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Ladies In Earnest

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Political managers md the public Sn general have been deeply interesed in the aational vote of the women In this cainpaign. This was carried on by means oi' po-staL carda sent by womon all over the United States to a designated inanuïacturing oiïice whosj clerical forcé handled and counteil the ballots. While it ista-ue that the ballots eannot be counted ior the favorite presidential candidates of the fair voters, the movement has underneath it a deep signlficanee, giving an excellent innustration oí the drlít oí opinión aniong womsii, on public matters, as compared with the expressed opinión by the men. It will be observed that the prohibibitioa vote is very much heavier in proportion to the other votes, than. is shown in the men's election. Tliere ane some thousands of 'names whieh can not be eounted as votes, for the reason hat only tliose whose signature appeared on the postal card or envelope, wère eounted. ilany of the ladiee, in their honsty oí purpose, iai'led te nealize t.har much unfairness might creep in If votes veere eounted on the testimony of some other indivirtual than the voter. Tlie vote has been strictüy fair and accurately reported. no prejudice beinig nllowed in the ofi'ice of the Postum Cereal Co., ■u-hose office force, by the way, are about equally dlvided in their opinlons on tlie gold and silver question. Tliis TÑ'oman's Vote had called forta letters from many prominent women througliout the country, and white they know the votes lo not count de facto, the writers appreciate the underying motivo in tfoe movoment, which to bring to the front the idea of the right of ivorara to express Ihcir (ip:nion as to who shall make the laws uuder whleh they, is well as the men are governed. There is a quaininess running tlvrough the followinsr lettor that will be appreciated perhaps. The letter comes from Baltimore, frt. NeTer mind the name or tlie caiididate slip votod for. 'Postran Cereal Food CoMee Co., Battèe Creek, ■Nii'ch. Gentlemen : I ;m vory grateful to yon for tlie benefiiient privilege of voting thls íall. Throngh this one act, you prove that yon think your mothers, wlves, sisters, nuil Bweethearte are citizens of these United States. I never va a Foreigner, and yet this is the first time I have ever been a citizon. I have liever been a traitor, nor a spy of any kind, nevor Wa a bank robber, counterfeiter or thief, never placed in a rëformatory and let loóse a few days before election. never been a druuknrd nor a pauper. The opposite ex teil me the reason. wny I hiave never been a citizen, is because I Tras not born rlghtt. Tbevefore, for over hialí a century, I have been unáble to cast my A-ote. It picases me to cast myf trat vote for truc America.Ti principies. I sincerely trust that the -svomen oí our landill be free to vote hereafter and demónstrate thiat we are progresstng lh the right direction. for our vote will bf. an honesst one for an honest purpese. for right thinking, right living, whích will pive us an honest and intelligent lot of voters, whose efforts will be to put into office the man that ■n-ill stand firm against all that is eVll. It is oí great concern to us who shall be our rulers, and if they stand for poütieal power and emds alone, the inevitable result must be witked in their administration. In the hope that the right may ever be uppermost, I am, Yours very truly, Mrs. " The postal cards.and letters have been draggimg along by various delays of mail, and it has been impossible to give a correct report anti! now. It is published, even at this late date, iin order to give the reader it clear Idea of how the ladies expressed themselves. WOMEN'S VOTE TO DATE. s i a -s & g L 5 3 u u rf o o; g m L j a Connecticut- . 172 12 15 1 Illnols 569 79 2 63 7 Indiana 1313 318 7 Si 24 owa 883 86 2 27 3 Kansas 579 29 15 5 MassactauBetta-6S6 45 2 34 2 Htchigan _. 1427 513 6 72 33 Minnesota 134 18 2 13 issouri 125 7i) 15 5 NebraBka 180 8 15 5 New York 1166 12 4 263 10 Ohlo 238 370 1 77 22 Pennsylvania- 505 36 8 114 16 wisoonsin 29ó Mi 35 Scattering from otlier states- 461 137 21 Hl 1 Total 10,281 1900 55 980 134 Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 7, '96. PerscmaUy appeaored beíore me, a Notaiy Piibliic im and for Calhoun Co. Xlicliigan, C. W. Post, Chainnaa oi the Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., who makea affidavit that the above report of the receipts in the Womau's PresidentlaJ Vote, Ls accurate and correct to the beet of hls knowledge and belief. Jas. Boughton, Notary Public. The company who have paid out a considerable sum of money to conduct thls "Woman's Presklentlal Vote, have eonducted the matter iin the best shapa they were oapable of, and that part of the work is presented! to the Ladies and to the politicians and public at large, with the knowledge that it has afforded considerable interest to all parties ia thta Intensely interesting campaign. No prejudice of any kind has been allowed to creep into the work. It has natu rally brought the Postum Cereal Food Coífee Co. to toto prominence, and tlids might be Booked upon by some people as sometháng oí mi advertieement for them. a greal many letters i tve beeo received, lnqulrtng about the Postum Toocl Coffee, aml pos.-ildy ii would not be amiss to make public explanation Ín this cotamn. Inqnlry fleveloped Uve faot t lint about one person to every thiree, h.aá tuae some form of disorder, ceused by coffee drinking. Tluey are felow to admlit 1lne reason. but finid that their trouble leaves thein wluen coffee te left out 0.1 thielr diet. It mnkos little matter about tire theoriee, although it is knoivn to physicians and c-liemists that eertain alkaloids exist in coffee in email quantities. the sanio as ïound in morphine. whisky., stryehölne and tobáceo. The proof te plain enough, i lm i for sorae reason. CO lee ík a direct pnison to very raany peopie. A warm. nourishiwg, palatablo beverage U wanted at breakfast and perliaps at the other méate. The chocolate, cocoa, etc.. ïaills to fill the want in many cases. After some hundreds of experiments, extending over a period of twelve momths, the Postum Food Ooffee -was flnally discovered. It is ai, strk?tly pure product of the cereals (gnafaw) nlone. No coffee, chicory or other ingrediente of any sort are con■a in it. The codor when breed, Is -the deep soa.l browo of Mocha, which changes to a rich golden browa wlien cream is added, and the taste is nlmost idontieal with the milder ana more expensive grades of Java. About 70 per cent, oí Postum Food Coffee fe made from the part of the ■wheat berry that contatos the glutton and pbosptotes. It is well knowa that brain workers exhaust phosphates rapidly. It -svill well repay any individual who has any form of physcuU disorder, to try for ten days or two weeks leavina; off the common opïfee entirely and usm? Postum. A_ strong, healthful nervoue system will elimínate nlmost any form of disoase, and by leaving off coffee, one gets rid of the active cause of nervous proetrafion. and by taking on Postnm Cereal Food Coffee. one directly bulldS ín llie phosphates and the needed elements to reconstruct the gray matter in the nerve centers throughout the body. Samples of Postum can be had by mail, froe. upon application at the home office at Battle Creek, Michigan. Fancy grocers throughout the United States can furnish it. The, demand for Postum bas been onormous. and has attracted the attention of many imitators. There is lmt one original and palatabie Cereal Food Coffee, as can be easiily determüned by test. The red seals, conbaining 'the worde, "It matea red IïIooiV and the regtetered tlade mark of Postum Cereal on the package, wíl protect the buyer.


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