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Can Cure Asthma And Hay Fever

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'Tlue maJoiPl'ty of eufferers from Astlhmia iand kind'red eoanptoiints, aïter tirying doctors and atumlberleee remedies advertiised as ptosttlve cures wittoout ava.:l, Quave cionne to Hie eoaiclusion bbat tihere is m ouire for tbiis1 most dfis'bressimg disease, and ttuese same persoms wiill be tlie more in doubt and skeptJral wtan Ühey tliromgh tbe columns o-I the prees tha.t j)r. Rudolp'h Scili'iïinnaiin, the recogoüzed apt'hiarity wüio lias treated more cases of bhiosü diseases tÜLan a,ny living doctor, bas acfliiieved Bwecess by perfecting a remedy wMclh nat only gives Immediate relief in the worst cases, but bas poBütively careil tiliousands of buIipici's wlio were eojisödered incurable. Thiose V-ere just as skeptjcal-as somo of our readers now are. Dr. Séhájjnianm's remedy niO' diOiuibt possesses the merit wMöh is claimed ior it or he would njot authiortoa tliis paper to amniOTmce fcbat (he is not only ivilling bo giTe free t)O each penson sufferiing tncwn Aeröhima, Hay Te'ver of BroudbitiB in tlhis city, one liberal "freo bríiaJ l),ox" of hJÖ Cure, buk urgentiy requostn 11 sutferers Ij cali at (loodye'ar's Drug Stj'ore, An.n Arlmv, -witlhSn tjLe next t'liree (ïays receive a package iibsoiutely free of charge, kmow'.iig tihiat in making the claim hie dioes for his Cure, a stro.m? doubt miay arJse in 'tibe minde oí manyí and tibat a personal test, as hej offers to all, Avill be m.oii'e comvinioing, and pwve 1-tB meri'ts, tban tihe puiblishlng of thouisn.nds of testiinoii'.als fvom peraoins wjjio bave been pevmanently curod by tbe uise of ihlte Asttumia Cure. "Dr. SeWflmainia's Asthma Cure." as dit. is called, bas been sold by dvnsrgists of th'.'s oSty ever is toce it wad first introduced. altDuongb many per-ons may have heard of i't, and it is wlth a view to rencMiTr tho-o that he maíces tJhÍB offer. Tliis is certainly a most gemeroras and fair offer, and all wihO1 are siifferilng froim. amy of the aJbove oomplaints wiiould remember the date and place -svliere the diistir-lbutiion will be made, and avall themselves of the same. Persons lKv5ng OTit of tfliiis city ïvlo desire to test fhe effScacy of this most woodertul remedy "svW recei-ve a package free by wriMng to Dr. Saalifmaim, 330 Iinsabel street. S't. Paul, Minn., proViiding their letter is recelved before Oct. 16th, as no fee samples can be obbamed af ter tb at date.


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