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Thín, Palé Chíldren One satísfaction ín givíng Scott's Emulsión to chíldren ís they never object to ít. The fact ís, they soon become fond of ít. Another satísfaction ís because ít will make them plump, and give them growth and prosperíty. It should be given to all children who are too thín, or too palé. It does ■ not make them over-fat, but plump. It strengthens the dígestíve organs and the nerves,and furníshes material for rich blood. We have a book telling you more on I the subject. Sent f ree for the asking. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine sulted for any season trut perhaps more genrally needed when the langui.d exnaueted feeling prevails, wlien the ilver in fcr.rpiil and slujrgish and ihe nef-d of a t-onic and a'.terative is feit. A prompt use of thLs medicine had oiten averted a long and perhaps fatal biUoua fever. No medicine wlll act more enrely la counteracting and freeing the system from the malarlal polsou. Headache. Indigestión, Consttpation. Dintn8i yteld to Electric Bltter. 50c an5 $1.00 per bottl at Rberbsch Trvuc & fnemical Co' Oruir tor. and G. J. Hausíeler, Mnorheter. Catarrh Means Danger. Because iif uncheeked it may lead directly to consumption. Catarrh ie caused by iimpure blood. This fact is fully established. Therefore, it Is useless to try to cure catarrh by outward appliications or inhalante. The true Tvay to cure catarrh is to purify the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purlfier, cures catarrh by lts power to drive out all impuritles from the blood. Thousands oí people teEtify that they have been periectly and permanently cured ol catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier