer's clubs ? Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wedemeyer of Chelsea, have a little daughter at their home, over which there, is mucü rejoicing. Toot FuUerton, of Wliïttaker, lost $10 on electlon day- not by staking ilt on the wrong side, but by dropping it in making chango. On Monday night of last week a house belonglng to C. M. Ableson, of Superior, was burned. Total loss. Insured in the Washtenaw "Mutual for ior $500. The "Washtenaw supervisors made a shot that brought down high game when they cut the satory oí the game warden from $2 to 50 cents per day. - Adrián Press. The Junior League of the M. E. church, Milan, will have Eft'ie Pullen for president : Harry Ingersoll for secretary, Paul Ñewcomb for treasurer, the ejituing quarter. A little Stockbridge girl had her bones cracked in playing "crack the wliip," and has concluded that it is a cracking game, but not just what it is cracked up toi be. Supervisor Whittaker, of Scio, regardless of election and the wayl it went, lias been grading his lot and improving his property in Dexter village. Good for "By." A Loyal Temperance Reglón has been organized at Milan with Cecll Lockwood, president ; Olare Andrus, secretary ; Jessie Pullen, treasurer ; Harry Ingersoll, captain. It is said thni the editwrol the Bellevue EnteiiJrise has actually got a ïlock of ten young crows running around hfe office. He should eend them to David Bennett Hill. C. W. Iankton drove over to Aan Arbor Tuesday, alter hlB wife and baby. Mrs. Liankton had been at tt he Homeopathie hospital the past ten days where she went before the class and had an operation perlormed, removlng a tumor from the breast. - Clinton Local. Jas. E. Stafford, a edored man living in Bridgewater, waived exainination in Justice Webb's court, at Saline Monday, on a chítrge of rape and was bound over to the ciircuit court for trial. Marshall O. Straight, formerly of Ypsiianti. mul Miss Helen A. Parker of Grand Raplds, were married ïfq-v. 10, and will be a home at Gl WÖliams st., Cxrand Rapids, alter December lst. Fleming Bueenbark, nf Ann Arbor town, flled Nov. 4. aged 58 years and 5 mos His death was from heart trouble, and vêry sudden. Funeral services were held Saturday last from the Mand church. The Miaa.n High School held a mock election on electloh day, to teach the pupila how olectioms were earrie'd on. A splcndid idea. Too little knowledge of civil governmemt la oibtalned in our BChooüB at present. A man not a thonsand miles from höre tried to lead horse across the oattte snard on TliP vailvnad Sunday night. The horse was no fancy rope walker, and the natural result followed.- Stockbridge Sun. "What's the marter wiith the MÜan Cornet hand ? Tbey're O. K.. so say those who heard them here Monday nisht. The overture discoursed by them in the opera house was espeeially fine.- Brighton Citizen. A pretty good thing istold by Chas. Sohmltt- saloon keeper- on himself. Whatever his intentions were matters not. Imt his vote was a straight prohibition vote. His friends have the laugh on him.- Milán leader. Jas. Hall, who died at his home in Kast Putnam township. Oetobcr 21, of cáncer, was well knoivn to many of our readers. He was a pioneer of Livingston county and one of its most respected cltizens.- Dexter Leader. "A hornet's nest was destroyed at Aaldron last weï, says the Hudson Republk-an. It was taken entire and measured more than a yard in clrcumference, and welffhed almost three pounds. and'contained over 700 hornets." "Wonder who counted the hornets ? It Is rumored that the oíd Boyd mili at Sylvan Center, wi'l sion b? put into operatiom again. "We hope the rumor may prove true.- Chelsea Standard. Hope so too. for you know it is "bertïter to set the milis sotas: than the mints - espooi ally when there is any julep in the mint. ' Some one recently stole a ttve-gallon can of oil out of the "Whittaker chureh. He had read in the Bible the Btory of the foo'teh virglna who got out of kerosene on a vital occasion. Ah, liovr m.-iTiy, unülke this man, have faüled to profit by that lesson. - Adrián Tress. ■ Archie Gauntlett and famiiy and a few friends wlll eat an' oyster supper at bis home nest Tuesday evening wtth Artlmr Coe and wiíe and a -few of their friends, at the expense of Arthur Coe, who, wtth hls friends. are to cook the supper and "do up" the dlshes. That's because McKinley wai elected 'amd Bryan was not.- Milan Leader. People oftenlaugh when a woman throwa ball or a stone, because she seldom hits what she throws at, but several days ago a man well knpwn in town attempted to knock an apple off a tree and smash went the apple clean through a netghbor's wlndow. Of course he apologized and ofFord to put in a new glass.- Manchester Enterprise. I lie pastor oí the churcli at Sylvan Center makes tiiis announcement in the last Cheteea Standard: '"The pastor of imi' cliun-li desires to make public tli" fact tliat he will be busily engaged tiiU winter wltb bis ckralng univerglty studies, and hopes tais wll] suTflce to excuse any apparent neüLci-t oi pastoral visltation on liis part. ' An exch&ñge telte í a flog that has eaten ap a farm and all its buildings. The eur killed a neighbor's aheep The nelghtor ofíered to cali it square if the dog wae killed. The dog's masterreíused to agree to thte and a laweuit eame next. To pay I he costs and ages assessed by the eourt the owner of the dog had to mortgage liis farm. The mortgage hadf a bigger appetite ttoan the dog, and Boon liis in 1-111 was gone and the owner had to move away. The funeral of our late townsinan, (ïeo. L. Oirterkllrcher. was neld at the house Sunday afternoon, and was attended by a large number of our ctúzeus. Rev. Tokom preaelied a sliort sermón, after wiiih Rev. Schoettle preahed a sermón im Germán. The beautüful funeral service of the Masoniu fraternity was then read and tlie rematas were conducted to Oak Srove Cemetery and deposited in the grave by Manchester lodge F. & A. M.- Enterprise. Principal J'.oone ordered every national llag at the Normal building raised this moraing in honor of McKinley's election. They have not íloated to the breeze before this, durlog the present school year. For the first time since the war, if not in its history, the principal's office has been decorated wtth a carapaii-n portrait oí a preaMential candiílate (MoKinley) during the contest. There is no question of the Principal's political bias, no matter what may be thought ,of of the propriety of thus displaying it.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. The occasion for patriotism in this edection) was as great as dürilng the war, and Principal Boone appears to have the sand to amnounce himseli in a public Avay, a lover of hie country above all things etee.


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